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Everything posted by exacomvm

  1. Exactly, but this is DayZ, i totally wont get surprised if they gonna post something like "Unfortunately we found another crash issue in the game causing character loss after every logout..." 1month later adds the update with tons of issues/bugs and then it takes another 2 months to fix these issues. Or being more realistic: The new status report will come ~Thursday including info that the update is about being added and update will show on friday midday - evening.
  2. I doubt SCUM gonna be quality game, probs will be something like h1z1 on steroids. Btw where's the update? They said next week.
  3. exacomvm


    I assume you're using Windows 10 x64, possibly you're using Ryzen too. Step 1) Make sure your OS is stable and not fkd up by some Malware/VIruses/Software or just fkd up in general configuration. ( Trust me, OS can be issue, i've seen in many softwares ) Step 2) Make sure to verify the game files + delete all your config files ( should be in documents ). Step 3) Disable Fullscreen optimizations ( properties of the dayz's .exe ). If none of these helps then reinstall your OS from official microsoft site ( Backup files on ur D: drive and clean reinstall only the one where OS are e.g. C: ) If still that doesn't help, post your results of ( will show us ur specs and performance of them ): http://www.userbenchmark.com/ Also you can try running Memtest, maybe there's issues in ur HW config.
  4. Great news, but again whats the point of experimental/stress test branch then? Just throw it in stress test atleast so we can try it even offline, but instead you guys have to delay it for next week, even its already been some time.
  5. exacomvm

    Any info

    - Struggling with BattleEye and Non-BattleEye crashes for nearly month. - No idea when .63 will hit stable. - Zombies still not done/fixed. - Bugs since early stress tests not fixed ( probably ) Clearly DayZ 1.0 will be released this year. I have feeling that .63 will hit stable @ Q1 2019, unless everything goes as expected ( but in game development usually it doesn't ).
  6. exacomvm

    ReShade for 0.62 / 0.63 exp

    Ironically 99% of the people who uses ReShade makes their graphics even worse :D I've tried to play with ReShade for hours in KCD, there was no way to improve it, the devs already balanced it perfectly so i guess same would be for DayZ, ReShade is good for games like GTA or games with crappy post processing like PUBG.
  7. exacomvm


    The jumping should be automatically disabled imo if you carry too much weight. Having the option wont hurt.
  8. "Adds weapons, some more features - game trolls and starts freezing and crashing". Time for developing Enfusion Engine V2 ? :D
  9. exacomvm

    Avoiding boredom in DayZ 0.63

    I am not sure what you mean by city boy, irl i was both "redneck" and "city boy", but in-game i like various gameplay styles even being farmer it just depends on the mood. Yes vehicles was added, but still extremely glitchy and hard to find unless its a complete server reset. They removed more than added ( talking about .62 since .63 is like a fresh start of the game dev ). Remember these days when there was rotten food ( in case u dont have normal food u had to use it and later search for cure etc ) or even option to poison food etc trolling other players that way? Every building had loot etc ( for example why on earth they had to remove+reduce loot spawns from every military building making whole NWAF+Tisy empty in .62 even on private hives? ) they got rid of that and replaced with what? Wolves? I've seen the wolves like only 4 times in 300hours of gameplay, thats good to have, but it doesn't make huge impact to the gameplay, unless you want to die faster in the forest. Talking about .63: Bicycles/Cars/Helicopters/Crash sites with good loot is a CORE and must have features of DayZ, its shame they're not focusing on it ( atleast they could bring single sedan or something like that with some placeholder animatons and basic physics and revise it later ) I personally miss the part where you have to search for car parts to fix a vehicle or just silently travel w/ bike like in old good dayz mod. However i really love the new animations and especially how much they've improved the overall graphics/map. If i had to describe mod: Intense zombie apocalypse military pvp shooter/survival with base building, helicopters etc. If i had to describe .62: Immersive looting for 6 hours and still dont find a mag for ur AK with rare PvP and no vehicles but decent survival. If i had to describe .63: Immersive do nothing and die miserably simulator ( however doesn't mean i dislike it, it just lacks stuff and its WIP ). As you can see in these years dayz has less and less things to do, but imo that reached its peak and its going to recover back to the level of Mod + more.
  10. exacomvm

    Avoiding boredom in DayZ 0.63

    Still more important than adding "jump" ( not vault ) or "Hidden Stash". Imo devs should find the balance between what the game development needs and what players needs. I'ts been like 3years and nothing new was added besides visual stuff, ofcourse there was alot of progress for the game engine etc.
  11. exacomvm

