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About Octopink

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  1. Octopink

    Doctor's Orders

    The 'Wish' was so awesome. Everyone did such a great job with this one. So much fun to play, so entertaining to watch. /popcorn
  2. Octopink

    Doctor's Orders

    Life is only fleeting... but crabbits are forever.
  3. Octopink

    Madness Rising

    Teddy's reaction to 98% of things in Chernarus XD
  4. Octopink

    Madness Rising

    Stop hurting Teddy! All he wants to do is dance and wear purple QQ But in all seriousness, awesome video. We have a great group of peeps :3
  5. Octopink

    Remnants Dayz RP Community - Whitelisted Server

    Be dazzled by zombies acrobatically hurdling through the air from car collisions and purple smoke grenades!
  6. Octopink

    Madness Rising

    Poor Teddy. Getting a harsh lesson in Chernarusian Madness ;_;
  7. Octopink

    Madness Rising

    It's noon in Chernarus. Do you know where your ballerino boy is?
  8. Octopink

    Total Recall

    Love this to pieces. I'm so happy Teddy found a fellow Tatu fan :)
  9. Octopink

    new clothes?

    I've found the black striped shirt only once, myself. You bet I'm keeping it. It's awesome :)
  10. Octopink

    Survivor Recovery, Part II

    Purely awesome RP. Had a blast with you all <3
  11. Octopink

    A Scotsman in Chernarus

    Everything about this is so damn quotable. Awesome video.
  12. Octopink

    Dances with Wolves

    Absolutely awesome video :D!
  13. Octopink

    Roleplay in DayZ: Distress Call

    You may have all of my beans. Awesome video all around, and with many more to come, I'm sure :]
  14. Octopink

    Remnants Dayz RP Community - Whitelisted Server

    As Teacup said above, we welcome a good story, including the ups, downs, conflicts and resolutions. We're here for you when you want to take part in a great team to weave some excellent plots together :)
  15. Octopink

    Remnants Dayz RP Community - Whitelisted Server

    Really excited for what's in store. We have a really great cast of characters so far and it's going to be awesome to see how this plot will evolve.