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Everything posted by exwoll

  1. It's not a moral/karma system, but a morale one. I mean your character has a separate life from yours, one that's dictated from the game itself. He's not sitting in a confy chair with some potatoe chips running around waiting to get kosd and respawn again :). The idea isn't to tell you that this thing is bad or good, far from it, what it does is applying extra survival pressure on your character based on the environment you're in. A person in the apocalypse will fill the total weight of the human psychological distress, which is observed in the majority of people that happen to find themselves in a similar RL situation. Your character isn't a gamer, soldier, etc. From the conditions of your spawning, you're a normal person that found himself in a really bad situation. Apart from having no one to rely on (your gf, family, friends, pets, porntube, etc) he/she has to deal with the hardships of a post apocalyptic world, which are physical, psychological and moral. The first person you have to kill will severely affect you, stealing will do to, the constant stress of living in fear will also leave a deep scar into your psyche. And these things, which arent visual, but are really important IRL aren't considered in the game actual system. The "moral" scale I mentioned, isn't the main one, and certainly isn't necessary at all, but I believe that it would be interesting to have it since newspawns are regular people heavily affected by it, and the effects of it should decrease with the time your character is being alive, the more situations he's gone through, etc. At least in hardcore immersive servers/mods where players are in for the genuine experience and not for fun.
  2. exwoll

    Status Report - 27 February 2018

    I agree with the realism as long as the implemented changes and the perceived loss of the atmospheric value of 0.62 will allow for more diversity and gives the dark moments a really spooky effect that can be truly enjoyed. However being myself a hardcore player that had been always pushing towards the realistic side of things, I still believe that the subtle tweaks to environmental values (being them colors, textures, shaders, etc) that give a hint of the overall setting of the game are necessary for an immersive and genuine experience. We are indeed playing a realistic game that tries to achieve the most close experiences it can offer to real life, but in the other side of things, there is a "theme" for all, which is the "zombie/infected" post-apocalyptic variable. And while a player goes through the experience offered by the game he will not be able to really feel or catch the mood of that theme/setting and the suspended disbelief will not kick in as quickly/strong (if it ever does) because of the differences that exist between the situation of his character and his own psychological state. Imagine you're in a happy day of your life, you join the game and you find a zombie. There are 2 scenarios: 1)You spawn in a field of flowers with birds singing, the sun high above the earth, everything shinning in its happiness, and in the middle, the zombie is standing. 2)You spawn in the same field, with all the same but a slight difference. The colors are somehow "weird" (be it by the lack of saturation of brown hues, etc), the sounds seem a little bit weird, or everything goes quiet, and being there feeling like something is off, you see a zombie. The first variable will not touch your mood, or even will cheer you up, and the appearance of a zombie will not affect it at all, and will not be seen as a threat, since the disbelief will be there and you will probably just laugh at him. The second variable slowly sets a mood of discomfort that ready up your senses and put them in alert, if the zombie appears there, it will have a lot more of effect and will be considered a threat just by its presence (which for example happens with all those moody survival horror games that do an awesome job manipulating your mind so the simple threat is seen as a much dangerous one. The environmental manipulation is a really powerful tool that, when done well, can deliver amazing experiences. And in Dayz we already said NO to music, which is one powerful element of the set, and now are saying NO to color, which is the second element by its power to affect us. What are we being left which? The environmental dangers aren't a threat at all to somehow affect the player, the infected at this point are just a minor annoyance, which CAN be perceived as more dangerous with the right environmental setting. If the desire is to completely go realistic, and make players fear other players, why not throw away the infected completely and just remove the Z from the game title? It will be just a normal open world simulator where people can hunt, experience cold and hunger, and be killed by other players. Why even bothering with the zombies and the ideal setting for them? I'm somehow worried about the neglecting these things are being victim of and kinda wish they were taken in count to avoid wasting such an atmospheric potential.
  3. uncuepagamer made a great video with a similar system! Hope a modder is reading/watching this, and will decide to add this stuff to a realistic mod :3
  4. We all like the game for the realism it has and the extremely fast way in wich it immerse us in his atmosphere. It's a survival simulator, one of the most realistic ones, but.... I think external communication software ruins that fun acting like real-life telepathy, because: unreal communication between ppl at long distances without being detected, even at close distances of them (telepathy); impossibility of knowing what the other people is talking and if they're talking. And if they are friendly or not no punishment for loud sounds during communication, means no zombie attraction (or other players). It's way unreal in groups AND This plays a lot in favor of "bandit" players for disgrace for obvious reasons, and in some degree encourages this behavior. Now, we all have communication needs, and the game doesn't provide much of them at the moment, but I think it could improve over the time with a couple of fixes that would address the mentioned above things while providing good communication for teams and groups of people: 1. Change the "press to talk" communication system to "voice detection" . If a player speaks it goes to the game. If he's using other software, it doesn't matter. Cheap, fast and effective solution. This would enable players to seek another options: hand signals for close ranges (2), in-game radio comm devices for medium-long ranges (4), use of alternative mediums (flares, colors, light reflection, etc). (Note: There would always be cheaters using other pc's, cellphones, or even complex software solutions that make it possible to use 2 microphones at once or create fake microphones and assign them to the game, etc. But this cases could be reported by other players and they would be limited, not mainstream like now) 2. Implement military hand signals for soundless maneuvers. (move, stop, attack, defend, surround, numbers, etc). 3. Add a "whisper" option (like pressing 2 keys or something) that would greatly reduce the sound radius. The voice detection will allow to use it automatically, but in cases where the players mic is broken or defective, it would be useful to have a button to suppress sound a little. 4. Increase the spawn of comm devices to group level (having 2-6 wktk at police or firefighter stations or hospitals), and add other classes of them, like special forces or military comm devices (in-ears ,etc) that could improve the stealth factor . With the implementation of these "easy" fixes I believe the game experience would be way more realistic: better communication between players since everyone would be able to know what the other players have in mind and microphones would be a must for every player :D Less KoS (in some degree). Increase role playing (bandits would have to fake good intentions in their communications, etc, etc) adding a lot of fun to the game. Encourage groups to be creative with their comms. rules in case of being split by attacks or respawning cases. (i.e. we meet at X, we wear armband, we greet with code-word or signal X, we use radio freq. X, etc, etc) adding more realism to the game. What I propose it's the existence of the following real-life immersive scenarios: Imagine you're looting with friends, laughing and all, and suddenly one of you hear something, you all shut up and start doing signals or whispering to make an action plan. Or, you're walking in the woods or in a city, when suddenly you hear a comm device conversation like 20m away, you run to cover and see 4 fully geared guys comming from 2 streets with clown masks, searching their next victim. But you keep listening and hear than they just met and are friendly and risk saying hi to them :D. Now, I know that some people will just turn off their ingame mic (or via steam). But this would have consequences and make them think twice before doing it: 1. No communication with strangers (where's the fun in that?) 2. More prone to be KoS, since they will be unable to answer in time Plus this could be "punishable" via server, where players with no input data from microphone can be banned :) Hope this could be implemented at least at server level :D
  5. exwoll

