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About TheGreatBrowie

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TheGreatBrowie

    Your wishes for DayZ standalone?

    A system that doesn't render tents and vehicles useless per sever resets.
  2. TheGreatBrowie

    SERIOUS Hacks happening.

    It can't? Tell that to me and the thirty other people on some server were on earlier. We all got turned to fucking sheep and chopped to death.
  3. TheGreatBrowie

    Can't get rid of my tents!

    Looks like someone discovered sarcasm. Before that, my friend, try discovering grammar. OT: Yeah. It's a problem; they'll fix it.
  4. TheGreatBrowie

    Draw Distance

    Thanks for the help.
  5. TheGreatBrowie

    Draw Distance

    Hello. I have a fer questions about the draw distance about DayZ, or more accurately Arma 2. Does it depend on the server you're on? Is it adjustable? If so, how? Thanks!
  6. TheGreatBrowie


    No. However, if you find a camping tent that you originally placed down, you may move that one.
  7. TheGreatBrowie

    Sleeping: A Solution to Ending D/Cing

    Well, the connection isn't terminated until the animation is completed. Sorry. Didn't make that clear before. In regards to your latter concern, it just fits the realistic atmosphere of DayZ better.
  8. Hello, fellow survivors... and bandits, I suppose. I believe the most jarring predicament with DayZ, presently, is the issue of those that avoid death via disconnecting. It takes away from the ambiance and, moreover, is just plain frustrating. It's such an easy exploit that it's hard not to do it when your cornered with your ghillie suit and AKM. Just Alt F4. Bam. Done. I just saved all my precious loot. The ability to disconnect pulls away from any sort of entertainment in the game. It goes against the whole "risk/reward" factor DayZ creates. Why tactically attempt to murder this bandit if I can just flank him then D/C? Why try to rob someone if they're just going to disconnect on sight? It needs to be fixed. So, an easy way to fix this, while adhering to the atmosphere of the game, is sleeping. When one decides to leave a game, they press ESC, per usual, and instead of the standard "abort" button, there would be a "sleep" button, or something of the sort. The player then enters a fifteen second animation of them laying down to sleep, before being disconnected from the game. If they take any damage in the animation, they get back up. This would eliminate any issues associated with disconnecting.
  9. I'm fine with the current spawning conditions, but the zombie's perception needs to be tuned down to compensate. YES, partially.