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Everything posted by Mantasisg

  1. @JBURNS489 Yep PVP is definitely not less important for PVE, for me too. I'd agree that KOS is not a problem, but it has become because of dropped chances of running into each other, but the need to use the gun and have a fight is not gone. The argument that there are less people to interact is not completely true, because there are some full servers anyway. I think we have came to the true problem - probability of player encounters. It is really obvious. I think if you meet a lot of people then you are less likely to kill first one by KOS, because you know that you'll have more opportunities for gunfight (though KOS is not a gunfight, but some are happy even with such achievements), also if you start slaying people in more populated area it is much more likely to get a feedback and judgment from others, resulting in thinking twice before you KOS, or being defeated more likely by someone. Also if you hear shots in town you know that there might be dangerous, that someone got KOS'ed, and if encounters are too rare, then it is you who gets KOS'ed first one. There is quite some psychology in it IMO @bfisher Exactly, player count was not increasing as places to go were increasing, resulting in much more spread and hiding. I remember some places almost never lacking players....... I don't remember when was the last time I've heard "Friendly ?" lol Yeah, player count, and more importantly probability of having encounters has a lot to do with KOS. I remember times when there used to be a bandit in town, and it actually would unite a lot of players, because shared fear unites quite a bit.
  2. PVE is a must, but fortunately there will always be bandits, so there will be a point to be hero. I say that higher player density is very necessary, because when there are only 2-3 people in large town (if that even happen) then bandit should probably be more scared of zombies (who does not that bad reacting to shots now) than other players fighting him down. Two capable bandits probably could control town endlessly till they'll run out of ammo, also it must be boring for them too not to receive any serious opposition. I'd really welcome more rough and detailed PVE element, being attacked by bear will be really scary, wolves are quite scary too (a bit soft now, or I was lucky all those times) and so on... Even Wolves haven't caused much trouble for me till now, it certainly has added a lot for gameplay. Things I don't want in DayZ - players to be hiding all the time, avoiding each other, too scared to die, not engaging. It is quite confusing situation, because trying to survive as much as possible does exactly that. The trick will be made when in DayZ there will be a balance between a point and value of surviving a long time (look at player value thread), and players interactions. And both contradicts each other, if you want to survive it is dumb to go where are, or might be people, you can play in empty servers, log off... (SO FUN), if you want interactions, then you are in risk. KOS will always be, even with most dangerous PVE. KOS will always be the more annoying the longer you'll survive. Thats why spawning intervals (spawn lifetime) shouldn't be extremely long, you'll get KOS'ed once anyway. Of course it is better to end the run in a good battle for survival against PVE or PVP. Players will always be tend to KOS more as they'll get better gear. Some people sometimes are playing as a bandits - and KOS is what they actually do, naturally. But there is no difference in killing bandit or hero, or neutral, there is no reward for that, being bandit is nothing but a thing of players fantasy. Bandits should naturally feel enhanced pressure, killing somebody who has not been threatening should have a lasting meaning, while heroes should feel support of other heroes and neutrals. But it is not in DayZ and probably will never be. Because now you'll have to see someone in crime in order to know, and even then you will not know who was bandit, and who was defending or acting hero. By the end of the day everybody is a hero, and a bandit, and a neutral too with the same character... I think there would be plenty of interactions in DayZ if there was some meaning for bandit, hero, or just survivor. And something cementing everybody together, rather than just looting around the map. I guess it will come towards the betta. And if it will not, then I hope DayZ at least will work fine and have a lot of people in servers. And fine mobility, to save valuable time for players. Agree ?
  3. Quite confusing post ^^^
  4. Yes it is definitely not helping either. The selection of well populated servers is pretty low, but there are some full servers anyway, so it shouldn't be very big issue. Although it is. This issue exists because it is harder and harder to have interactions, people stop, or lets hope just taking a break till some updates will bring better gameplay. Personally I hope that people like those who I met playing in early 2015 will come back, I had incredible interactions, felt like in a great improvised spectacle a lot of times. But it was coast and NWA days, game itself was worse, but it was more fun. It was also great that dead body would not despawn so quickly... I understand that Devs changed it in favor to performance.
  5. What are those servers ? I haven't checked Remnants server just yet. Might be nice. I also understand that there are people who are happy with DayZ gameplay pace right now, but I don't understand them :D Maybe you guys are just lonelyproof haha
  6. Mantasisg

    Character Value: A discussion.

