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Everything posted by TrojanWarriorFTQ

  1. TrojanWarriorFTQ

    Status access violation

    Did you resolve this?
  2. GROUNDHOG DAYZ EU Server IP: : 2517 ABOUT THE GAMEPLAY Official reproduced with vanilla loot economy Extended day cycle The server is wiped with every significant update Map vote by community poll We have principles, not rules Current map: Lux ABOUT THE SERVER Build: PC Mods: Map only Server type: Private Mode: 1st person Day acceleration: 0.1x Night acceleration: 10x IP: : 2517 ABOUT GROUNDHOG DAYZ Groundhog DayZ reproduces an official server with a concept closely linked with the cult-classic movie. We have principles to follow, map variety, a vanilla loot economy and no mods, so players can simply connect and play DayZ without headaches. Admin is strictly restricted to banning players. No refunds, no teleports, and no opening bases. We wipe the server and vote for a new map with every significant update. We are a brand new community built with DayZ experience dating back to the mod, and we know the game and the community. We are dedicated to providing a great place to play and the values we are built on: driven, agile, respectful and open. Our discord helps players to create, communicate and collaborate more effectively. If this type of community excites you, we’d love for you to join us. New community discord link
  3. TrojanWarriorFTQ

    Xbox Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    Little by little the game gets ever closer to completion. Lots of good things coming in that list. Bullet rebalance being a major one.
  4. TrojanWarriorFTQ

    Armband Dyeing

    It's a mysterious art. There are no definitive how-to's on the web. I've seen the pretty colour wheel but its not easy to understand. The easiest colour chart to follow is this http://www.dayztv.com/pic/dayz-armband-color-recipes-many-colors/ BUT It's doesn't mention about bleaching first, which isn't mentioned in most posts I've found about the subject. Things I've tried: -Water level 55 litres (quarter full). Starting to colour with 6RB/6BB and 10 unbleached arm bands plus other items inside. No result. Bleaching 10 arm bands with one full bottle then starting to colour with 6RB/6BB and 10 bleached arm bands plus other items inside. No result. With one armband from the bleaching above and starting to colour with 6RB/6BB plus other items inside. No result. With same arm band starting to colour with 5RB/5RB and no items in barrel. No result. I need to know: 1) Is there a limit to the number of armbands that can be dyed with one full disinfectant bottle? Maybe only some of them were bleached? 2) Do you have to colour one arm band at a time? 3) Does the amount of water in the barrel affect the process like it does with tanning leather? If so how much is needed? 4) If the amount of ingredients shown is 6 red berries, 6 blue berries is this only for one arm band? Do you multiply ingredients by 2 if you colour two arm bands? 5) Do you need to remove all other non-related items from the barrel before bleaching and colouring? 7) When colour clothes option is selected the barrel lid cannot be opened. After 1 minute it can. Is this the completion of the process? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  5. TrojanWarriorFTQ

    Experimental Update 1.03.151511

    Hi Baty, There is no mention of the hotbar / swapping issue. There’s a problem with swapping and using hot keys. With item in hand it’s not possible to swap with hot keys or drag and swap. Item must be removed from hands then selected to hands by drag or hotkey. Integrity of files have been verified.
  6. TrojanWarriorFTQ

    Game development - Version tracking.

    How are game versions managed? With different specialists working on different aspects of the game what methods are used to ensure you are releasing the latest version of all updated aspects so that nothing is overwritten or left out? I’ve noticed little changes that appear to be missing but worked perfectly fine on previous versions. For example, the striking match animation, the hand drill animation, the stacking firewood in the inventory issue, the gun sound issue to name a few. Also different doors resetting to closed after restart, some that were closed are now open and visa versa. It must be very difficult to ensure every specialist’s completed work is gathered into one version for release. How do you achieve that? My head hurts when trying to ensure one version of a spread sheet stays correct.
  7. TrojanWarriorFTQ

    Exp Update 0.63.148815

    I was looking for a mention about hit reg On both players and zombies.
  8. This is a positive news release, dudes. We are eager and keen to get this show on the road.
  9. TrojanWarriorFTQ

    Internal testing of the new content update 23/07/2018

    Ho hum. I wish I knew what stabilisation optimisations were in relation to the actual game.
  10. TrojanWarriorFTQ

    Maintenance changes

    Storage folders won't be wiped (items, tents, vehicles, etc.). ??????
  11. TrojanWarriorFTQ

    To the Devs. Love, The Village.

    Well said, Baroness. We, The Queen's Guard, who have pledged to protect the peaceful village community and its allies, salute you all!
  12. TrojanWarriorFTQ

    Cammo military building.

    @Funkmaster Rick, you sir are a pleasure to read. I would go to war with you any day of the week. Notice I said "with" and not against.
  13. Would you buy a Ford car? I wouldn't but there are people that will. Do you like chocolate ice-cream? I don't, some people love it. You will never know if it's any good until you try it yourself. I love DayZ. No other game I have played gives the same physical, visual, oral and mental impact. Spotting a player while you are in a military location after you have survived and carry a week's worth of loot over hundreds of kilometres is quite simply heart stopping. The decision making, the planning, the daily tasks you give yourself, it's like a second life. I bought the Stand-alone after searching for answers to "GTA5 or DayZ?". After two youtube videos I made my decision. Yes, there are bugs but even the multi-million pound releases from EA have bugs. People gripe about those all the time. You want some cake? I can only tell you how good it is, you have to eat it yourself.
  14. TrojanWarriorFTQ

    Barrel Lids

    Community, Please can anyone confirm the event required to open a barrel lid. Is it only player interaction? As far as I am aware this is only player action "open lid". I have been told barrel lids will open after (8) days of no player interaction and things will start to despawn. Can anybody provide any more knowledge on this?
  15. TrojanWarriorFTQ

    Barrel Lids

    Thanks guys. I thought I enabled notifications so sorry or the delay. Still no closer it seems but its most likely that lids will only open by player action "open lid".