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  1. By innovation I don’t mean to simply add more features to a broken base. I mean to have the courage to complete redo broken stuff. The last thing we can hope for is that they update the Enfusion engine in DayZ so that vehicles will get fixed. Other than that I think they should just move on, leave DayZ behind and make a new game. Their focus should 100% be put on Arma4.
  2. I created this topic to discuss some ideas. I would love to see basebuilding mechanics in the game that would actually fit, that for sure needs innovation and creative ideas. It would require a completely new system. But yes, that's just a dream. Realistically speaking, DayZ will not get any big gamechanging updates anymore for sure. We'll get bugfixes, a couple weapons & items, maybe an enfusion update for the vehicles, but that will be it for DayZ. I would be really surprised if Bohemia came up with a completely new basebuilding system, that's just way too much effort that won't pay off financially. It's currently best to just completely DELETE basebuilding out of the game. But the thing is that gamedevs are usually way too proud & arrogant to just own up to bad gamedesign. So what will happen instead is just... euhh... nothing I guess? Except for a few tweaks here and there. Let's face it: The game is done.
  3. Agree. I played on community servers with protected bases and I agree with you that it's not an authentic experience. Raiding needs to be possible. But what's the problem with bases just unloading when offline? With my idea bases don't even need to be unrealistically strong, so you also don't need to fire hundrets of ammo at it. Having invisible base plots around the map is the drawback, but there won't be a ton of those on the server either as long as there are restrictions and inactive bases get deleted regularily. I think the positives still clearly outweights the negatives in my idea. The current system will always suck, no matter how hard they try to rebalance it. Does it really matter if you fire one more grenade at it or a few more bullets? Even if Bohemia would make bases 4x stronger, it's not going to make basebuilding any more interesting, because it won't fix the underlying issues.
  4. I don't think players would be running across the whole map trying to find offline bases and camp there 24/7, that's ridiculous and really not worth it. If they wanna build a base but it turns out there is already one nearby, they will either get far away from it to avoid conflict or build a base themselves not too far away if they are up for a fight. Building bases could also only be allowed outside of residential/military areas, offline bases somewhere in the forest aren't bothering anyone and are also much harder to find accidentally. You can't set up tripwires since you can't build inside bases, so how is that a problem? People can set up traps outside of bases, but that's the challenge of DayZ, you gotta be careful. The radius of how big the build protection around offline bases is can be adjusted, so you won't find tripwires right in front of your doorstep. People trying to attack your base from across the street is exactly what you want. Your job is to build a base so you can have an strategic advantage over your enemies. The chances of you camping at a basespot waiting for people to log in are slim, nobody would do that unless they know for sure that someone is about to log in. If the pressure and attackers get too massive, you will have to move your base, that's logic. However there is a valid problem that needs to be addressed: What if an attacker is camping inside an unloaded base while it's being loaded? I'm not sure what's best to do in this situation, but I'm sure there are solutions for this exploit that are acceptable. There could be a servercheck that triggers when this happens. In this case the game could tell the attacker to get out of it in a certain amount of time before the base loads or either he will just get killed. Did you even bother to read my previous posts? I explained the idea of combat logging multiple times now. Obviously the base won't unload in this case and the attacker can loot. It seems to me you are too conservative. The current situation is that basebuilding sucks and urgently needs innovation and creative ideas, you can't deny that. By eagerly defending the status quo, you're not making it any better either. How about just bringing in some creative input yourself, you surely have some ideas to solve your own concerns as well.
  5. This problem is also easy to solve. There is already a database of all builds placed on the server (which has to be loaded when a certain player joins), while not all builds are loaded for the players, the server knows of all those builds. So before a player can build in the first place, there needs to be a check to prevent building near already exisiting structures that are currently not loaded. The game just won't let you build near unloaded objects. After some time of inactivity or players not logging in the unloaded bases could get deleted so that new people can build there again. I wouldn't call it ownership, ownership generally means that your base is actually protected like on some community servers.
  6. I wrote that in OT. It works like it works in pretty much any PvP game: Combat log. So if a player logs out, the base would still be active for a certain amount of time, for example 1 hour. Read what I wrote above. There could be a limit of how many blocks a player or a "group of players" can build. It would prevent spamming or overloading servers and would also encourage to build efficiently & realistically, nobody wants to see omegabases anyways.
  7. I don't want ownership or protection in DayZ. Bases from offline players should just not appear on the map. Offline players should not impact the gaming experience of online players. If a player is offline, he should not have ANY influence on other online players. It currently is not possible in the engine, yes, but it easily could be: Every building that a player places is registered under his name, so when he's offline all of his builds should just not appear at all. It's not hard to implement and would even improve server performance. There could also be a feature for clans where a bunch of people can form a "builder group", once one member of the group is online, all buildings of the group are loaded.
  8. I don't like basebuilding as it currently is in DayZ, it's annoying, unrealistic and poorly designed. Isn't it the most boring thing ever to just shoot a few magazines and throw a couple grenades at a wall? The only scenario where base rading is actually interesting is when both the raiders & the defenders confront. However the way DayZ is designed this scenario is not only unlikely but also pointless, just wait till your enemies logged-off and then raid their stuff, as simple and stupid as that. That's extremely bad game design if you ask me. It's better to not have a feature than to have one that sucks. So what if bases would actually only load if the baseowners are online? The servers also won't get spammed with basebuilding, since you can only see bases of players that are logged in, therefore not breaking the immersion. This way when you actually find a base, you know raiding it will be a challenge. Baseowners could install an alert system with the new features of 1.18 update in case someone attacks while they are somewhere else on the map. There would also have to be some mechanics to prevent exploits. For example: Leaving bases active for an hour after the owners logged off to counter combat logging and allow raiding. Or also: Prevent raiders to just login inside of bases. It's just a thought I had. I believe DayZ's current engine doesn't allow dynamically loading/unloading objects quickly, but it would for sure make basebuilding a whole lot better. What do you think?
  9. Nicklander

