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About Capo393

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    On the Coast

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  1. This is what I'm getting at. There is simply more food than 100 people need, let alone 60 Indeed, but if everyone had to look for food it would open up greater pvp and interaction possibilities. Currently people just bushwack as there's no reason to go into a town if you're in full milgear and have 20 cans in your pack, why slow down your run for gear you don't need right?
  2. I understand that we're testing systems in progress, but again, I don't see how a lower abundance of food would interfere with testing. Err, I dunno if that's the link I intended on posting but, the general gist of what I mean is that they can alter the loot tables and cle in general without needing to create a whole new patch, allowing them to change loot spawns on the fly and as necessary. The impression I got was that they could definitely change what, where and how much spawns. Just to clarify, I am aware that the general goal is to scale back food spawns drastically, increase zombie spawns, as well as increase chance of disease etc, and that all these things need proper testing and balancing or it could cause calamity. But as foods main impact would be on player behaviour rather than server performance, why wait? Currently we have an amount of food where everybody is quite comfortable, and could be used as a safety net if it is found that food has been made too rare for example. At least that's how I understand the cle to work. It is rather complicated so maybe I'm completely wrong. :)
  3. I would love it if small ponds weren't so ok to drink from, a dam or a river I can understand, but I would have squirted out my weight in brown if I ever drank that much ditchwater in real life. Also, pond water being much riskier would push traffic into towns and isolated wells for the water supply. But one thing at a time :D Are the pots really that messed up? I had no idea.
  4. Thanks for your reply :). While I agree that implementation of more zombies in towns and an increase of wildlife will lead to better cause for, and access to the survival mechanics, I still see no reason for food to be so plentiful, at least in this current iteration of the game. I'm not saying canned goods should be completely absent from the loot tables, but at the moment it's almost a non issue. But you make an interesting point, if I cannot get to the food, it might as well not exist. Now for the other replies. I don't think a slightly greater challenge would lead to people being unable to test other elements of the game. A huge amount of people played over the first few days of the patch, so loot was scarce as fuck, but for the most part everyone got through it, had a blast and had time to fix cars often enough to discover they were respawning, for example. While I understand that the devs aren't trying to create a simulator, and neither are they creating h1z1, I've been under the impression that the devs have been trying to create a challenging, authentic survival experience. Reducing the food spawns would absolutely not put us into 'press 'e' to wipe your ass' territory, but would rather make it so that at least one of our basic needs as human beings isn't being met effortlessly. I'm not gonna even talk about mods. Oce has a much smaller community, so there will be little choice when it comes to mods unless I want 300 ping. Edit - sorry for the formatting, my phone's a nightmare.
  5. Dayz has always pitched itself as a brutal survival game, the amount of times I've heard 'struggle to survive' in relation to this game is astronomical. The issue is that beyond the first couple of days of the patch, it simply is not difficult to survive at all. Food is extremely easy to acquire, I never find myself looking for food, it's always something I find while looking for something else, and I always find it in large quantities. The first couple of days of 60 were some of the most fun I've had playing dayz, and also it was the first time I've ever had to use cooking as a way of not starving. So I want to know, what is stopping the devs from drastically reducing the amount of food spawning immediately, or next patch? As the devs have independent control of the cle, I see no reason why they couldn't maintain a standard level of food during the first few days of 61 while everyone is fresh, and then drop the level of food by even half once the rush has died down. Tl;Dr we have the basics of crafting, hunting and cooking, what is stopping the devs from lowering food levels as of right now?