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Posts posted by Jonahhobbes23

  1. On 1/13/2017 at 8:00 AM, emuthreat said:

    Smashing stones randomly until one of them has a sharp-ish edge takes about two minutes. Don't forget to wear eye protection...


    Haha really? Having been bought up in an area with lots of flint as a kid it's really not that easy to make a sharp edge that's going to work.


    Also all those survival shows a few years back never had anyone knapping. 

  2. On 8/01/2017 at 7:21 AM, Kirov (DayZ) said:

    No, you die shortly after you spawn. Seems that you're just learning how to navigate the game - make a stone knife, know when to avoid/engage zeds, create craftable items, know the map and know where to explore, etc. It's okay to be new to the game and it's very satisfying to learn all the ropes.


    I so much hope that we'll get more threads like this. It's a sign of good progress, devs!

    "Make a stone knife"? I thought when Hicks took over it was supposed to be a ultra-realistic survival sim with Z's begrudgingly thrown to keep people still playing? Does anyone know how difficult it would be to "craft" a stone knife in RL? Knapping a flint blade takes years of experience.
