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Everything posted by KIORABOI101

  1. KIORABOI101

    Q&A with Lead Animator Viktor Kostik

    If a hill is too steep, will there be an animation for the character to stumble? or if it is extremely steep, will the player be able to stumble a little and go into a controlled rag doll animation, because they couldn't get a grip on the ground? and what I mean by controlled rag-doll, is make the player tuck into a ball and roll down until they stop or something, while having the joints sort of springy so their arms still move when they come into contact with the ground.
  2. KIORABOI101

    Q&A with Lead Animator Viktor Kostik

    Will there be a menu to select the player gestures from? Because the F keys are all taken up, and I reckon having a little menu to select them with would be cool.