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Everything posted by Mantasisg

  1. Mantasisg

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    You'd be great friends with DayZTV admins. I have done good providing constructive opinion, I'd say you have no ability to welcome any oposing opinion to yours. Perhaps I've already presented my opinions about the current state of DayZ enough times, but when people asks how to bring the players back, I have an opinion, and i post it. Don't tell me to stop posting, even though I probably will because there is nothing left unsaid about current problems of DayZ. Perhaps, it depends on what you call fully kitted, I'm usually perfactly happy with anything what shots 357 or has a scope. Last time I think I knew what I was doing at Novy and Stary Sobor and then NWAF, and haven't got any amunition. It was public server. I also have 500+ hours in DayZ, still a noob in a gunfights, but I'd say I know the basics. Prove that doing same things will not bring different results in DayZ, going same paths in DayZ each time can bring anything unpredictable (things used to happen more often in the past), I dig that you should know the hot points of the map if you want to get into something, but there are many of those by now. I'm happy that you lately had some nice experience in the game, I suppose it is rare now. Maybe will have to check those BR servers. If will ever feel like playing DayZ again. The passion still kicks in sometimes.
  2. Mantasisg

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    That button means that there might be issues, which is allright and understandable. But when that issue is totally stripped out gameplay, then that is different. Surely being an early access means that there may be issues, but it doesn't set off devs from responsibility to deliver something what people would enjoy, and the most enjoyable elements of DayZ are stripped out strategically. Thats why most of people doesn't see any game there when they run around the map for a few hours, finds few meaningful items, for example an axe, a sporter and a few .22s if lucky. Meets someone in quite rare occasions, and mostly those are noobs, who doesn't even know that they have to press Caps Lock to talk, or inevitable killing on sight happens. It was different before techside got much better, tech side got better and the gameplay "somehow" changed completely. I'd call it simply a poor gameplay design, or on purpose. It has nothing to do with being an early access.
  3. Mantasisg

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    Well I just guess that 0.63 should work because Devs has pointed out that it is finally about gameplay. Gameplay was really poor the last two years, two years.... Before tech side got improved it had much better gameplay, as you say things happened, I used to experience tons of unique adventures and events, it was incredibly fun. Right now it is just run, loot, and get shot game, as you say. it is totally because of how rare the interactions are, it disbalances everything. Also most creative people definitely doesn't play. And this game needs creative people and many interactions. No creativity, no interactions - no DayZ. Slightly more loot and some more ways and chances to travel not on foot all the time would also help. Having less points of interest would also be good, fewer "go to" places would definitely make things more intense. Or if there are going to be so many, then there better be more chances to travel fast and 150players as visioned in early days. 0.63 could literally just adjust the loot economy in such way that there would be more interactions and it would bring the gameplay already. IDK what was the point for TISY and almost empty coast areas if there barely are any ways to travel fast to those distant places, the game pace is horrible, the amount of KOS is horrible, lack of interactions is horrible, I understand that no loot should add apocaliptic immersion, but it is also horrible and adds no immersion at all.... PUBG is very fun game, it is awesome. But it has something like only ~10percents of what DayZ should be. Modding should be awesome, but if there would be ~1000avg players by the time modding comes, modding might not spark
  4. Mantasisg

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    ..... what kind of question is this ? I'm not happy with the game, if I'd be the only one, or part of minority - I wouldn't. Numbers says that I'm not the only one, so I'm confident to be honestly disappointed by various things. But seems that I'm one of the very few who aren't enjoying the game, but still cares about it. Big hopes for 0.63, but I keep expectations low. It very likely could be the last chance for DayZ. If you don't like me, maybe you can ignore me IDK. I may still care till 0.63 will be released. And as I have said, I hope that this promised update will really bring the players, and not just to check whats new, but for good lol
  5. Mantasisg

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    ......aaaaaand it peaked 5K in the last 30days http://steamcharts.com/app/221100 Also it is weird how often people doesn't use what they buy, but I guess it happens a lot with first world little children and immature audiences in general. But now.... I don't blame them. My causin bought DayZ few months ago, he launched the game, died and has never played again, speaking of realism he is doing it right lol because if you die you die. If it is true that couple of millions bought dayz it is really weird to see such low numbers. I'm trying to be hyped for 0.63, but it is getting difficult to me, I may need to take some DayZiagra.
  6. Mantasisg

