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Everything posted by Nicklander

  1. Nicklander

    Is DayZ still too easy ?

    Yeah ! Also what happened to rotten food ? In some really old DayZ patches this was balanced so much better. I'd like to see rotten items again, it's so much more logical and makes the game more interesting.
  2. Nicklander

    DayZ Ideas to reduce KOS

    I agree with Saylor Twift ! People do KOS because they are bored and they don't know what to do next, so we need to prolong the gameplay somehow. In my opinion the game should be harder. I know that DayZ may lose a lot of players (people who actually want to KOS) if the gameplay is too hard. So they might develop the hardcore mode some more. The hardcore mode should consist of : - Less food/drinks spawns (alternatively higher hunger/thirst rate, however reducing the spawns directly is way more efficient, as it increases server performance) - Less gear spawns, way more "empty" houses: As Hicks said, it's important to "force" the player to move across the map. It's illogical that you find that that much amout of loot. - More zombies, higher damage, higher "ruined clothes" rate - More diseases, higher infection rate: Drinking insecure water-sources should punish the player if the water is not purified or cooked. - Increase hypothermia: At the moment, I don't need to build a fireplace in order to survive. I never died because of too low body temperature.