    Yes it has to be a game, and survival itself is not a game. You can stay hidden for hours, come out at night, search for loot, spend hours making sure that town is empty, examining it, studying zombies behavior, then going in and hoping to get lucky, and trying to get back into your safe spot. It is not a game this way, first of all nobody would have time for it, and it is not fun. You can also survive a lot longer in low populated servers, it is easy in full servers too though, you just need to be a little bit careful, avoid players - which is easy. I don't understand people who are happy about this game pace. It is like real, I don't have twenty hours of spare time to hide in virtual world just to experience a bit of danger once. You know what can be done in case of emergency, when after hours of being alone you meet danger ? - Logging off. Switching server. That is it - you survived. There has to be something driving people not only to survive for longer, but also to get into action as much as possible. Then there will be a gameplay. It could be more intense player oppositions, more severe environment, goals to be better bandit, goals to be better hero, saving something important from other players somewhere in Novo, for example.... and so on. Just not trying to stay alive for days, and avoiding player contacts all the time. Pure survival means pure hiding, pure boredom and just rare episodes of being exposed in danger. You can do it in real life if you want, stay in bushes till its dark and then get some apples - thats it its DayZ, and with real life graphics, no bugs. I really don't say to throw survival through the window, but it is too much "just existing" right now. I bought dayz to get into difficult situations, negotiate for my and others lifes, make friends and enemies... Not just running around for hours and getting KOS'ed after getting bored (not being careful). I want interactions, I want to speak damn English better lol I want goals. Consider average life expectancy (without suicides for better spawn) would be 20minutes, consider staying alive for 2 hours would be very valuable. Its the value to look for, it has to be the time being alive. If you stay alive for 10hours because you haven't met anyone and stood extremely cautious all the time in 10 people server it is not an achievement, it is time spent wrong way.
  7. Mantasisg

    Character Value: A discussion.

