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Posts posted by exacomvm

  1. 9 hours ago, HaseDesTodes said:


    i haven't seen a shooter game with proper anti cheat, and i'm pretty sure none exists.

    ESEA's 3rd party AntiCheat for CS:GO ( there's still some hackers, but they get banned rapidly e.g. if a hacker joins ur game, he will most likely be banned by the end of the match ).
    Meanwhile in CS:GO official servers ( same applies to BattleEye ).

  2. Better idea:
    Get a proper anticheat.. BattleEye is as bad as VAC.
    PUBG uses BattleEye too and there's full of undetected cheaters, like literally every 3rd person.

    On another hand BattleEye itself could hire various hack coders ( undercover or hire them as whitehat ) and analyze how some hacks works improving the anitcheat.

    Or DayZ team itself could add second layer anticheat, like banning everyone that "executes" something suspicious e.g. impossible ingame for clean player.
    Item spawn in inventory -> Ban
    Item picked from the ground -> Good
    Running at higher speed than possible -> Ban
    Reseting health w/o using specific item -> Ban
    Taking bullet hit without health or gear damage -> Ban

    At this point the Wallhacking and Aimbots still would work, no idea how its even possible to avoid it, but maybe just an launcher similiar to battleye that blocks all .dll and .exe that is unknown.
    ( like running only OS files and the game required files, some apps like discord, skype, reshade could be whitelisted ).
    Then hackers could probably create fake skype.exe etc that works as a hack but the "launcher" recognizes it as the whitelisted software, but if the whitelisted files would be based on "hash" tbh no idea what is that, but its like unique ID or something ( that changes with every slight modification ) then it could prevent from hacking pretty much completely.
    But.. :D Then again hackers could probably find how to bypass the "launcher" and start a game w/o it, so implementing such technology into game engine itself would be probs unbeatable ( they would have to modify the game files something like cracking the game that most likely would result into inability to play on the official servers etc ).
    That would obviously result in slower launch time till these files gets scanned etc, but its worth it.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dancing.Russian.Man said:

    It's relatively simple to check if a player would spawn near any player-based objects like walls and gates, and their spawn location could then be adjusted to be a certain distance away from those structures, and I *think* this was mentioned by the devs, but don't quote me on that yet because I'm too tired to go find it.

    Better would be just inability to interact with anything in the base, cause if the player spawns out of the base trying to server hop, some people may still find some glitches how to get in e.g. using zombies or connecting exactly where the walls middle is etc etc. Something like privilege or ownership system could be great.

    Well but maybe dayz team has better ideas.

  4. 23 minutes ago, Buakaw said:

    I see no issue with offline raiding at all. You cant expect to be untouched. But what will the dynamic be in dayz? I doubt its going to be sulfur farming and crafting c4 like Rust to raid bases, so thats why I ask.


    I dont think bases should be untouchable in this game, there always needs to be a danger, but I wonder how its going to be handled to gain access to a base if you are not the owner? Are they gonna implement a new ressource in the shape of explosives to raid? Or are bases simply going to be accessible by anyone and will have to be guarded at all times?

    Well, open gate/door -> let person in -> he grants ability to edit the base. ( so the trust plays a role here ).
    Example scenario: Bambi comes and asks to let him in, he grants some privilegies, then he calls his team, bambi opens the door and like fkn 20 ppl goes in and shoots everyone and then the previous owner(s) loses access ( simple script for that would be if an A owner kills B owner, the B owner loses the base access but if the owner dies from a zombie,falling, random player he maintains the base ).
    If the bases gonna be "touchable" easily then not sure if im going to build anything, i just gonna raid some bases and overtake it.

    There's just countless ways of making it fair for both raider and owner.
    I would just prefer making it hard to raid the base ( as hard as crafting 2-3 full ghillie suits ).

    Another suggestion how it could work:
    All you need is crowbar, but when breaking the crowbar has like only 10% chance of breaking the door/gate, so if it breaks the crowbar is ruined and u need new one to try again. ( same if success )
    Offline raiding: When trying to break in there could be message "Owner(s) are offline.". 
    Also there could be variable chance: If lets say there's 1 owner only, the chance is like 70%, if there's 2 owners the chance is like 50%, if there's like 10 owners/members the chance is 10%. Basically the bigger community in that base the harder to break in.

  5. Imo each Public server should have separate character or atleast same character but if joined to a new server it gets coast spawn+all the rest servers ( bambis will get more chances for instant decent loot too ) and for the base building i think the base should be non-destroyable and only the owner can destroy/edit it or someone else who already have been inside ( based on Steam account ).
    There could be exceptions, like it could be destroyable with an RPG and the RPG itself pretty rare.

  6. DayZ already has SMAA/FXAA and MSAA.
    I personally play on Normal or High AA ( MSAA named just as Antialiasing ) and using FXAA High and the game looks pretty smooth, just the dense forests looks bit flickery, but i think that's due to the models itself.

    Mass Effect Andromeda or Star Wars Battlefront 2 making the games almost entirely aliasing free
    Their models/textures are pretty cartoonish and not so complex/dense, so it looks alot smoother, but in reality it's the same, also you wont notice much difference between for example FXAA or TAA.