    To the Devs. Love, The Village.

    I would move the village to the Lopatino castele, and fortify it there with military tents, AFAIK you can totally isolate it from inside!
  6. Didn't found any other section for this, so will post here (sorry if the wrong place)! With all this 0.62 movement I decided to man-up and finish a small project for the community that we began with /u/Cobblest0ne a couple of months ago. And well, here it is! DAYZ AMBIENT LAUNCHER 1.1 (updated) This small program will enable you to add ambient music to the game, creating a haunting atmosphere which will help a lot with the immersion in the post-apocalyptic world of Dayz! It does everything automatically to save you some troubles. If you used to manually add it through Youtube or a media player before launching the game. Use as recommended settings! What does it do? Basically, the program enables you to launch the game (with x64 and/or high priority modes) at the time that it plays an intro theme of your like (my favorites are included), and after that it activates the mod OST playlist randomly, which is played constantly with the given settings till you finish playing the game and close the program. FEATURES Sound Personalized intro theme song (you select a folder with the files you want to play) that randomly selects one of the songs you added every time, or a single one of your liking (the pack comes with the intro themes from The Walking Dead and 28 Days Later in the */Launcher/Intro folder). Adjustable volume and delay for the intro playback (in case your game takes a long time to load and you want the song to last till you connect to the server) Personalized game OST (the pack comes with the mod soundtrack, but you can change it for what you want just swapping the files in the */Launcher/OST foler) Adjustable volume and delay between tracks for the OST playlist** (it plays randomly only) Launch Options High Priority Mode - Launches the game with high priority in your tasks list, which assigns more CPU resources to the game. It helps with some FPS issues. 64 bits Mode - Launches the game in x64. Download Link Special thanks to /u/Cobblest0ne for his help with the first half of the coding, and /u/TailorMachine for his OGG files! :D
  7. exwoll