    Sorry for being another one back seat dev.... just for fun One particular spawning of character in DayZ shouldn't have big value, because then it would ultimately increase KOS, hiding and camping. But there should be global continuous value of the character tied to steam acc, and perhaps player should be able to have a few... There should be some kind of rankings, statistics... karma rankings, hero rankings... a rewards for bandit killing certain ranking player, a rewards for hero killing a bandit. Different kinds of rankings/statistics as: total achievements; achievements per single run/ achievements per month and so on... For example higher ranking player should be more rewarding to fight down, and it should be multiplied by the level of gear which would be present on active spawned character (fresh spawn of high rank player shouldn't be worth very much more than average player, but as he would get geared up it should be more and more rewarding to kill him). I could continue on this forever... easy to be back seat dev, maybe easy to do bad decisions too though... Obviously not only killing should matter, helping someone should be rewarding too. I really think that these type of things will be flowing into DayZ rapidly as soon as core will be ready, and gameplay will be much better than it ever was. Speed of development, horribly failed "internal" roadmaps, and some other questionable stuff doesn't help to believe, but DayZ can be 10/10. I do think that players shouldn't be encouraged staying alive as long as possible, unless it woul become actually very challenging one day finally. But I'm sure some kind of this will come into DayZ towards 1.0, if we'll ever see it finished. And then it will be a blast, there will be finally a real goal, other than just to gear up, kill, and die, there will be some actual meaning in it. I didn't really read most of the thread yet, really sorry about it.
  8. Probably yes, if we count in military and and police weapons. I wouldn't say that there are so much civil weapons, quite plenty though.... But I find guns more often than food too, a bit harder to find bullets, bullets probably are as hard to find as food. I'd say that I would expect to find more bullets than guns though.. As for food - perhaps it is ok, because it has to have value. I don't know if there has to be more kinds of food, would give more depth perhaps, but i don't think that it is an issue... There are quite a lot of food kinds anyway. It is a very difficult game to get right. Everything is either too much, or not enough.
  9. Yep first of all you have to meet people if you want to have an interaction... Sadly not happening so much... But yesterday it was different, not sure if it was luck, or is it really better in RP servers. I joined random heavily populated server, turned out to be RP server. In short ~ 50minutes playtime I've met 4 people, and it felt like DayZ. One at Gorka actually spoke to me, I wanted to talk to him more but he killed me very quickly, after asking "-Do you know 1st rule of DayZ ?" :D Then one freshspawn at Berezino also talked with me, and two armed Bandits were shooting everything what moves. It was quite some time since I've met so much players in such short time span. I agree, would be great to see current players heat map, I'd guess that it would be much more spread. I'm pretty sure that probability of meeting people has to do a lot with KOS. IMO, if you'll only meet someone in 2-3hours and you are already quite heavily looted you probably are looking for pvp, and will feel more fragile because of collected loot value, but you'll also want to finally use your gun, because you spent so much time for it and now what ? Why you spent all that time to collect stuff, if you don't have real reason to use it for hours to come ? So you become really protective, thats when you engage military zones for battles. Or become bandit, or hero, or both :D But what if you still don't meet, even see anyone for hours ? It is most likely that you'll shoot first person you'll see. Plus if you kill anyone nobody will come after you, because most likely there are nobody around to play hero. And I'm pretty sure that Bandit comes first and Hero next, and right now there is mostly only Bandit, and nobody to oppose him. Also how quickly dead player bodies are disappearing now ? It used to take a while, it was an indication that something is going on, it was that moment when you look somebody and you know he was there, because it is still warm. It is different at the coast or till your character is not geared a lot, you are more relaxed then, you care less, and take bigger risks in interactions, go closer to people, talk to them more. In the very early days when I bought DayZ I remember a lot more players with medium or higher level of gear playing heroes, talking to freshspawns and noobs, helping them, much more roleplay, everything more. I wonder if it was easier to get loot, or just community was better ? I remember 4-5 people meeting at the same street of the coast quite often. Shame that I had to enjoy it with 15-20FPS then, now I have 50-60FPS, but don't have the gameplay. KOS is severe not only because there are no mechanics to prevent it. IMO it does have a lot with probability of meeting other survivors, player density in the map, over protectiveness, not being relaxed, not having clear goals, desperately trying to make use of the loot before death/end of play session. How many times your play session started and ended without any significant event ? Not everybody can afford to play for 2-3 hours continuously.
  10. For full realism I'd suggest to uninstall DayZ after first death lol I'm sure that devs are saving all the candies for us till bugs will be very minor, and there are still plenty... just after yesterdays 30mins of play - spawned with unstuck character status - instant hypothermia, tired, died in few minutes. After respawning in some zombie fights noticed that Zombies are not synchronizing properly, delayed or too early hits, hard to shoot them, even when there seems to be no chance to miss them... I guess there is no point to unleash the beast (all the fun features and content) till bugs are solved, including bugs with new features and contents. But it is taking so much time.... It is best to take a break, till it will be possible to meet much more people at least. Without playing for whole day. I'd really welcome smaller Map for more action. I think player density can be shrinked a lot and it will still be a survival, and not Counter Strike. Of course improvements on player mobility would help right there, but it will still be too big for only so much players.
  11. At the moment it is not worth it, if you would really try you could stay alive for weeks, but I don't think it is fun. Even if you don't try you can stay alive for a very long time when you learn how to play. But it is not that fun. True fun is interactions, to meet people, make friends, make enemies, get into battles.... countless variety of situations... But it is somehow no going on. I'd wait till it is real challenge to stay alive. As now you get bored, or realize that "nothing happened yet, I have to force something" and then start looking for action and you can't find it, you start just randomly search it and then you randomly die, if unlucky. It should be hard to stay away from the trouble, not getting into it. I'm sure it can work in DayZ. I'd just wait till price will get risen, it should indicate that it is finally really good. Core is pretty good right now, except of bugs, but you expect them in 0.6, but gameplay is quite poor.
  12. I think KOS is happening because KOS, it is self inflicting issue. KOS was happening all the time, but when actual player density wasn't so low (when players wasn't spread so much), it was not so terrible, because there would be a lot of players hunting them. And you wouldn't be the only one suffering from them. At a time. Right now it is most likely that the first time you'll hear a shot in DayZ it will be a shot into you. Silence till then. There has to be bandits, but right now as it is empty everywhere it is just very bad balance for KOS. Or should I say very good balance for KOS. It actually should be that way. When you have map so big constant active traffic through the whole map is just going to restrict interactions. I'm sure that there would be very few bases at the coast. @Wolf of Thorns I may try that server, but I'm really sceptical about it.