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Everything posted by Sqeezorz

  1. Sqeezorz

    Persistence Workaround

    This will also be one of the main reasons to fix the server crashes. What the devs said with: to get a stable base of the game. What a crash has consequences, would be wrong to fix the consequences, but to fix the cause of the crash. Sometimes it's hard to understand.
  2. Sqeezorz

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    I have test a fencekit (work) and a towerkit (not-work). Reason for testbuilding are only the Hacksaw testing ^^. ( ~ 12 trunks sawed to planks from "pristine to badlydamaged" )
  3. Sqeezorz

    Experimental Update 0.63.149597

    @Weyland Yutani (DayZ) maybe show here: https://forums.dayz.com/topic/241538-persistence-workaround/ The topic here, however, is experimental (serverfiles based all of stable-branch) Yesterday I tried to build a watchtower. But I did not get the option to set the 4 trunks. (I tried with: 4 trunks and shovel / 4 trunks + 20 planks + 70 nails and shovel or hammer .... but nothing gave a build option .... only the fence worked properly). Has anyone made the same experience or a solution to it?
  4. Sqeezorz

    Servers - lack of

    It would be a very good thing if: The officials had an "anti24hour" time multiplier. (x1.3 or 2.25 or 5/7/9 something that makes the times dynamic over the days ... so time shifts every day.)
  5. after seeing a few ideas and places of wild basebuilding, i noticed one thing. There are many places outside the civilization that would be a special feature of basebuilding. I mean all these places and places: Are uneven. Rocky environment Have steep slopes. For this, however, first a foundation* would have to be created which corresponds to a size of the base of the watchtower (3x3). The maximum height must also be limited to 2 (the height of a fence). *You need big stones, and cement from construction sites. (Maybe you have to do that first with boards and logs, a "construction frame", not a simple thing, but leaves very special constrictions open. An image as I imagine such a base plate / foundation in finished state. (what you do not see is that the plate is sunk about 2.5 in the ground to compensate for bumps) At this point, the option would be very good only a 1 wide fence (now they are 3 wide 2 high) There are many new possibilities (person door / bulkhead at gates or behind gates us so on) maybe just an idea for a modder ^^.
  6. Sqeezorz

    Stable Update 0.63.149525

    we had exactly the same idea. However, my buddy's life was on a thin branch of life (we were in Tulga ... and the road is steep and dangerous for the first experience), so I decided to protect his life and let him drive.
  7. Sqeezorz

    Stable Update 0.63.149525

    Lada Niva GTX Bi Turbo R4 Add: Yesterday finally after a long spare parts procurement ... brought a (L) ADA to drive. 2 things I had to complain about. 1) At night, I had no chance to see anything ... despite 2 bulbs, it was just a slight glow, no comparison to the flashlight, because their light was almost perfect compared to the ADA glow light. 2) I could not possibly drive like this, so I let my mate drive. We were 4 in the car, I sat behind. The sound of the car was terrible. It sounded very hacked and desynch-like. But the 3pp view showed a very good fluid handling without stuttering. Note: Talking to the driver is now forbidden until the lights work well ... because we talked ... and then it happened ... a roadblock stopped the conversation as fast as the barrier to stop the car. It took quite a long time to get the car off the wall again, but we did it. All in all a very good experience.
  8. Sqeezorz

    Stable Update 0.63.149525

    Are your server Vanilla ? (If no, try to set at default..without mods). @NonovUrbizniz (DayZ) DayZ stay on Beta (Alpha++)... this means Bug fixing... step by step by step ....
  9. Sqeezorz

    DayZ - DeerIsle (Map)

    The map has a very interesting landmass. To make this map fun and meaningful, it needs working boats.(connecting all islands with bridges would break much experience.) Until these are delivered by BI, it takes a while. This means for you that you can also take the time to design the map. Thumbs up for you.
  10. Sqeezorz

    how to fix base building

    Want to seriously invade a base with a home-made ladder? You know how dangerous and buggy the standard ladders in DayZ are. Since you can save yourself the trouble and press F11. If BI wont let you craft a ladder, then only because they do not want you to die. Smile ^^
  11. Sqeezorz

    how to fix base building

    At least it is that you can not steal material by mining bases. The obtained material despawn .... no matter where it is put down (barrel or tent).
  12. Sqeezorz

    base destroyable?

