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Everything posted by Vxss57

  1. Vxss57

    How do some of you justify this game?!

    After restarting, the server im on is completely empty, nothing spawned, not even clothes. I have searched the little town on beach, moving past pusta, nothing at all. Came across many small settlements, absolutely nothing.Didnt have this issue before restarting
  2. I found scopes already attached to guns. Parts plus ammo spawns together now with guns
  3. ....this game has honestly not progressed at all. Map has been overhauled new areas added, some new buildings, but the old buildings still suffer from hobbit syndrome. Overhauled inventory (not that old one needed changing) but it still has old bugs. The game basically still has lots of old bugs, desync is still a huge problem, you log back in and half of my clothing and items have dissapeared. Gate opening sound still plays everywhere. now there are even less or none zombies. Thats probably for best as they are most likely still broken. one thing i like about dayz is its lack of items. Which makes the early game so tense. You appreciate that single apple more than bullets, its what survival games should be like. Also lack of guns and ammo is a step in the right direction for me. is there a storage system implemented yet. I remember there were tents once but they were impossible to find. Any base building?? Barricading??? honestly both Dayz and h1z1, once these two were on top now they are looking abandoned. H1z1 is basically empty servers. It has no zombies either.
  4. Vxss57

    One and a half years later....

    So thats a no to base building or barricading??? cant they just copy and paste it from the mod, they copied everyting else. For those who wish to dispute this pls list your changes, not just write "trolling"
  5. Vxss57

    One and a half years later....

    I see members are still d***s. That hasnt changed. how am i trolling? I asked questions i listed known issues. You didnt answer my question, you werent helpful, you reply wasnt warranted, wouldnt that make you a troll???