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Joseph Tucker

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About Joseph Tucker

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    On the Coast
  1. Joseph Tucker

    Meta Deterrent

    So I just ran into an issue. I was with a player i found in Svet. He had to re-log due to lag. So in game voip we decided on a building and hid there till the player could re-log. Two other players heard us and rushed the building 15 seconds later. I called "Friendly?" with no answer being returned of course. They were organized in the sweep of the building with no sounds emitting from their mics. Now The way i see it, if you want your game to adhere to such a realistic feel with so many ways to die, get sick, etc. you need to make it so all mics are hot all the time. Which kinda sucks but whatever they were saying in discord/teamspeak could have alerted me to what was going on. Furthermore in a real life scenario there is no push to talk, anyone can hear you all the time. This is a real issue as I had spent every hour since the stress test went live to get the character where i was and decided to help a new player. so i had to speak in game to communicate with him. However these fellas had every upper hand because they didn't need to speak in game. I know there will always be a work around but You as the developers need to make it as hard as possible to play the meta since every other part of the game is so hardcore. PVP is one of the backbones of this game and it needs to be refined in this way. I am so angry at this i may not even play the stress test any more this weekend because i was ruined by a duo so easily. I was less than a fish in a barrel. It was clear where i was, that i was soon to be alone, and that i couldn't know they were there even though it was clear they were communicating. They could have very well been yelling to each other for whatever reason and i would have never heard them thanks to this issue. Many people will say this suggestion is far fetched or something of the like however, The game adheres to a realism in every wright except this one.