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Everything posted by Mr.Rip

  1. Mr.Rip

    Recoil in 0.63

    **I am aware that everything from gamescom is subject to change and not the final product. Just wanna bring it up for convo.** So i just wanna put this out there something i noticed from the footage at gamescom. When they aim down sight and fire the weapon the weapon itself recoils and moves but so does the camera and not just a bit. A lot. I can only imagine what multiple consecutive shots would look like. I can understand a slight jar in the camera but not that much. Compared to 0.62 and arma3 its an enormous amount. I am very well aware that everything from gamescom is subject to change and im sure things will in fact change but I just wanted to bring this up and see what other people think about it. I put some links down below to show the difference. They'll go directly to what im talkin about. Shout out to whoever videos i used. Just needed to show examples. Gamescom footage: https://youtu.be/LgquR7cg_c8?t=3m42s Current(ish) Dayz SA https://youtu.be/LNxFC0-mTm8?t=4m20s