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    I hope 0.63 will not be another issue of "check the update - still bad - waiting for next iterarion". Millions of people has bought the game....
  7. Mantasisg

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    There will always be some people who will have their "this is what DayZ is all about", "DayZ is not for you" opinion.... It is rather pathetic argument over the how "exciting" the game is ATM. Obviously there will always be some folks who will love how reality is, and will not want anything to change. The userbase is dropping rapidly, now it is under 3k average players in last 30days, which is still something, but what I have noticed that most of the players which I met in my last playtimes were non-vocals, KOS'ers... Clearly all is left are the people "who knows whats the DayZ is all about". How to bring players back ? make the game and they said they will finally for 0.63, well... lets waaaaaaaait, I mean waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait. No wonder so much people quit DayZ: People naturally gets bored after thousands of hours spent running mostly It is not too enjoyable to have lootless servers It is not too enjoyable to play with noobs, KOS'ers, non vocal children and retards. Creative community is not really very active. Smarter people realised that they will get bored of DayZ before it gets finished, so stopped doing it. And it was easy because since ~0.6-0.59 the game was majorly unexciting Very low chance to get a vehicle, and actually benefit from it Players got scattered all across the map and interactions became fewer, and their quality got much worse because of that IDK if there is way back. Last time I have played DayZ i was running around inlands for hour and didn't find any loot. Why should I be spending my time like that ? I'll leave it to you guys, who are enjoying pretending to be survivng, just existing basically. I need adventures, interactions, and action. It is not funny anymore.
  8. Mantasisg

    ONE Thing You Want Most!

    This would be really amazing, beautiful and sometimes veeeeeery cold winter ! But I guess that it would end up just like night and rain, everybody wants it, and then you don't see it in any server at all.
  9. Mantasisg

    .308 Winchester ammo, where did it go?

    Economy in DayZ is really like it was in 2008
  10. Mantasisg

    .308 Winchester ammo, where did it go?

    I'm tired of being all negative nancy in most of my posts.... but I could tell the same about most of the ammo + gun. Ammo is qute rare * guns are quite rare equals getting armed is rare in square. Though some stuff I find sometimes, I don't remember when I had 308 the last time....
  11. Mantasisg

    Walking slow is awesome!

    A lot of things are awesome. But its the most awesome when things works together and makes sense. Walking just for walking in DayZ doesn't do it now, maybe someday. Personally I hate that new feature that players are forced to slow down to walking pace when climbing a hill, even if it is not very steep. It is just a detail which makes it much worse to me. Hopefully it will get fixed with whatever is going to get fixed, if you would be running for your life you would fly up to steepest hill, even if you would pass out at some point after getting extremely exhausted. As walking just to add more variety for the game and saving stamina and chill out a bit, why not, if you only have time for that.
  12. Mantasisg

    ONE Thing You Want Most!

    Thats a bit different, than expanding running grounds. Map is already large enough to have more vehicles than there is right now. Traffic jams wouldn't happen, trust me. The map could probably feel relatively small with helicopter and plane (which also is comming), but I guess most of the dayz player will never get a chance to use one anyway. Few a little more distant islands would be nice for boats and helicopters. But please no more land.
  13. Mantasisg

    spice up the gameplay/realism settings

    Sure everyone can do whatever he/she likes as long as it doesn't interfere with others freedom. Thats alright. And tamagotchi is rather fun game, whole world was going crazy for that once. Playing alone in empty server is almost the same thing.
  14. Mantasisg

    ONE Thing You Want Most!

    lol @ that no one voted for more/stable cars This really proves that this voting is not doing justice. MOAR MAP, MOAR MAP
  15. Mantasisg

    spice up the gameplay/realism settings

    Looks to me like you are playing tamagotchi, not dayz :D Are you sprinting like all the time everywhere ? Are you starting to enjoy lonelyness, and starting to feel like avoiding any interactions ? Have you collected some serious loot, which you value a lot ?
  16. Mantasisg

    ONE Thing You Want Most!

