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Sergey Serov

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About Sergey Serov

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  1. Sergey  Serov

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Nobody gets a ban for the curvature of the game. Only for third-party software and removal or modification of game files.
  2. Sergey  Serov

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Baty if you do not care about the players, then just remove the hand temporarily F2 from the game hands up. This is super fast fix for this bug! Every day these creatures swim and kill me. PS: The bug tracker knows about this for much months and nobody cares. I've waited a very long time for this patch and as it turned out nothing has been fixed in it and thousands of players use this bug to quickly and easily kill other players.
  3. Sergey  Serov

    Stable Update 0.62.140275

    Baty wat about deleted from spawn loot?
  4. Sergey  Serov

    Stable Update 0.62.140099

    I have much errors of read memory.(((
  5. Sergey  Serov

    Stable Update 0.62.140099

    And for me, the skin of a wild boar)
  6. Sergey  Serov

    Stable Update 0.62.140099

    Where information about deleted from spawn things and vice versa added?
  7. Sergey  Serov

    Future of public hive servers

    Why? Because Developers can not fight these cheats?
  8. Sergey  Serov

    Future of public hive servers

    You 100% right. Too much undetected cheats. and bogemia does not want to solve this problem. School Hack also very popular and undetected russian cheat. I know guys who reported on this cheat long time ago and what? and nothing... every day cheaters killing players from textures and with a fist from afar.... Who will ban cheaters on your uncontrolled public servers? Now the DayZ is Cheaterland, and after such changes it would be a number one failure in online games.
  9. Sergey  Serov

    Future of public hive servers

    Also, I personally know up to 5 players ordering public servers in order to play the clan against the clan, avoiding cheaters. In total, this is more than 100 people, and this only who I know, and I think in real that 1000+ players of a publick servers only. For them, the game will die along with the ban on leasing public servers as for me. Since I see the game only on public servers without cheaters, but at publicly-issued public servers where they are banned.
  10. Sergey  Serov

    Future of public hive servers

    Very good topic. I played a little more than 400 hours in this stable patch and will share my experience with pleasure. The private servers on which I originally played and then abandoned have a very questionable administration on each server. I saw situation(in time crashs of servers before fixed) where admin to ban everyone in a row and then ask for money from my friend(10 eur xD) to remove the ban, and sometimes it happens. Often, private servers have an additional server, closed, for dupe loot and sales of VIP slots. Solo to play on private servers is almost impossible, as there are usually large groups of players playing, unlike public. Public servers. Public servers are my DayZ. I bought the game more than three years ago. On a public server, you always have the option to change the server if you suddenly become bored if it is emptied(pop.LOW) in the morning or at another time of the day. You can go to an almost empty server and look for loot if you do not like to finding loot on a full server where you always can be killed a group of top looters. :) On a public server, a much larger influx of people, which is constantly connected, is replaced. There's more fun and fun here. I see the DayZ only on public servers. BUT, public servers like and Dayz have a big problem. It's cheaters(Cheat programms). I believe that on public servers should be allowed ban cheaters and glitchers. All new rules, such as 5 restarts per day, kick and ban, which is easily circumvented, only reduced the popularity of this game. This is the only and unique online game I play, yes, yes, I have one online game. And if now there were no public servers with an active administration that bans cheaters, I would simply not have the nerves to play my favorite game. :) The problem of cheaters is very urgent. After each anti-cheat update, after a few hours the cheats are updated. Their huge amount and with this there's nothing to be done. Almost erom very day I die by cheater on a full servers. Me save a few servers where they are actively banned, and their number decreases a little bit a hundred times. Give people the opportunity to fight with cheaters and keep their servers where people can safely play, knowing that the administration of the server will take action. Will allow ban cheaters on public. In the end, if something does not suit you on one server, you can always go to another server without losing your loot. This is a game that takes a huge amount of time to get excellent loot, if there is no possibility to change the server without loosing loot, namely, close the public servers, the game will die. This is my personal opinion to which you can listen, or you can not listen.