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Everything posted by Mantasisg

  1. Mantasisg

    DayZ Dev Team is lazy ?

    Yes it was ridiculous hyperbole, because it was humour. And yes it is totally understandable that things aren't black and white strictly, and there are more and less interested people, more and less devoted and involved.... It doesn't change anything. If three million copies of this game has been sold soon after the early release of the game, and we only have a few posts in this subforum per day, what does it say ? And this - http://steamcharts.com/app/221100 ? How many people are expected to read status reports, study them ? How many are expected to go further into a detail to "gather knowledge" about development ? It has to be accepted that the majority just want it asap, and just to play it. And "asap" is already long ago, and all is left is "someday". Eventually one dude or another, maybe some girl out of those three million people who bought the game in early days and isn't playing anymore will eventually get nostalgic about fun they had in DayZ which they hasn't anymore, and try to think, why the hell it is only 0.62 if it was 0.55 few years ago ? And then one will decide to share the frustration here, by creating a thread. And will say "something is wrong". And then some fans will jump on and will say that he has no right to say so, he has not enough knowledge about development and so on.... And at the end it is obvious anyway - numbers are low, and development is slow. Also the game (since new renderer) is not as fun as it used to be in earlier versions, but thats just my opinion. I'd expect the game getting more and more entertaining in higher in higher iterations, but I guess thats not the case. Frustration is real. And now I will get blamed that I wasn't playing enough lately lol
  2. Mantasisg

    DayZ Dev Team is lazy ?

    You are interested in a game - you play the game. You are very interested in a game - you visit forums. You are extremely interested in a game you know a lot of stuff and details from the development, practically you google DayZ every day, check all the reports, check all the blogs, watch YT videos and so on - you are a bit crazy. You are EXTREMELY interested in a game - you invite devs to friends in facebook, check their posts everyday, eventually it is not enough from you you find out where they live, and really stalk them, eventually getting arrested. Not everyone has deep enough interest and time to check and follow every status updates by devs, every single forum post and so on, and do it for 100 years till the game is developed. So I would accept it as a natural way of events if threads like this will continue to pop up frequently till the game gets in shape, perhaps till 0.63, just perhaps. Of course, I'm not saying that insulting devs is nice, but there are reason to complain at the moment.
  3. Mantasisg

    DayZ Dev Team is lazy ?

    Well I don't think they are lazy, but IMO they don't expect, or even want people to play it just now. I have said many times before that in my view game improved very much in the tech side, but the gameplay.... meh, looks like it gets worse. I really don't understand this at all, a lot of local forum members, of which some are fanboys, and some find current product being what they need - loves it currently. I don't. For me golden age of dayz was somwhere around 0.54-0.57 IIRIC. But the techside was rubish, at some part desync was really terrible, fps was super low (also I had potato laptop), and it still was more entertaining. I think there are two scenarios going on - devs are not coming to one clear vision of the game, which is doubtful, while they obviously has arguments, because thats what humans do when they think. Second, they are trying to keep it as cold as possible, so people will not get bored of the game, and saving up the attractive side of it till it is at its best, or near the best. IMO it could be always at its best, most attractive form, and it wouldn't hurt lol To put it short, really hope that 0.63 won't take forever, like a full next year to develop hahahah hahahaha hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahaaaa yes really, thats my expectation
  4. Mantasisg

    Free stuff from community server

    Just as i was finaly in berezino, luv dayz running simulator
  5. Mantasisg

    Free stuff from community server

    I'd guess that its to late for me to come for them and get killed lol Server is probably offline already.
  6. @kopo79 There used to be more friendly and rich interactions, when there were more of them. Now asthey are too rare, a lot of players gets "battle hungry" and we know the rest - KOS, or stupid meaningless attacks... As for Lirik, I don't think he cares for interactions, just battles. There will always be some players who are only interested in fights, we could call them bandits, and DayZ needs them too, because they are greatest threat. When everybody are acting as bandits its the end of DayZ.
  7. Mantasisg

    Free stuff from community server

    I expect great action there
  8. Mantasisg

    Vehicles are useless

    For driving realism aspect Assetto Corsa will do. PUBG is for speedy quick action rounds gameplay. DayZ is for immersive natural survival and realism, voice communication (DayZ is very good way to practice speking in English (when you actually are able to meet someone)), epic unforgettable heart rate rising battles.... But for a while it wasn't working. vehicles is minor problem IMO, the main thing is interactions with other people. There definitelly shouldn't be too many vehicles atound, because if everybody will be driving, and I guess it would actually reduce interactions, and no one will be running at all, it is going to be weird too. But now it is just too low, obviously. Looking forward for this act of balance to kick in.
  9. Mantasisg