    Ambient Launcher for the game :)

    Version 1.1 Is out which should fix the issues people had in W10! https://www.dropbox.com/s/q5n3kko83iinxtp/DayZ Ambient Launcher 1.1 [eXWoLL%2CCobblest0ne].rar?dl=0
  8. Since once modding is out with the server files, I guess there gonna be a lot of different settings for them and it will be quite hard to find a server that meets your needs. One of my biggest concerns gonna be the info regarding the season in which the server is currently, so I think that the following info should be available when choosing a server: Current Season Permanent or Dynamic (settings of the last one) Environmental Variables (Max and Min allowed Temperatures, Days with rain, snow, etc) Time Up or Current Cycle (In case of Dynamic Seasons)
  9. What are you talking about?. I said that a person can´t run and FOCUS on the SURROUNDINGS while he´s at it. Sure you can run and focus on 1 thing that you´re after, not for long times since you need to watch your path every now and then, but running at full speed on a rough terrain and just marvel with the surroundings like if you´re walking or jogging at slow pace? To SEE something and FOCUS on it are different things ffs. Damn triggered folk lol. Can´t wait for a detailed post or SR about the changes in beta :3
  10. Try it. Go to the nearest park and start sprinting while trying to focus things that are around you. Tell me how long you last before you have one of the greatest falls of your life lol
  11. Yeah, those little changes are fully welcomed by me. Scan the surroundings while you are running shouldnt be allowed because of realism, same as running with the weapon out!
  12. I'm totally PRO eye zoom. I can barely endure games without it because of the pixel hunting one has to do to see something that would be clearly visible in real life through "focusing". It's totally realistic, and helps a lot while running in the middle of nowhere to check the surroundings. Adds some dynamism to the game in other words. I have been playing TLD a lot lately, and this is the feature I would like to see there most! Now I'm all it for removing it from the iron sights, since it somehow makes some scopes obsolete. But i'm against removing it totally from the game.
  13. Dude, just go play EZ mode.
  14. Dude, there will always be an easy mode for you :). Let other people search for a difficulty that goes with their capabilities.
  15. exwoll

    Exp Update 0.62.140062

    Just noticed that the rangefinder can´t change to optics mode.
  16. exwoll


    This. It could be cool to allow people to choose between a preset amount of symbols and phrases. Maybe make it that "older" characters have access to more things to write :3
  17. exwoll

    Exp Update 0.62.139977

    I really love that we at last got rid of those fluorescent plants in the woods. It feels way more realistical now! Cheer guys! :D
  18. exwoll

    Graves for our dearest.

    cool idea
  19. Hardcore servers as DUG, ProphecyRP, RedZone will certainly implement stuff like that once that the server files are available, or even mods are up. Heard from some admins that they would really like to try perma-deaths experiments to see how things go.
  20. In that case it would be great, I see it as a 1-3 times a year tournament with cool prizes !:3
  21. No not forever (well that would be neat and really hardcore XD), but for a good amount of time (lets say a couple of weeks or a month) The thing with a seasonal system is that you limit the playability and just cut the experience at a certain point. Which will make people take it as a battleroyale mod and just play it for the sake of points given (which means pvp ftw) and it will kinda of waste all the potential of the realistic things suggested there. In other words: the first time people will just play it and enjoy as it is, but after they see how points work, the second and next times they will just focus on the most effective way of getting it, which would just be like a PUBG with a longer timeframe. I really like the idea tho, and I'm sure someone will make a mod or a server that works like this, it has a lot of stuff people had been asking for the game in the last years!
  22. I would like all of that inside a separate permadeath mod with no limited time :)
  23. exwoll

    Exp Update 0.62.139869

    The issue with birds ambient sounds isn't much the loudness, but the lack of direction and volume, it's like someone wrote above - birds sound like if they're inside your brain lol. Once they fix this and sounds are really perceived by the character, and not created inside his brain, things will sound amazing :D
  24. exwoll

