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About Poklakni

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  1. Poklakni

    smersh vest add world loot

    I want to know where shmersh backpacks do spawn found approx 20 russian helis and still no backpack
  2. Poklakni

    How was your Day(Z)?

    yep i think only russian helis
  3. Poklakni

    Wolf Pelts

    not in this patch
  4. Poklakni

    .62 Chernarus Visual Update Wishlist

    nah I meant that at the very end of I am legend
  5. Poklakni

    .62 Chernarus Visual Update Wishlist

    that wall would be amazing just like in "I am legend"
  6. Poklakni


    ravens circling above corpse so u can see from the distance there is body somewhere
  7. Poklakni

    Military leg attachment

    something like this
  8. Poklakni

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    according to trello, alice backpack is still in testing
  9. Poklakni

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    what about alice?
  10. Poklakni

    Black Smersh combo

    I mean shersh combo is the only clothing/backpack in only one color..black one would be outstanding
  11. Poklakni

    Exp Update 0.61.136737

    is alice pack actually spawning? because nobody has found it yet