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jonah the bear

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About jonah the bear

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  1. jonah the bear

    Explosion of hackers?

    i can explain it in one sentence. arma 2 combined operations %40 off on steam.
  2. jonah the bear

    When a place a marker on a map does everyone see it?

    Admiral* show the man some respect
  3. jonah the bear

    A Move towards Subtle UI

    yes, i also want the debug monitor to disappear, as in you have to press alt+5 to see or something
  4. jonah the bear

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    ^ this, i was on the office building in elek when man was running into the super market, i shot him once he ran behind the counter and logged. if i had 20-30 seconds he would have died and all would be well
  5. jonah the bear

    Them Crooked Vultures

    why not crows, thats what they did the PMC campaign
  6. jonah the bear


    >go into house >lock all doors >log out of server >log into different server >lock all doors >repeat
  7. jonah the bear

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    i can give you my rocket
  8. jonah the bear

    out of game item store

    So i hate pay to win games so this doesnt really imbalance gameplay, so instead of donations or charging money for the mod think about this... a website side store for special items and by items i mean soda. i have about 120 hours in dayz and i've only seen one mountain dew and that got me thinking, how cool would it be if certain sodas could only exist by looting the dead? think about the possibilities, mello yellow, dr pepper, canada dry, lenonade, other beverages could work too! various beers and shit. high rollers could finally have the koniak they've always wanted.
  9. hit esc and then mash wasd for a second