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Posts posted by JanitorWithAGun

  1. 4 hours ago, Red_Ensign said:

    op, I think you need to go find where the whaaaaaambulances spawn.

    vehicles are fine.  they work just like real-life ones - don't drive like an idiot and you stay on the road.

    Just lol. Tires don't magically explode in real life, nor do they get stuck on tiny objects. They don't flip for no reason either.

    This is the average experience finding a vehicle: (Skip to 1:23)


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  2. 25 minutes ago, Mantasisg said:

    Another "it is not supposed to be easy", "the game is not for you" hipsterish opininon....

    If you like to spend your whole free day to look for a stripped down car which is like 1 out of 20 distributed across 14x14 km map, bring parts just to find that:

    a) car is gone
    b) you don't need it anymore
    c) new parts are missing
    d) you don't want to play DayZ anymore
    c) you are missing tools
    e) you get shot as you get near the car
    and more...

    Ok but you got lucky... you found a car which was not stripped down, or missed very few parts, or had friends to get it going really quickly... many friends. So whats then:

    a) you roll over immediatelly
    b) you get stuck somewhere
    c) you get shot by other guy camping for that car
    d) you don't want to play dayZ anymore
    e) You actually drive well, carefully, succesfully get where you want (if you know where tou want to go) and:

    • You have to go to sleep, or do what you do for life, or whatever...
    • Server turns out to be empty - you are fool
    • You attract multiple players and get shot
    • You are afraid to leave car anywhere because you are almost certain that it will be stolen very quickly

    f) You realise that you don't have any idea where you should go, and the efforts were pointless, you are also afraid to to leave car anywhere.

    Easy peezy lemon squeezy. DayZ is supposed to be hard they say lol 

    Learn to separate playable from difficult. 

    Cars are useless


    Yeah that's my feelings as well. The time, effort and sheer luck required is just too much.

  3. 11 minutes ago, green_mtn_grandbob said:

    From your post it sounds like you haven't played since the vehicles are drivable when you find them in a spawn spot.

    So they changed that? I haven't found a working vehicle since so I didn't know that.

  4. 9 minutes ago, IMT said:

    Trust me, it's not the developers, it's the players. They currently spawn working with every part in there, even the tires. It is the players who throw the parts and other items out..

    You sure? Could have sworn I've found freshly spawned vehicles with parts missing.

  5. Like finding one isn't hard enough,  there's always tires and other parts missing and you have to scavenge for an hour to make it work. And even then, it will break for no reason and all tires will explode. All that time you spent scavenging for parts down the drain.

    I remember when they first introduced vehicles, they always spawned drivable and they didn't break which made the game way more fun. Having no usable vehicles makes the game a chore when you have to do so much running. It just takes too much time to run on such a big map. I know the game is supposed to be hardcore and realistic but the current system is not realistic. It's just frustrating for no reason, vehicles don't break so easily and there's no reason they can't spawn with all parts intact more often.

    Are they planning on changing this or are they just gonna remain useless?

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