  7. Not sure if that's already in progress, but didn't seen it mentioned in dev blog besides Door Scaling.

    I think DayZ SA needs new improved buildings and their interiors ( probs mostly new textures ), because the environment ( nature ) looks best and most realistic compared to any other open world game, but the buildings and interiors is very off,  looks literally like in the STALKER game where the world is 2017 graphics and rest assets ( characters, weapons etc ) is from 1995 - same in DayZ, it feels like half is new and half is straight from Arma 2.

    • Like 1

  8. PC Specs and OS?
    I suppose you use the latest Win10 build, known for causing lots of issues in gaming.

    Try to Copy these settings for the DayZ_x64.exe and DayZ.exe:


    Not a problem for sure:
    I can confirm that drivers most likely is not an issue, i've tried older, latest versions of nvidia drivers etc and none of them causes any issues ( heard from ppl that new Nvidia drivers causes issue etc, but not for me ), maybe that depends on GPU model etc ( running Maxwell GPU, ppl had issues w/ Pascal ).
    Edit: Drivers/BIOS could be an issue if you're running Ryzen based PC, since Ryzen is pretty fkd up and has plenty of issues. In that case an BIOS update might help, but still doubt since it doesn't make much sense ( Ryzen is pretty complicated xD ), just dont jump straight into updating it especially w/ Software ( Flashing using USB is a must, otherwise it's easy to brick the Mobo if it's not Dual BIOS ).


  9. 1 hour ago, Baker. said:

    These are the games Bohemia have always made. Its their niche, and I'm glad they do it. 

    And that's the problem, Bohemia deserves alot more fame and their games too.
    Arma, DayZ etc had barely any marketing/advertising, i bet ALOT of people don't even know that Arma or DayZ exist or they just heard about it but never seen it.

  10. I doubt DayZ .63 will have lots of players ( mby 50k peak ) and month later its gonna be around 10-15k. That's my prediction.
    1) DayZ is hardcore game in general, all these kiddos from H1z1 wont understand how to play it or how to use compass and just gonna quit by saying "this game is bs, i cant see myself on map".. "Why there's no Sniper rifles and AK's in the very first building?" etc.
    2) Zero marketing
    3) No microtransactions aka skins.
    4) Nowadays Gaming community wants basic and fun games. ( That's pretty stupid, i don't know why people dislike the "Ultra Realistic" games. )

    Modding possibly will attract more players e.g. if someone gonna make decent Battle Royale mod or sick PvP servers w/ instant gear etc.

  11. Okay i am done with DayZ .62. Gonna wait for .63, hopefully it comes out soon. Cause now it feels like i gonna need another 50hours to get used to it and it's a waste of time since the .63 with different controls should come out soon. Time for PUBG.

    P.S. I think i was supposed to press space here instead.


    Just for comparison how responsive the Arma 3 is ( got little freeze there ): https://i.gyazo.com/0927b11e2997e6ac35debb1f6cdfe4e2.mp4

  12. 59 minutes ago, -Gews- said:

    Checked a few frames for shots. Desync aside, how many of the shots were actually hitting, and how many of those hit arms or weapon?


    Checked the footage frame by frame, hit only leg or something, rest is blocked by muzzle also for some reason i saw hitting the bottom left side of container even if that gun was straight at his body.
    Edit: Hit to leg and chest confirmed ( when im falling dead i can see blood start dropping from his chest under his arm ). So probs that was trade kill.
    Probs my first shots was desynced and hiting the same position as very first shot and on last shot it worked fine.

  13. 49 minutes ago, forteantimes23 said:

    FFS what is your problem? At least you meet other players I've not met anyone for two years on Aussie public servers. 

    Enjoy, get to Berezino or Kamyshovo. Even if you will have Ping that doesn't matter, you will have higher chances of surviving.

    Or even better: Host your own PvP server so everyone will start playing there + no one inlands.

  14. Didn't played DayZ SA for maybe a year already, but was still playing Arma 3 Exile etc recently, so i joined some PvP servers to get little used to it and here's my first firefights that went completely random and extremely unrealistic, compared to Arma the firefights in DayZ is complete trash, somewhat like in The Division where you have to spray 3 mags to kill someone. 

    I have no idea what happened here especially how that player in first clip managed to kill me since i've sprayed to him like few bullets before he raised his weapon:
    I know i shouldn't ADS in this situation, just used to other games.

    Before all that i thought the PUBG has the worst desync's etc.
    In these situations i feel like every enemy is like an Protagonist from an Action movie and im the random bad guy who always miss even i have advantage.


  15. Gaming on iMac, really? Is it even capable of handling games? I've heard that Mac's do not upgrade their HW/Products for years and still is like 3 times more expensive compared to regular PC ( custom build ) of same or better performance.
    If you have Mac, i hope you understood that Mac is for work, not for gaming? Mac starts to support more and more games, but still Hardware-Wise is very bad choice. Anyway if you can afford Mac for such poor performance/price ratio i think you can get an separate gaming PC.