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    I would like to suggest a log-off system that would enhance the realism of the game: Basically when you log off, your character receives the weather effects that happen in the place every time weather changes to harsh. So if you log off in the middle of nowhere without any cover , you risk to login the next day and find out that your character is sick or died of hypothermia. NOTES: 1. YOUR CHARACTER DOESN'T PHYSICALLY STAY IN THE GAME 2. THE STATUS UPDATES ONLY APPLY ONCE (THEY DON´T ADD UP, BE IT 1 DAY OR 20 WITHOUT LOGGING IN, IT WOULD NOT MATTER) 3. THIS IS A REALISTIC SUGGESTION THAT WOULD MOSTLY FIT HARDCORE/REALISTIC SERVERS AND MODS The main goal it's to make people have a realistic reason to search for cover to rest (logging off) from environmental dangers: cold rain uncomfortable sleeping conditions predators mosquitoes (?) etc This simulates a real situation when you have to find a place to spend the night in the wild (a cave, a cliff to protect from wind, a tent, etc) penalizing you after X hours with environmental status updates (maybe one or more depending on the realism setting of the server/mod), depending on what happened in the server in that area. This statuses would be both positive and negative (for example): Body temperature (with some % chance of getting hypothermia or directly dying from it) Wet (you log in and you are wet, and cold for example) Diseases (influenza, flu, etc) Morale stress, fear (if implemented in some mod) maybe some low random probability (like idk 2%) of getting eaten by wolves or bears while sleeping body confort/discomfort (maybe a % of getting a pain in the back and moving slowly the next hour or so) Hunger and thirst (so when you "wake up" you eat before departing) (great suggestion guys!) Stamina level And as some people mentioned here, maybe take something from TLD and add bonuses for taking care of your character before going to sleep (like eating hot food, having a fire, a confortable bet, etc) :D. All of this is really realistic, and most is the logical thing to do. The status updates can be both fixed depending on the environmental conditions and random probabilities for bad stuff happening: FIXED STATUS UPDATES (depends on the amounts you have of some stats, the environmental variables, etC) Body temperature Body humidity Morale Stamina level (or other indicator that should refresh while your character is "resting" Hunger and Thirst SEMI-RANDOM STATUS UPDATES TRIGGERED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OR WHERE YOU ARE Predator attacks (low %, read below details, but also can be mortal) Diseases (% depending on Body temperature, humidity) Hypothermia (% depending on environment temperature, season, body temperature, humidity) Body discomfort (% of getting a pain in the back and other stuff you get for sleeping in the middle of the forest) etc RANDOM EVENTS THAT AFFECT YOUR CHARACTER (AND MAYBE ADD SOME STATUSES), y Wolves/bears attacks Bitten by spiders, snakes, etc Character heard some people and run away etc An example of these events could be that you log in in the forest, and you receive a message "I was attacked by wolves tonight, had to fight with them". As result you have: Your character isnt rested at all (since he didn't slept at all) You lose some ammo (he fired some shots to scare them away) Maybe he has some ruined clothes. Stolen food Lost some blood fighting Morale effect because of the scared he got etc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So for example: You're walking in the forest and decided to log off in the middle of nowhere, you log off, after lets say 8-10hrs being offline you get a status update depending of what happened (This would simulate that while you were sleeping outside it rained, and you got wet, of if it was winter you got buried in snow, etc). The next day (or 4 days later) you log in and your statuses are: You're damp You're cold You're hungry You want to take a crap (we have poo models) Your stamina haven't recovered fully (because of the shitty and uncomfortable conditions) Your morale lowered (due to the fear of sleeping in the dark in the middle of a forest) and so on. Since it wasn't winter, and temperatures outside were fine, and it didn't rained that day you got what was realistic. Now in case that it was winter, then you have a high % of dying when logging in again, because you know it's winter -20c outside and you just slept a night in the snow without any cover :V. This will make people to search some cover for logging off, be it a building, or a shed or a tent. During summer this could have almost no effect on gameplay, but once rains start or winter hits, searching for a refuge for sleeping (logging off) gonna be vital, and will add a lot of realism having a small extra side mission every time you want to log-out. edit: Updated info, since a lot of people didn't got the idea :)
  25. exwoll

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    yeah my bad :) edited the first post to clarify everything anyways.