    Yes back seat designers and devs is just going too far, I like to play one sometimes too, but I think there are limits anyway. And to the ones who would like MAP EXPANASJAKJDA. What do you think people, what do you think........ We have 14x14km map already, and it is bigger than huge, just 50-60players online, vehicles extremely rare. It is almost impossible to meet anyone already, even delibarately trying to do it. What you want would make the game worse, I even would like the map to be chopped into several fragments to have greater density of players.... huge hopes for the modding. And if you only want something new to explore, then just wish for alternative map IMO I hope Developers does not think that way (seems like many of you do), I'm sure they are clever guys.
  17. Mantasisg

    spice up the gameplay/realism settings

    Wow, such fun. ^^ Since when this thread become "Last time I played like this and this happened" thread ? Anyway.... I knew I shouldn't be launching till 0.63, but I really really wanted to play DayZ. So I did. I'm only playing at full servers, like always. I was already at Novy Sobor, still had no interaction, also haven't found any food, and haven't collected gun + usable ammo. I'm gone through Stary Sobor. Still no interaction, no food, no gun and usable amo. Went to Airfield - no gun and usable ammo, no food, heard shots. Went through half of the Airfield, still haven't found anything AT THE AIRFIELD. Now it is about one hour into the play, and I have been around one of the hottest points of inlands and I haven't collected any meaningful loot, I have no food, nothing to protect myself. I just went for the guy who was shooting zombies in the mid of Airfield, and said that he can kill me if he only wish, of course he did. Spice up realism ? Spice up the gameplay.
  18. Mantasisg

    ONE Thing You Want Most!

    I want it to be a game. Not a tech demo like it is now. Map expansion are you serious ???????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Really ????? ???? ? Player count expansion any day.
  19. Mantasisg

    Exp Update 0.62.141072

    Nothing too much exciting for a long time indeed. Well techside was super exciting, but it was like "slow" and also did nothing good for gameplay since loot economy changed and players got scattered all around the map, in other words - there were much less interactions. But I'm sure that devs are mostly working on stuff which will go really wild once updates starts raining. And the hot part is really comming. Or am I too naive to expect things to really start moving from 0.63 ? Two iterations per year is just not going to get anywhere. Peace
  20. Mantasisg

    Exp Update 0.62.141072

    Seems like those colors is a tough one
  21. Mantasisg

    How do you see DayZ Infected?

    I can't wait till zeds will be able to kick the doors, and get in. I like that there is nice zeds spawning system right now, and that if you shoot, then they run to you, from all around. But I think that they finds you too immediately. But I haven't been playing for a while. I didn't like that zeds can find where the shots are coming from faster than I do lol But it helps when they shows you where to go lol
  22. Mantasisg

    How do you see DayZ Infected?

    Just fire a bullet in the middle of electro, and they will immediately know where you are, almost like if they knew computer precise coordinates of where you are/were lol You'll see them haha
  23. @Espa Great post :) I too would see base building a great thing for factions/clans to build up. Originally it is probably visioned that clans and factions will be created manually by people with the help of forums, or/and just agreemend between real friends. But I think there wouldn't be created much "teams", "factions", or "clans" whatever we want to call it. I hope that Devs will throw in default factions as you point out in second point. It would be truly awesome, and it would really function if there also would be some kind of laws functions, so you couldn't kill a player from your faction without consequences. It should also be possible to say who is representing which faction from visual references. Also would be great to play "capture the flag" type of games between factions. I know I'm going a bit too far there lol If it is not visioned by default, then I hope it will be possible to make via modding.
  24. Mantasisg

    Short post about life and direction.

    Yeah, tech side is not too bad right now, lots of nice stuff. I just don't like trees LOD's switching, extremely noticeable and very nnoying. Grass completely LODs out in too short distance.... Also that they made the player move at turtle speed up to even slightest hill, it doesn't even have to be super steep. Also you never know when some zombie will kill you from one hit.... Game side - not so nice. Among few people who are still playing KOS is a big thing, or they are lonewolfs, not seeking for interactions. Loot economy is very spread over the map, a lot of points of interest, still 99percents of running. Players are really spread also, you don't meet them too often, and then a lot of them are non vocal or KOS'ers, not very creative players. Game side used to be much better, even with tech side being much worse in the past. I don't like new Novo. Old Novo was best place in DayZ. But whatever, the map is huge - which is also the problem most of the time with so little mobility, and not enough players. IMO game will be worth playing when there will be bikes, bicycles, more people, and if the coast will generate at least a little more loot, but it probably won't.
  25. Mantasisg

    Short post about life and direction.

    I suggest to wait for 0.63