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About ScrotyMcBoogerBalls

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ScrotyMcBoogerBalls

    Stable Update 1.11

    Any server owners here having issues with mags not spawning on any weapons even if they are set to spawn with a mag 100%since this update?
  2. ScrotyMcBoogerBalls

    Stable Update 1.11

    can you please fix the issue where Infected, bears and wolves can be killed within seconds if they step on fire made from banages, this is very OP Thanks
  3. ScrotyMcBoogerBalls

    Flag pole despawns within an hour being unattended

    Could someone point me in the right direction for this, I see flags in the CLE but I cant find the flagpole anywhere, is it even supposed to be in the CLE? and if so whats its item name. already have this in the globals.xml: <var name="FlagRefreshFrequency" type="0" value="432000"/> <var name="FlagRefreshMaxDuration" type="0" value="3456000"/> Kind of at a loss as to where else it may require changing. Any help appreciated
  4. ScrotyMcBoogerBalls

    Experimental Update 0.63.149653

    so very disappointed that there's no mention of key rebinding, 2500hrs in the game and not 1hr since the game hit beta. people keep saying the key binding is fixed but it most certainly is not, I've tried on a regular basis to get key rebound and every time I rebind some keys and hit apply the game just CTD's, this ain't great for a left-handed player who rebinds 99% of keys to be able to play.