    Vehicles are useless

    Damn this is special game lol Really have to stop doing premature conclusions, and don't go mad. So it's the wait time. When Devs mentioned that 0.63 is the time when they actually STARTS making a game made me really happy. Really curious to see whats up in the future. As for greater count of vehicles, I think it would work well, because many of them would get stripped out, so it would be challenging enough anyway. Yes.... bases and largely populated servers doesn't mix @TikTactical I have been thinking that it would need some special approach, can't wait to see what devs will come up with. I love the usual dayZ (as long as you get thing happening not too rarely), I would also really like to have clans system in DayZ, so I could join as particular clan member and have a place to defend, build, and have guaranteed interactions without worries of asking if someone is friendly or not. Well, if not, then thats idea for a mod though :) Can't wait for 100peeps servers, and better balanced vehicles :)
  10. Mantasisg

    Vehicles are useless

    @TikTactical Thank you, really great responses from you and wall of text really appreciated. I didn't know before that cars are actually spawning functional now. But I think I have right to think that something is wrong with them, if I put ~10hours into game, and don't get to have a car at all. You can say thats me just being stupid noob, but not everyone has thousand hours in DayZ and good luck. I have 500 and very low luck, I guess. Thats why I think cars are useless, to me they are just a goal, but it is most likely that it will be better not try to fix a car, and just run, I don't really see having a car being rewarding, it hardly opens wider possibilities in the game. It moves fast, it has a lot of inventory space, but it is just not so great somehow, because various other reasons. I'd see it being great to have possibility to move around the map and to your camp, but then I don't see having a camp really meaningful. I'm aware that it is alfa, hopes for beta are really big. At least I'd like to feel less lonely in Chernarus, would be good enough. Really miss Novo fights and interactions.... :(
  11. Mantasisg

    Vehicles are useless

    Don't make this thread about me pls its enough And I do play every new iteration, soon after release. To check if game changed. It didn't, I'm still not getting any experience from the game, or it is way too rare. I always thought that dayz needs more game pace (except when crazy loot spawned at he coast, it was a bit too much then), but it was somehow enough, often just right, but since certain point it became very lonely. So I think more mobility would be useful now. I do have to apologize for not knowing that vehicles are now spawning fully operational, I had no chance of knowing that, because i had no luck of finding one.
  12. Mantasisg

    Vehicles are useless

    @Guy Smiley I do have almost stopped playing DayZ since 0.60, since I found out it getting not where I'd like to. I will complain till I see it being meaningful. i wouldn't complain at all just for myself if i was the minority, but looking at steamcharts - I'm not.
  13. Mantasisg

    Vehicles are useless

    The game probably is totally envisioned not the way I'd like to (unless 0.63 brings something nice finally). I'm afraid it was constant since 0.6, it was getting more and more slow and lonely. I don't see anything authentic, horror, survival in complete lack of cars. All this talk from you - experienced, and very deeply interested in this game development most tiny details, is a bit skewed. Most players doesn't have your experience and knowledge about little details to help to go arround. Neither the patience. I have played quite a bunch of hours, and it is not getting anywhere. I don't say that the game has to be dumbed down, easier.... I think that it just completely lacks pace, and events. Game is full of "3D object cars", so why it is bad to have a bit more real cars ? I had little issue with that before, but now as everyone are all around the map, and it is hard to get into interactions, better mobility would really help. Why not to decrease running speed, and give more cars for us. I get that it is in alpha, and bugs, not perfect, and so on.... But the fact that gameplay is constantly getting less enjoyable is disturbing. It is enough just to look at the numbers of avg players: 10-20k at the beginning, then ~10k, and now it is down to 3-4k of players. Numbers is the best argument - game is getting less attractive for more and more people. It is all like on purpose, so people will not get DayZ played out till it is actually finished, but I think people are getting this game played out at faster rates than ever. It better be good modding possibilities...
  14. Mantasisg