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    You love DayZ and so do I, but you need to understand that the heavy complaining is absolutely necessary for DayZ's future ! I've had the same positon on this as yours a year ago, let me tell you a little story. Ubisoft released a game that had many issues and I was one of those people saying "it's not too bad", "you have to be patient", "spread positivity, don't be so toxic", "the dev's will fix it, I'm sure" exacly like you do right now. Half a year passed, then Ubisoft reduced the amount of dev's working on the project, just like BI did with DayZ. Now Ubisoft abandonned the game completely. Moral of the story? Pressure from the community is absolutely vital ! We are all very thankful of what BI's doing, but we need to remain very critical about the issues it still has. It looks to me like BI's trying to hide from the netcode & vehicle issues, sweep it under the carpet, probably cus it's extremely expensive to fix. We need to call it out very openly. If we don't, BI will keep ignoring it and give us fancy updates with sum moar kool hats.
  10. Nicklander

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    I want to thank the DayZ Dev Team for the 1.10 update. They added important stuff. But the priority HAS to be fixing the most basic stuff right now. Fix the server performance, netcode, whatever is causing the problems. By that I don't mean finding a cheap workaround just to make cars work but generally make it modern, fast and smart.
  11. Nicklander

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Fix vehicles on servers !!! The current state is unacceptable. If you don't have enough money, release additional content with a DLC and use the income to fix the netcode.
  12. Nicklander

    DayZ in 2020

    If there's no more big updates with new gameplay mechanics coming to DayZ in 2020 I'm going to uninstall. There's just not enough content. RIP. Providing a clear roadmap with goals for the next two updates would give everyone hope.
  13. Good basebuilding mechanics are really hard to implement from a game design perspective. At it's current state, I'm afraid it's way to easy to get into a base and there is litterally no point at all in building it. There has been quite a lot of people who suggested to be only able to raid bases with super rare explosives. But that still doesn't fullfil my expectations to be honest. What I'm looking forward to, is real base fights, where people actually try to attack your base and you try to defend it. Now that sounds like fun. Unfortunately this does and will never ever happen. Whenever people will spot your base, they will just wait till you logout and then raid it. That easy and pointless... I'd suggest introducing a mechanic that only allows bases being raided when the owners are also connected to the game. It adds much more immersion, since in a real life situation you'd also have to expect enemy contact when doing such a thing. Maybe hiding the whole base when the players are not online ? Kinda linking the base with your character, so that when no owners of the base are online, it will just disappear as well. Maybe there could be a delay of a few hours to prevent abuse and actually give enemy players a chance to find your base. I'm aware that it's difficult to implement those kind of ideas into a game. It would be truely revolutionary if they managed to realize something like that. I know the base building system in Rust. Trust me, it's shit. I hope that DayZ does it differently.
  14. Nicklander

    Serverfiles for Linux ?

    I’m running a dedicated Debian server, like most people do I guess, hopefully there will be support for Linux based systems soon !
  15. I'm an experienced player and I really feel like they should increase the food & water spawn-rates/respawn-rates some more until proper PVE mechanics are in place (advanced cooking, horticulture, fishing ...) which will take a very very long time. At the moment there's litterally no breathing-space, all I'm doing is running wildly thru all the houses from town to town to keep my character alive. It's not really fun to play. Oh and also important point....Zombies. AI is great, they act very reasonably. But please ! Crank that detection radius up to the max. I'm litterally running in front of them without them noticing me. Looking forward to the release of the serverfiles, I hope it will be possible to entirely mod the game to one's preferences. Version: Current Experimental Branch