    Avoiding boredom in DayZ 0.63

    I would love some bicycles especially after introducing the Stamina system. Also exploring these tourist roads with it would be awesome... But not gonna happen, because there's "more important" things to do.
  12. What you still don't understand is that DayZ has everything on "Advanced/Expert" level, while other games you've mentioned including games like PUBG/Fortnite/H1z1/Rust is like "Easy" level to make. For example you take one programmer, one guy who knows a bit of modeling and texturing and another who does rigging/animations and boom you have game like PUBG in a year. Now take same ppl and tell them to develop something like DayZ ( lets say the engine is there already ) they will develop the map alone for like 3 years, then get stuck countless times and mby 10 years later they will finish it and another 2 years to fix all mess they've left ( bugs ). I agree about the zombies, but imo its still WIP. Another thing that im not a fan of dayz is that they left the buildings and other assets looking like from 2001 game ( extremely low res textures, no proper shading ) + no ragdolls for zombies/players and still no proper Antialiasing, the towns looks very rough ( which is kinda good in some way ) but still lacks detail.
  13. exacomvm

    If the 'healthy' status returns. Stews / casseroles

    Sickness goes up if no proper meals taken in certain period of time.. Ez fix. Also here could the vitamin bottle take a role: if "fast food" taken without cooking u need vitamins to count it as proper meal.
  14. Same just happened here w/ .63 exp.
  15. exacomvm

    And yet another Bug with this broken game...

    This build is like only few months old, also anyway ur character would get wiped with second update. Play Stable if you don't want these issues.
  16. exacomvm

    Exp Update 0.63.147407

    Maybe you're right, but what an lame decision it is? DayZ leaves "Early Access" -> It's Final DayZ -> Still no vehicles ( an major feature of DayZ ).. That's just suicide for DayZ, people will truly forget the game.
  17. exacomvm

    Exp Update 0.63.147407

    Add bicycles! :D Should not be too hard to implement, atleast we would have some sort of transport even with "placeholder" basic animations.
  18. exacomvm

    Make Mobility more REALISITIC to the map.

    Wait for the transport such as bicycles, cars and it will be fine. I wish they added and spawned bicycles in nearly every town ASAP.
  19. exacomvm

    Unconsciousness Lost

    Unconscious is basically just to knock u out earlier before death.. So e.g. you're running and some dude shots u with pistol -> Uncon At current state some dude shots u with pistol -> you're still running just alot closer to death. Anyway this feature is a must, opens lots of possibilities.
  20. exacomvm

    Few questions about 0.63

    I bet its due to the server hosts, the better the server's CPU/rest parts the better the fps ingame. During stress tests i had almost over 100fps in big towns, sometimes barely 40fps. In offline mode i have like 2 times less fps than usually in stress tests ( since my PC is being as server host at the same time ).
  21. Thailand could be expensive. But check how much it would cost for something like that: CPU: Ryzen 3 1200 or Ryzen 3 2200G ( has integraded crappy GPU ). Motherboard: ASRock AB350M PRO4 RAM: Patriot Viper 4 DDR4 8GB KIT (2x4GB) 3000MHz or just DDR4 BallistiX Sport / Vengeance etc PSU: CX550M ( must be grey label/sticker, otherwise its old office version ) or Seasonic S12II-520 520W GPU: GTX 1060 6GB SSD/HDD: Any based on the pricing, but SSD is a must! Here's the pricing in my country:
  22. Yeah, but he wont afford PC with 16GB of ram, unless he downgraded GPU ( which is bad choice for DayZ ) or he could get used PC with like 4th gen intel or shit like that thats usually around 200-300$ and throw in brand new GPU + mby PSU upgrade to avoid potential fireworks in house. Im not even sure if he could get 1070 w/ Ryzen 3 for 800$.
  23. GTX 1070 + Ryzen 3 ( if u can afford get R5 ), also find decent PSU such as CX550M ( grey label ), EVGA SuperNova series etc. Rest just get what fits or is compatible, just make sure the motherboard is B350 so u can overclock.
  24. You can since the very first stress test. Hold C ( love the intuitive controls tho ). Overall mostly u just wrote about "work in progress" stuff that is in development or gonna be changed.. When do ppl start understanding that its Alpha Version ? Its like saying to an paint artist that his painting is shit even all he drew is just first brush.