    • Beans 1

  16. On 12/14/2017 at 5:37 AM, Dancing.Russian.Man said:

    I've already argued that DayZ was released too early long before today over on the Steam forum. Sure, I admit it, but what does this achieve?

    You still didn't get the timeline right so I'm going to be very concise:
    1. Dean makes contract with BI, and says he wants to go to Everest. BI agrees to give him paid leave for it.
    2. Dean was on top of Everest in May 2013.
    3. DayZ releases in EA in December 2013.
    4. Interview comes out in February 2014 about Dean leaving by 2015. (A year in advance.)

    I'm busy with multiple things, sorry about that. Are you going to show me examples of the devs "praising Early Access?"

    Non Dean related, but could you answer this maybe?
    Why the DayZ SA Development is so slow?
    a) Lack of Budget
    b) Lack of team members
    c) Lack of ideas
    d) Lack of experience ( Clueless team that has nothing to do with previous Bohemia's games )
    Not an option: Issues with programming, bugs, engine etc.. I would understand if that was completely new engine and completely new game, but it's not really, it's just more like Arma 2 remaster, but there was like 4years for small bug fixing and minor new features which is ridiculously long time, all bugs could've been fixed in like half year if that was the same people who worked on Arma 3 / Arma 2 for example the cars took ages to work properly and it still doesn't work well, but for some reason the team who worked on A3 made the whole game in 2 years nearly without any bugs ( if reusing assets is allowed, why not to reuse some vehicle mechanics/physics for example and tweak it to make it better? ). So i bet the answer is d.

    • Haha 1

  17. Find a decent private server and stay there. I personally play in DayZ Underground, but its 1st person only, so it could be issue for you.

    Also for current state you don't need much to learn, just learn basic crafting ( you can check dayz wiki ):
    Crafting bandages aka rags is most important at first, all you need is random clothing and cut them using knife, axe etc. ( you can easily make improvised knife ).
    If you have hatchet or axe second good thing to craft is improvised backpack ( burlap sack + rope, you can craft rope from 12 rags and later upgrade the backpack using 3 sticks) so u can stay in low profile and carry some extra stuff.
    Also finding compass is very important.

    You should know already how to use compass and map ( you can open chernarus map in steam overlay browser or best on second monitor/tablet etc ).
    Over time you will learn where u spawn and it will be alot easier to navigate also you will learn alot of "Not to do's" e.g. walking on cliff rocks etc, jumping from heights.

    All the rest is basically your instincts/survival skill and your prefered play style.

  18. 1 hour ago, sneakydude said:

    You forgotten they did hire a completely huge team before, and everything was not clicking right at BI. I don't remember where the article is, but it has been explained. I think now, Eugene did a video on it.

    Never heard about that, only know that they hired 5 or 10 freelance artists for the new trees and other models/textures.

  19. Bohemia devs is exactly like me in CGI job, i do 1week job in 3months. I would fit perfectly in Bohemia lol.

    I think DayZ team is extremely small ( 5-10 ppl who is responsible for .63 cause they're doing only programmig right now, animations is fast to do, sound fx is fast, modelling and texturing is fast.. ), that's why its so slow, if the team is bigger then they're just lazy or unexperienced. Motion capture, Sound FX ppl and graphics designers doesn't count.

    I have feeling that DayZ Dev team is all the Bohemia's junior artists..
    If DayZ taking 5years and counting, then there's no way the same people made Arma 3 in 2 years.
    And the 5years was only for bug fixing including environment,renderer improvements, that's crazy.. Hire 30 random student people from various forums, give them $1.000.000 and i bet they would've done it faster even through major trial and error.
    And DayZ team only now figured out that they need to "change" the engine, if they would have started it at around ~.61-.62 release probs we would've seen 1.0 right now or atleast .63 early experimental.
    Also the vehicle fixing took ages, damn.. Look at Arma 3 code where vehicles works perfectly -> profit. ( I've heard that they cant use anything from arma3, but it's the same studio they can do whatever they want. )

  20. 3 hours ago, green_mtn_grandbob said:

    I think that if they had started out with the engine and what they have to work with now, the game would be finished by now.

    Not all things work out with the first try, and projects are some times a learning thing, that are scraped and started all over again.   

    kind of like changing horses in mid stream.

    Imo the "New Engine" is just an excuse. It's more like engine improving adding new scripts etc, based on the .63 previews it's the same engine with added/modified animations. But indeed they're adding alot of new features and that takes time, but it doesn't count as new engine... If i install Unreal Engine 4 and add some features that no one saw such similiar to the ones that Scum has, it would not magically become an Unreal Engine 5. Also if i remember right, the "New Engine" is already running .62 since they changed the programming language or something that will let to add base building etc.
    Ironically Bohemia works for PUBG, doing all the animations ( mocaps ) such as vaulting, fighting etc and it gets implemented by BlueHole way faster than DayZ itself.

    • Confused 2

  21. 13 hours ago, Ze-Krush said:


    I'm just going to hope .63 experimental fixes this issue.


    Probably not, since you can't even run this current version properly. Try to follow the steps i've mentioned above and report back :)
    With 1050Ti u should get pretty decent performance.
