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About UKRAddicT

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Do you have no idea how servers work? let me enlighten you. High loot is in the title because the server has high loot, why? because persistence is off! wich means loot is completely reset AKA High loot spawn. Surely YOU seeing this all the time means something? If you have no clue about servers and how they work maybe you should clue yourself up before you talk trash. little boy.
  2. Hey, guys! I and a group of friends just started our private server on dayzSA and would love people to join in and have fun! the more people the better as we can do events and other exciting things. This server is for everyone so PVP, PVE Ext. Also, make sure to join our steam group UK Rebellion and teamspeak server!! ts.dayzcommunity.me thanks guys! PS the more time you spend in the server more people will join, thanks!