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Everything posted by CarbonDisguise

  1. CarbonDisguise

    Bring the Night back

    I agree. The use for lighting items in game are useless right now. But I'm sure this will all be changed in the long term!
  2. CarbonDisguise

    What needs to be done with DayZ

    I'm sure we have all had our frustrations on certain scenarios in the game, but that is with anything. Just a little research on what is taking place with the development team right now puts into perspective why there aren't weekly updates. But as stated, they once did this and it still wasn't adequate for the community. There's a lot going on with building a new engine, and we just need to be PATIENT. I know that word is a hard thing to follow in 2017, but that's all we can do.
  3. CarbonDisguise

    Future of public hive servers

    I haven't played on a public hive for probably a year now, because of the reasons already brought up.
  4. CarbonDisguise

    Getting back into DayZ Private?

    Depends on your preference for gameplay and camera. But for 1pp I enjoy OldSchoolDayZ and DayZUnderground
  5. CarbonDisguise

    Introduce yourselves

    Good Day Been playing DayZ for 2 years now. Have 1300 hours in, not sure why I wasn't hear sooner. Carbon