    Vehicles are useless

    OK, you must be the king of DayZ, and what about us - mortals ? I have played about ~8-10 hours of 0.62, I don't think I have found a car more than a few times, everytime they were almost completely stripped out. I really don't remember how many times i found a car, i think it was ~four busses, and two-three volgas (sedans). I think most of them were left by other players, stuck, broken, or stripped out. I aim to play in full, or highly populated servers. You are quite lucky to find cars in less than an hour, do you play in low populated servers ? I have no problems driving them - the problem is that they are usually missing way too much stuff. Or are stuck... broken.... I'll play next time... a little. And how much a little is for DayZ ? I guess ~8-10hours is not even "half" of "a little". I value my time a lot, and perhaps I did waste it now, because all that is left of this community are all quite happy with the current gameplay of DayZ. I'm not happy running around for multiple hours not meeting anyone, not getting into anything.
  15. Mantasisg

    Vehicles are useless

    It is definitelly harder to find exactly what is being looked for. lol no wonder haha There are many first rules of DayZ lol, one of the first rules in DayZ is : Don't trust nobody. And all of them are first rules lol And how many known positions there are ? 100 ? 150 ? If cars are easy to spot while in the trees, then it is much more a negative point than positive. Unless somebody didn't try hard enough to hide it, or is it a game ? No haven't played much lately. And you really have to play much for a car. And it doesn't payoff, so if you find a car, and it is missing too much parts, then just keep running. Thats could be the conclusion of this thread.
  16. Mantasisg

    Vehicles are useless

    Another "it is not supposed to be easy", "the game is not for you" hipsterish opininon.... If you like to spend your whole free day to look for a stripped down car which is like 1 out of 20 distributed across 14x14 km map, bring parts just to find that: a) car is gone b) you don't need it anymore c) new parts are missing d) you don't want to play DayZ anymore c) you are missing tools e) you get shot as you get near the car and more... Ok but you got lucky... you found a car which was not stripped down, or missed very few parts, or had friends to get it going really quickly... many friends. So whats then: a) you roll over immediatelly b) you get stuck somewhere c) you get shot by other guy camping for that car d) you don't want to play dayZ anymore e) You actually drive well, carefully, succesfully get where you want (if you know where tou want to go) and: You have to go to sleep, or do what you do for life, or whatever... Server turns out to be empty - you are fool You attract multiple players and get shot You are afraid to leave car anywhere because you are almost certain that it will be stolen very quickly f) You realise that you don't have any idea where you should go, and the efforts were pointless, you are also afraid to to leave car anywhere. Easy peezy lemon squeezy. DayZ is supposed to be hard they say lol Learn to separate playable from difficult. Cars are useless
  17. Mantasisg

    Vehicles are useless

    They really are useless. Agree with OP And if other players are stripping them out it doesn't defend the game. It just shows that game design has flaws. Maybe just simply increase vehicles spawn numbers, and it will be lesser issue. maybe when devs will actually want us to play DayZ then we'll see how quickly all these game breaker issues will vanish.
  18. Lets hope so, because progression was weird
  19. Everyone has different vision of dayz, some may think that nowadays survive boredom form of dayz is best ever. 1. Moore loot - partially agree, needs some more loot at the coast. But then the game would need more players online, if we want to keep inlands populated enough too... map is too large. 2. STUPID, maybe just make weapon cleaning kit more available... But it is surely frustrating to get your gun ruined after 40-60shots. Couldn't really comment further, as there is little chance to shoot so much as you only run and don't meet anyone, and then die without even having any bullet shot lol nooooob 3. Thats pretty obvious, sadly seems hardly possible, many years come by, and there are only 60players online max. After years of development... 4. Agree, this says less, but it still should be complex. I hate to find a car which is mising ton of items, would enjoy to find cars more often, or if they are so terribly rare, then I'd hope to find them with less stuff missing. 5. Don't know about that. For current game mode basebuilding probably would make the game really weird, as people would preffer to play in very low populated servers - thus nobody would find their bases lol I'd think that basebuilding would work perfectly in specifically designed game modes - for example clans, it would be lovely if there would be few default clans on the map fighting against eachother. I'd love such additional game mode. So building a base would be meaningful, as you wouldn't have to care about being at the server 24/7 lol 6. WEAK... but can not comment further, as I just don't get any gameplay from DayZ, so I don't even know how often guns are jamming lol 7. STUPID 8. Nope. More players, and more mobility, some more gameplay features would be enough to make it shine.
  20. Mantasisg


    Thanks for the offer, maybe some day. Currently it is not what I want. But I have been thinking about settling at one particular server for once, and playing only there, but it isn't very attractive idea. Average of ten players doesn't sound bad, this means that there are more sometimes haha I'll probably just wait for 0.63. And then maybe I'll find a way how to play DayZ, again.
  21. Mantasisg


