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Everything posted by exwoll

  1. exwoll

    Brian Hicks

    He´s alive!
  2. Was watching this old concept for the main menu and some in-game visual status effects representation details for the player itself (showing what the character is experiencing in the screen). And wandered what are the development team plans for these? I scrolled trough the list of stuff they're planning to add into beta and release and havent found those items, nor had seen anyone referring to them in the latest streams. The things I am referring to specifically are: Spawning visuals Dying visuals Wearing items that affect vision (motorcycle helmets, sunglasses, etc) Realistic blood and injuries rendering/particles Hunger visuals Sickness visuals Hypothermia/Hyperthermia visuals Low health/blood visuals Massive damage/shock/pain(this one for torture episodes) visuals Substance consumption visuals (alcohol, morphine other drugs, poisoning, etc) Will we have an opened plastic bottle animation btw??? was always kinda weird drinking/filling a closed one XD Small details that would massively add to the game immersion and experience, and would definitely signal of a ready to launch and thought off product. Did the devs talked about these or are they included in some category from the "to do" list they supplied last year? Because all of them were possible with the old renderer (at least some modded/pirate SA servers had some of them implemented), guess that Enfusion is more than capable of having them.
  3. Well, guess that we're not having these things in-game ever, sad :( They never replied nor here, nor in Twitter.
  4. Its like that mostly. this was before they made nights darker. Now it looks like 40% worst than that with gamma. Personally I would rather crawl and hide during night time than play that blue psychodelic minecraft.
  5. exwoll

    0.63 Checklist Updates

    Some of them will be batch finished. All the infected stuff and the player movements and Main menu.
  6. exwoll

    0.63 Checklist Updates

    if something goes over 3 weeks, is counted in months....
  7. they added a blue fog that would cover everything not touched by a light source. If you gamma your monitor or the gpu, you just gonna get a lot of blue. You still get some "advantage" by doing this, but it looks so damn horrible, that its easier for your eyes not doing it.
  8. That one is almost everything we have already :D. Would be great to have the high pitch in the ears also, and some heartbeat sound if there is a shot or infected close during the night :3.
  9. @Baty Alquawen plsssss ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ :D Deliver this simple mortal plead to the other world :v
  10. Thanks about the update on blood and wounds, great to know that! :D Regarding the effects, the things you mentioned are shown with the character himself, in other words are external signs of the health statuses for other players to see, I certainly heard and read about those since last year show of the shivering when it´s cold. But here I´m explicitly asking about the visual effect it will have from the player perspective, or the internal effects the different statuses will show themselves for the player playing the character it´s affecting. I´ll use the same list I made above to give examples on each point: Spawning visuals - Waking up eyes animation, decreasing blurriness after coming into your senses Dying visuals - Decreasing visibility, closing eyes animation, blood, heartbeat sound and visual pulsating effect, tremors, short visibility of the world around while you´re dying etc Wearing items that affect vision (motorcycle helmets, sunglasses, etc) - Depending on color and state of the glass you wear Hunger visuals - slight blurriness or increased motion blur, vignetting, lose of color (increasing with severity) Sickness visuals - depending on the sickness, various combinations of the stuff mentioned above, tumbling of the character, shacking , etc (increasing with severity) Hypothermia/Hyperthermia visuals - same as above applied to these symptoms (increasing with severity) Low health/blood visuals - blurriness, vignetting, desaturation, tumbling, etc (increasing with severity) Massive damage/shock/pain(this one for torture episodes) visuals - visual pulsation effect, increased breathing, heartbeat sounds, high pitch sounds for acute pain, etc Substance consumption visuals (alcohol, morphine other drugs, poisoning, etc) - depending on each substance, blurriness, sounds, colors, etc (increasing with severity) In other words, stuff that makes you somehow experience what´s happening to your character :D
  11. exwoll

    Server Lag or Internet Lag?

    If there is enough distance between you and the servers it will lag no matter how much speed you have.
  12. exwoll

    I miss my Dayz

    waiting for the stable version to reinstall. sadly don´t have enough space on disk nor will to reinstall twice with experimental.
  13. It would be amazing if each character has to "learn" how to control his weapon with the rounds fired, and that the more a character fires a weapon in a given a mount of time, the more control he gains over it. This would add a lot of realism to each spawn, making bambis unable to have proper accuracy/control on new weapons, giving players a thought choice in midgame when encountering a new weapon because of the choice of something more powerful but with less control, over an old weapon which you already gained full control of.
  14. I dont think the freezes where ingame, I mean , they wouldnt even be talking about experimental if they didnt thought that the experience is smooth enough on their side, so I wouldnt worry about that :). Probably some minor lags due the video transfer from the recording software to the stream, they where managing parallel vido sources, so it could easily create some weird stuff there
  15. I wanna get paid to shill too, pls tell me where to apply XD
  16. exwoll

