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Everything posted by JanitorWithAGun

  1. JanitorWithAGun

    Vehicles are useless

    Like finding one isn't hard enough, there's always tires and other parts missing and you have to scavenge for an hour to make it work. And even then, it will break for no reason and all tires will explode. All that time you spent scavenging for parts down the drain. I remember when they first introduced vehicles, they always spawned drivable and they didn't break which made the game way more fun. Having no usable vehicles makes the game a chore when you have to do so much running. It just takes too much time to run on such a big map. I know the game is supposed to be hardcore and realistic but the current system is not realistic. It's just frustrating for no reason, vehicles don't break so easily and there's no reason they can't spawn with all parts intact more often. Are they planning on changing this or are they just gonna remain useless?
  2. JanitorWithAGun

    Vehicles are useless

    Just lol. Tires don't magically explode in real life, nor do they get stuck on tiny objects. They don't flip for no reason either. This is the average experience finding a vehicle: (Skip to 1:23)
  3. JanitorWithAGun

    Vehicles are useless

    Yeah that's my feelings as well. The time, effort and sheer luck required is just too much.
  4. JanitorWithAGun

    Vehicles are useless

    So they changed that? I haven't found a working vehicle since so I didn't know that.
  5. JanitorWithAGun

    Vehicles are useless

    You sure? Could have sworn I've found freshly spawned vehicles with parts missing.