    Are you talking to me ? Are you talking to ME ? lol joke "Taxi" refference I actually only play Assetto Corsa, PUBG is too frustrating for me, for some reason it hurts my eyes, also i'm total noob there - hopefully will improve. But it is nowehere as interesting as DayZ is when you actually get interactions. Such a big hopes for 0.63 ! I hope updates will follow faster from beta, and 6months - an update era will be over. It was painful. Still is.
  22. Mantasisg


    Yes it is survival game how to survive boredom, till you'll actually get into situation when you'll have to survive. After wall of text rant. Really poor response I got there. I have PUBG, and it is totally different game, it is fun deathmatch. But it comes no where close to original DayZ, which we had some years ago. Real DayZ had a special soul, and it was created by many different interactions. I remember watching a stream from DanielSL, running around Novo, and not finding anyone for way too long. No more streams from puhdado... Understandably. I'm tired repeating this but the game gone worse as the tech side went up. And it was actually mentioned not long ago in one status report - devs are happy to finally start working on a game, not only dry tech package. I really hope that devs vision and mine does not go far apart too much. I see there are some hipsters fanboys pretending that they are playing survival by running around the map for days in empty servers, most likely too, and probably switching off when night comes, or rain and cold strikes to save prEcIouSS loot. The main challenge was and will always be other people. No people, no DayZ. If you dislike an idea of having more interactions, then go and play on low populated servers, and don't tell me to play PUBG, which is completely different. Damn, you can actually play in low populated servers, and there is little difference, whats the difference you don't meet anyone for 4hours or for 2hours, both are too much. Unless your name is Lucky. You hipsters fanboys, you
  23. Mantasisg


    I think it is better to go outside and explore real life. I play DayZ to meet people, to meet friendly people, to meet bandits and so on... Map is too large for gameplay on foot only. Cars are so complicated to get running for lone wolf, and there are so few of them, that they are virtually not existant to me. Save the map for the times, when there will be much more players (if there will be more in the first place), and when we will be more mobile around the map. Right now it is useless, even making game worse. I remember one patch when there were epic loot at police stations and gate houses (0.58 maybe ?) it was a bit too much. Enjoyable, but sometimes too much a deathmatch. I liked times when you could find stuff at coastal airfields, prison island, and main inlands points were tent city and NWAF. Right now the game would be fun maybe if there were 120players or more, and more mobility - actually obtainable cars, bikes, bycicles. I'd expect that from 0.63. Just not that many players online, I doubt there will ever be more than 100player servers in dayz, without heavy sacrafices, which some has already been done - for example player corpses despawning quickly. We'll se in a few years I guess. IIRIC somewhere, sometime in some roadmap there was goal of 150players online.
  24. Mantasisg


    Really looking forward to 0.63, I hope it will be THAT ONE. Because every patch since, maybe, 0.59 was like - "lets hope next one will be fun". @Guy Smiley I started playing from 0.54 and it was much more fun, I think DayZ continued to be rather awesome till 0.58 or maybe 0.59, when loot economy changed massively and interactions became exttremely rare. And since then it was downhill. And tech side was improving a lot, it didn't mean much from players perspective because poorer and poorer gameplay. I used to have 15-30fps all through chernarus - and I enjoyed game much more anyway, there were much more events going on. Damn, you could actually find a V3S and drive it. Now it takes few persons and hours of work to get one running, and it doesn't pay off. You used to meet a lot of people at coast, now everybody are spread out like atoms of gas. Used to be more variety in gameplay. New renderer raised fps up to 40-50fps for me on my weak laptop, but it didn't become more fun, got new PC and almost constant 60fps, but so what, if it takes hours to meet anyone, and there is not much to do. Gameplay feels a bit pointless. It used to happen in older days too, but it was way more rare, usually it wasn't taking so terribly long of "just running and looting" till you would actually get some battle action, or friendly interactions. You used to hear shots rather often, hear cars driving by more often, used to hear somebody having conversations, having quite a bunch of people at electro, novo (which was really great map), berezino, in an airfield.... It's like devs didn't want people to play the game till it's ready, but never could say it.
  25. Mantasisg


    I'd like to know how to regain bones status. Last time I have played I've been killed by one zombie hit, and it has happened before a few times. I was using splinter on my character after zombie fights more than once, and I though that my bones status would be good enough. This whole bones status thing is really stupid IMO, at least there would be an indication. Really waiting for 0.63, which will probably come some time in 2018 (joke, no one knows when). But according to sequence since 0.6 it is going to be even worse, as technicly game is getting better, but they are gradually killing the gameplay.