    Make guns recoil control a soft skill

    well i really doubt that many backstories (in RP servers, which dont even have that much action to begin with lol) will able their characters to perfectly use every single gun ingame..I perfectly understand that old pvp players have the "uh I only want to shot others, don't care about little details keeping me away from decent pvp", and it's fine. However the idea of making it a soft skill will not take much time to learn, and any character will be able to do it with a couple dozens fired shots. Obviously it should be an optional thing in server settings, but it should be a thing, specially in hardcore realistic servers where people would value any drop of realism the game offers. If the control over recoil goes fully into players hands, then weapon recoil should be really strong and have a button/mouse movement to control it, and master, which is also a good thing, both options are fine by me. However this one will give old players an advantage over newbies in the bambi state, and personally I see it as a dumb one since you're respawning from 0 every time you die.
  17. exwoll

    Make guns recoil control a soft skill

    You can´t translate recoil control, which is based on muscle memory and applied strength, into player´s control. Aside from introducing a key to apply it, but it will still not be realistic as of the ingame character knowledge and experience with guns, which in a realistic context is none. Ez mode servers would have this disabled of course.
  18. Actually yeah, now that you said it, the sound of the shots was quite muffled :/
  19. how? literally early feedback. When a project advances sometimes the devs want to make 2 different things, one of the ideas win, even if not everyone is sure about it, and if no one says nothing about it early things get implemented in the end. Early feedback can at least make them think twice, or give the proponents of the other solution some ground to implement their version (if such exists). I lose nothing by trying to point out things that I personally feel aren't right. Maybe someone else agrees? :P They have been "mentioning" where Brian is since August last year. It still doesn't explain the patron..... Thanks! Yeah, thats what I had in mind when I noted at the end of the post that I totally realize its unfinished work, but was just worried about the directions where this things were pointing, and had to ask about it. Also part of my question, or actually a hope for the reply was for something like "yeah, some of these things gonna go that way, but hey, you will be able to tune all of that with modding", so I get a little mad and start researching about how to create my own mod, gonna be called "Definitely Non-Enjoyable Realistic Mod", with realistic recoil, whores and casinos XD
  20. Oh common. The devs are doing as much as they can (and more) to deliver a good game and in an active way. First of all they aren't actors nor showpeople, they're regular people with a programming background (which mostly is filled by introvert people) and doing what they're doing is quite of both their confort zone and obligations/profession, so say thanks to them for doing a good social and transparent endeavor with all of this :). And second, the guy with the main vision isnt there anymore. Even if Dean left them a detailed plan and they all are on the same page, it's quite difficult to move like that. In any project there are problems that can only be successfully solved by the guy with the vision, because he's the only one with the long term view and the whole thing working in his head, he's the only one that can predict how any decision will affect the whole project and will keep the steer wheel in the correct path to achieve what he has in his head, even if he has to change some of the things that he had planned before to do that (a thing that others can't do because they have their own personal visions and the only thing they got from the original one were the initial ideas). When that guy leaves the team, the rest are like a group of good soldiers left in the battlefield without a captain: they will defend themselves well, will effectively combat the enemy, but they will have a very hard time moving towards longterm victory. Guys are doing great and what they can to bring the game all of us love to life :). My post wast just to make them notice a couple of moments I disliked.
  21. Now about the recoil.... For a more visual idea of what I mean: Real 0.45ACP recoil 0.61 FNX recoil 0.63 Stream FNX recoil As you can clearly see, in the last video is virtually inexistent, which is quite annoying if you ask me. Even Doom has more realistic recoil than that lol
  22. Disclaimer: Yes, I searched this time for this suggestion to avoid repeating, and although I found some similar ideas, they were only partially going the way I'll suggest and were topics from 2 years ago, mostly focused on "avoiding KOS" and some moral values that would be very relative in a post apocalyptic world. So you can keep reading :). (In case that I missed a suggestion that was very alike to mine, please sorry, and I hope that at least this one gonna be useful to explain it) I believe that the implementation of these statuses, could drastically improve the game in the sense that they could become an extra tool to making some threats more dangerous without changing the things (like for example infected quantities and predators). They would sometimes strongly affect the character, and sometimes only indirectly. Introduction (you can skip it) People (and almost any living complex organism) are affected by a wide array of factors during their life cycle (understanding here the term "survival" as the unconscious need of every organism to complete this cycle and make it as long as possible). This factors can be divided in a couple of main groups, all of which create a reaction in the organism depending on the threat every one of them possess to it, : Physiological factors (external) - The ones that directly affect us in the environment, and that our senses evolved to detect and measure (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, light/sun quantity/exposure, physical/chemical variables that affect the organism, etc) Psychological factors (internal) - The responses that our brain develops in response to the physiological factors and that direct our behavior towards our survival through a complex system of hormones, nervous impulses and mind/conscience mechanisms. (instincts, emotions, mental health,etc) Social factors (kinda mix of the previous ones) - This one only affect humans and other "social" living beings, where the survival of the specie as a whole was shaped thanks to groups of individuals interacting and helping each other, since every individual as a lone being is too weak to make it against other species or the environment. Because of this the brain of every one of us have like engraved in the deep of its core the dependence of the status of our relationship with other individuals as vitally important for our survival. All this groups interact one with another creating complex responses to every kind of issue that affects us, giving direction to our thinking processes, decisions, behavior, etc. Where any pulled string affects 3423423423423 others. In DayZ we have the first one very well (or starting to at least) implemented. We have responses to weather conditions, biological factors (diseases), etc that affect our gameplay, shaping our behavior in the game. But the other 2 are totally ignored, although they have a strong impact on human behavior (sometimes even beating the first one in hierarchy) and should strongly affect our gameplay too. In this topic, I will explain how and why this could/should be implemented and taken in count by the devs, creating a more immersive, realisctic, and full of challenges gaming experience. Psychological Factors I was thinking about describing everything with a lot of detail and fundamentals, but I think this will become some sort of doctoral dissertation, so I'll avoid it and try to go straight to the point: Every person (or character if applied to the game) has a mental status that varies depending of a number of variables and that directly affects our behavior (one can even say that it creates it). In game it could be represented by 5 scales (i'll detail them below, don't jump to conclusions only by the name XD): Happiness scale Fear Scale Social (loneliness) scale Moral (initial/decreasing importance) scale Mental Sanity All of which are constantly calibrating and at some point affect each other, and have some dependency on health statuses. Some of them would have an effect on gameplay. Happiness/Sadness Scale This would be the general status that would be always seen. It's affected by the rest of the scales and also by some individual factors. Value (as example) 10000, where: 10000 - Happy 0 - Deep depression. Depends on: Fear Scale Social (loneliness) scale Moral scale (only at the beginning, read why in the explanation for this scale) Mental Sanity scale Hunger scale Health scale Some in-game actions (music, musical instruments, books) How this dependence is expressed? When one of these scales are lower that a certain degree, they start to affect the happiness scale: If they're all "good", the happiness scale increases by a certain value (lets say +5 every X minutes per each scale) Once they start failing, happiness is reduced by a certain value, depending on the impact of each scale (Moral scale for example, would only have an impact at the initial periods) Some ingame actions, like listening radio music, playing/listening musical instruments (if added) , reading books time,etc would increase happiness by a X value every Y minutes of action. Gameplay effects Happiness scale at MAX.: Stamina and fatigue levels decrease less, your character has more energy Complete tasks/actions/soft skills a little bit faster depending on the level of happiness Other scales are less affected by some events (fear scale, social scale, mental sanity) Happiness scale at MIN: Depression kicks in, its effects would vary widely, some of them might be: Reduction of stamina at increasing rates, your character gets tired really often Color saturation is affected by the severity of depression (similar to blood loss) Tasks/actions/soft skills would perform slower or even interrupt from time to time with the character refusing to do them Depressive messages start popping up on the screen (I don't think my life has value, Everything is the same, There's nothing to do here, etc) (well this can be omitted, it could affect the player also XD) If depression reach the limit of 0 happiness value, your character starts trying to suicide, till after a time, you can't avoid it and he kills himself Character refuses to move at all at 0 Fear Scale This scare would start at neutral, where some ingame moments would affect your character behavor or experience. Value(as example) 5000 5000 - Relaxed 0 - Panic Depends on: Exposure to people Exposure to infected Gunshots sounds Other players aggressive actions (attacking you) How the dependence would be expressed? Exposure to people would affect this scale for Y value depending on the total exposure time to people (the more you interact the positive and greater the value is) Exposure to infected would strongly affect this negatively, the decrease would be weaker with every hour of exposure you had to them (simulating adaptation) Hearing gunshots would affect this value (or just give a gameplay effect) Being attacked would affect it too Gameplay Effects Meeting other players would give a sound of heartbeat, stronger breathing (if the scale is healthy this would reduce, your character would "adapt" to this world) Encountering infected will greatly increase the breathing of the character, weapons would sway a little more, strong heartbeat sound Hearing gunshots would increase heart beating, and affect the overall scale Being attacked