    -For *RP communities, basebuilding is already very good, as he is willing to do right now (who does real RP does not need a lock on his base). - For real *PVE servers, the basebuilding is already good. -For pure PVP servers ... who needs bases? Or who has the time and nerves to build a base? Or why ... this is not an action. - So only the public servers and the free communities remain. And just for this it needs a relatively stable structure, and a balance between "construction time (includes the raw materials)" and "destroy / penetrate (includes also the materials to do this successfully) only then it will in this playstiyles (all the you can imagine) funny and very different. * This applies only to such groups, the members have their own and the thoughts of Com. understand and live.
  13. Sqeezorz

    base destroyable?

    Well, what do the players expect what they will find in a base? Tents full of special tools / ammunition / explosives / whiskey / cigarettes / cash / dog excrement bags or drugs ??? I think the smart player or the smart group will bury their "BEST VALUES" treasures in stashes and store them X times more secure than in easy-to-find bases. The best players will not let anything in a base that's worth so much effort. (at the moment the whole base building is not yet personalized, so it is always in the construction phase for all participants ... therefore they are not worthy of protection).
  14. Sqeezorz

    how to fix base building

    The problem with basebuilding is: It is not yet personalized. If you build it ... you can change it too / tear it off. The base elements are under construction for all players "Upbuild / Downbuild". In words: there is no status "base element ready" for the server yet.
  15. Sqeezorz

    Nachladen funktioniert nicht

    No. Only all settings (video/audio/keybinds) goes to default.
  16. Sqeezorz

    Nachladen funktioniert nicht

    Try at first to delete all files in our C:\Users\(our username)\Documents\DayZ\ ...
  17. Sqeezorz

    Nachladen funktioniert nicht

    Do you have that with all servers / characters or only with a certain character. You say it's like that with all your weapons .. so I suppose it's always the same character. If you can load one rounds, it seems like a banned magazine is already in the guns. Hast du das mit allen Servern / Charakteren oder nur mit einem bestimmten Charakter? Du sagst es ist so mit all deinen Waffen .. also nehme ich an, dass es immer der gleiche Charakter ist. Wenn Sie eine Patrone laden können, scheint ein verbugtes Magazin bereits in der Waffe zu sein. (Sry aber ich benutze eher selten Schusswaffen.. besonders jetzt wo das Gewicht zählt ^^ ).
  18. Sqeezorz

    4 million copies of DayZ sold

    Not only BI will be happy about new players, the whole Com. it will liven it up. (5 years of development have good sides too).
  19. Sqeezorz

    Nachladen funktioniert nicht

    Do you have the weapon in your hand? Actions that you only within the Inv. make are very buggy ... except stack of items. Note: You should write here in English ... even if it's hard for you. (Take a translator to help .. like me). // Hast du dabei die Waffe in der Hand ? Aktionen die du nur innerhalb des Inv. machst sind sehr buggy... ausser stapeln von Items. Amerkung: Du solltest hier in englisch schreiben...auch wenn es dir schwer fällt. (Nimm einen translator zu hilfe ..so wie ich).
  20. Sqeezorz

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    Does this mean that "M&K" XO players have access to the hives of PC servers? Or will it be separate hives? (within the XO Hives).
  21. Hmm.. you run in the forest... and a wall of "action pop-ups" flashing up. It would be better if you could craft "1 Stick" / "2 Sticks" / "3 Sticks *" with almost any tool. * = Depending on the logic or efficiency of the tool.
  22. Sqeezorz

    Stable Update 0.63.149464

    Oh .. I remember my youth, we often played in the woods ... and ran through the undergrowth ... until we noticed at home how our shoes and pants (sometimes jackets) changed from the bushes and thorns to a miserable condition (at this moment our mom are at home the Infected ^^ ok..long time ago), I've been wishing for a long time that this works in DayZ too ... watch your clothes stay in place, meaning YOU are responsible for your behavior ... you're always running across the undergrowth for no reason ... then yours Pants show you the revenge.
  23. Sqeezorz

    Diabetes Issue

    Go to a well... an press F ...F ...F ... 30x an now you have enough water. A sip is only a sip ^^ .
  24. Have you ever tried to survive a cholera in version 0.62? Who, yes you know, that one is there about 5-6 hours only on the fight, with the survival. And that's a long, annoying time.
  25. Sqeezorz

    How to refill fuel to cars ??????

    You can only with the Casolina-Canister refill. (At moment).