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Everything posted by Influence_X

  1. Influence_X

    Stable Update 1.08

    Just curious, whatever happened to the V3S, how is it not back in by now? It was a super basic vehicle for most of DayZ's life.
  2. I've been playing dayZ official vanilla servers since release in dec 2013. I've never had as much problems on the official vanilla servers with hackers as I have the past couple months. It has completely killed my interest in this game. Normally I would play on "low pop" servers to avoid having to deal with a lot of players, and because I know high pop vanilla servers have always had a problem with hackers. I had already taken a couple month break from the game, because I had a very well hidden spot for buried items in the far north and it was almost impossible to see, it went untouched for many months. After the game went on sale in china we had lost our buried stash within a month. You can check the server lists and see all of the people with Chinese symbols or all numbers for steam profile names. These accounts have rarely been set up, and often have multiple VAC bans. Tonight I had a friend get the game who had not played dayZ since the mod. We were running together in the far north and my character started taking what seemed to be like bullet shots from an unknown location. There were no cracking noises from bullets, no players nearby that we had seen, and it killed me very quickly, but I was hit more than once... I could hear audio noise of my character getting hit by something (the "UGH") and my clothing was getting damaged. My friend said he saw my character "spazzing out and making noises", and I fell over dead. A few seconds later my friend fell over dead himself, having heard nothing, he had previously found an LAR at a crash site, and was excited to be playing the game. My friend went on to say that he was really glad he didnt talk his brother into buying the game. I have never had a more disappointing experience in this game. And after 1,700 hours in this game I think I'm finally done. Someone call me when BattleEye actually does its job.
  3. Influence_X

    Chinese Hackers are killing public hive

    Looks like trash. Thanks, won't touch it.
  4. Influence_X

    Chinese Hackers are killing public hive

    I dont care. Fuck scum and don't bring it up to me that's not the point of this thread.
  5. Influence_X

    Chinese Hackers are killing public hive

    No SCUM is arcadey and sucks.
  6. Influence_X

    PC Server Reassignment on September 2nd

    What's the point in having unmodded community servers? Why does it feel like official is slowly dying? Ive played on DayZ WA 2-0 and 2-8 for years now....
  7. Influence_X

    Experimental Update 1.05

    You should uninstall now. They said bow is the hardest weapon to implement.
  8. With the statement on the status report saying "we have a hard time explaining the medical system as it is"... Is because there is no explanation. Is it so hard to make a survival tutorial? DayZs medical system is not horribly complicated. Rust, Ark, The long dark, Project zomboid all have pretty similar complications (sometimes more). What stands out about dayZ is there is absolutely no tutorial. This would go a very long way in explaining the game mechanics. Does this not seem like basic video game industry logic? Make a tutorial to explain the game? It almost feels like a cop out to avoid implementing an advanced medical system.... It wouldnt be hard to have a survival tutorial that shows you how to make a fire, reload a gun, bandage and take care of yourself when sick... Etc.
  9. I know many people who could have used a tutorial starting this game.
  10. I'm just wondering if a food rework is in the pipeline at some point? Like, why does dry rice refill both water and hunger? Will food ever decay? Poison/bad food (especially mushrooms)?
  11. Influence_X

    Stable Update 1.04.152050

    Thanks for the update! Keep up the good work!
  12. Influence_X

    Stable Update 1.04

    I just wanted to say that this patch seems to be having a negative effect on server performance on public hive servers. I play on DayZ WA 2-8 and the server was performing so badly our car flipped almost killing us all. It had been laggy for multiple people I was playing with.
  13. Influence_X

    Experimental Update 1.04.151915

    Bow is the single hardest weapon for them to implement. And it's not coming anytime soon.
  14. Influence_X

    Experimental Update 1.04.151915

    Medical items are getting a bit of a change. I'm also sad no broken bones are in but I would rather them take their time and have it well done than say, go back to the way it was, buggy and walking over random rocks or stairs break your legs. I'm also waiting for rotting food, and poison food. Like deadly mushrooms.
  15. Influence_X

    News regarding the 2019 roadmap

    Yup. I'm totally fine with this. Content is coming along nicely. This community can be very very toxic when promises are not kept.
  16. Influence_X

    Experimental Update 1.03.151511

    Oh shit sorry this was on stable, I forgot I'm not playing on exp anymore. I'll delete comments.
  17. Influence_X

    Experimental Update 1.03.151511

    I found a small thing, my character's beard appears to be floating, when my character crouches I can see my facial hair floating in the air. EDIT: SORRY GUYS I HAD BEEN PLAYING ON EXP THE PAST FEW DAYS AND FORGOT I SWITCH TO STABLE.
  18. Influence_X

    Experimental Update 1.03.151487

    Thanks for the melee revert. This patch feels really good I think you guys might have a release candidate!
  19. Influence_X

    Experimental Update 1.03.151478

    Your responses are childish. I want this game to be harder than most people are comfortable with. But not through shitty feeling clunky mechanics. It needs to be through loot scarcity, and a difficult medical system like diseases/broken legs, and the vital organ hitboxes. It DOES NOT need to be from zombies that can glitch through you and hit you with their side turned while you're restricted to one tiny hit point the size of your reticle dot. Learn the difference, kid.
  20. Influence_X

    Experimental Update 1.03.151478

    Can we get an explanation of why the camera locks on melee now? It makes zombies almost unbearable outside of 1v1 melee combat. I saw the twitter saying that the lock is intentional to make you "choose melee targets more carefully" but when fighting zombies they will often glitch/lag around you and appear to have an AOE attack. For example, a zombie can often still hit you with his side or back turned towards you. When fighting more than 1 zombie, due to the AOE and glitches it makes it substantially harder to land hits. And it becomes far more dangerous to engage them in melee.
  21. Influence_X

    Experimental Update 1.03.151457

    They said if it wasn't coming in 1.03 then for sure in one of the patches after.
  22. Influence_X

    Experimental Update 1.03.151457

    Kinda sad no survival update but it looks like a good patch none the less.
  23. 1. They said helicopters are on a wish list and may not be coming due to server performance. 2. Why am I the only person who totally understands if this dev team doesn't want to put out a roadmap? Nothing else has ever caused as much salt in this community as roadmaps and failing to meet them, which they will fail, again. 3. I'm fine with this, they said that their new approach is "under promise and over deliver", so you'll hear about updates just before they happen, which is approximately once a month. I would rather have an almost guaranteed update every month, than a status report twice a month with an update every 3-6 months. 4. I also only play this game to interact with a community I've put together on a public hive server, for me, it's the lack of in depth medical systems... as I tend to like to save people during medical emergencies. 5. Why? It's not like people understood what was really going on with the engine changes by and large by the community. It's a real minority that truly understood what happened with this game, and why most are rage posting on reddit about helicopters not being a promised feature.
  24. Thanks for pointing this out, and it's something I try to tell people when I'm replying to all the people saying "DAYZ IS DEAD" on the reddit/other places. The game is actually doing pretty well right now according to steam charts if you look at the avg players since 1.0 over the past couple years before. I play almost exclusively on public vanilla servers, and I feel like I meet significantly less experienced players there, I've met a whole group of 4-5 people that had less than 200 hours before the 1.0 release and did not follow the game. To them it's a pretty decent game already with a pretty consistent content release rate (since 1.0). I hope the rate continues, and the updates continue to be impactful, I myself am eagerly awaiting any advancement/reworks of the medical system. Broken bones/use for morphine/epi pens/disease rework.
  25. Influence_X

    No Face Hitbox

    The community is pretty upset about this issue. I hope it changes soon. I also really, really want broken bones back. How it is dayZ if you cant break your legs?