would greatly increase breathing, weapon sway and heartbeat (the character would adapt to this too with time) Predators would affect this too (hearing wolfs howling, etc) Stamina would increase for a short time, making your character to move faster, but at the same time more erratically with the level of fear Movement blur would increase with the lower fear scale values simulating the real life confusion one experience when panicking If it reaches the min level, your character could become paralyzed to dangers. In min levels, character would refuse to go into areas with infected or run in the oposing direction from them when encountering one Same with gunshots and other players. Social Scale This scale will measure your time being exposed to other players, companion dogs/horses, and simulate the need for social interaction a human will endure in a similar situation. Value(as example) 5000: 5000 - Socially fulfilled (being in a community) 0 - Very lonely Depends on: Time exposed (communicating ingame) with other players Time exposed with companion dog (as in real life) Other things you do ingame (reading, playing instruments, crafting, fishing, hunting) How is the dependence expressed? The value of the scale simple increases or decreases at a given rate when interaction is happening (human, animal, object) Gameplay Effects This status would not have direct effect on gameplay, and will effect other statuses if it's low (happiness, mental sanity) If it's below 2500 it starts reducing happiness by X value (the effect would increase with lower values) Same with mental sanity Moral Scale This is a highly controversial scale, that has been discussed a lot here. I agree with the people that say it doesn't apply to Dayz World, but only partially. The survivors are supposed to be starting to enter the post apocalyptic world, taking this in count, they still have vestiges of a moral system from the old world. Said this, "immoral" actions, should affect the character, but only at the beginning. Once he starts adapting to Dayz world, the importance of this status would strongly diminish, since all rules would be washed away. A thing that we can for example see clearly happening in TWD characters evolution through the seasons, where they become more and more "brutal". Value (as example) 5000: 5000 - I'm a good person 0 - What had I became? Depends on: In-game actions Time being alive "negative" acts count How this dependence expresses? Killing other players, or animals would negatively affect the status at the first hours of game Killing players that didn't attacked you, would greatly reduce the status Taking stuff from tents, stashes or people would also negatively affect the status Gameplay effects Since this would be only a temporary scale that doesn't directly affects the gameplay, the effects would be limited to: Messages dealing with the character moral dilemas ("I feel so bad for that man", What have I done, etc) Affecting moderately the Happiness and Moral Sanity scales (that would reduce with ingame time, and repeated instances) Character Adaptation: The more people/animals your character kills the less this actions affects him (there could even be a happiness positive effect after a certain threshold is passed) The more tents, stashes, players, your character robs, the less it affects him The more time your character is alive in Dayz, the less this scale afects other scales (after a determinated time, it would even become inactive at all) Mental Sanity Scale This could be not so much a scale, but a set of psychological statuses that give the character a mental disorder. It could range from Maniac status, to schizophrenia, Depression (yes this could be triggered by the hapiness scale), etc. Like Kuru All of this statuses would depend on the level of the other ones as triggers for it. Each different status would have their effects on the character behavior, like: Hearing weird sounds Having hallucinations blurriness Too colorful view of the world speaking to himself weird laughs erratic behavior (like randomly using hand signals) panic attacks etc This scale would need more detail depending on the diseases and I believe it goes beyond the thread. Ok. Done with 1+hr writing and organizing my thoughts lol, hope this could be found useful for the devs or future modders that could implement this in-game for hardcore gameplay at least :)
  23. Yeah, the voip thing would be kinda difficult to track/implement correctly due to that. But other stuff would be easy quantifiable, like books read or music listened, etc, etc. This stuff can be easily coped with a "daily limit" where the character just says "I don't want to to read anymore/My eyes hurt, I think it's enough for today" in the books case for example. The main idea still remains the one of making the game fun to play in any scenario giving your character stuff to do anytime, no matter how well you're geared or how many food you managed to gather. Edit: Just thought that there could be a way of quantifiying positive interactions. Since the game tracks all the actions that involve a character, a hypothetic system to track this could involve: time speaking, shots fired/received during a VOIP window, stamina depletion and even mouse movement (we all move it like crazy to avoid being shot or looking if somebody is following us)
  24. Yeah, those little things your character gets better with time should 100% come :). For me the mental health of the character would be a great thing to have for the end game. My characters usually last at least a couple of months, the last one I had survived from the launch of 0.62 to the day I uninstalled the game because I needed some space, and that was this month. When one learns how to survive in the game, how to not be seen, things get boring, and a mental health scale would be great to push your characters to have more interactions and constantly seek for things that would give him back some sanity (like reading books, or listening to the radio constantly).