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About Haycer

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Haycer

    Cant join on any server

    I along with several people have the same problem and have been contacting bohemia for about 3 weeks now and they can't even help, if anyone knows how to fix this, it would be great. Thanks
  2. Haycer

    Cannot Join Any Server

    So for the lat 4-5 days I have been constantly searching almost everywhere on the internet for this solution and cannot find it. Basically when I load up dayz and try to connect to a server it just forces me back to the main menu with no error message at all. What I noticed is that on the main menu my character just isn't there at all. What I've tried: Completely uninstalling all possible dayz files on my computer, verifying game cache, taking experimental off, checking filters. I don't know what else to do. Occasionally I've found some people with this problem but so solution that I can find, thanks.