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Everything posted by Tiger205

  1. Tiger205

    Another Hive Wipe for 0.59...? If so why?

    Eh, should have figured the mouthbreathers and/or apologists would come out in full force. Yes, the "muh alpha" is a convenient explanation isn't it? Just like it is convenient for the devs to do whatever the fuck they want with their "game" and this doesn't really only affect DayZ. But whatever.
  2. Tiger205

    Another Hive Wipe for 0.59...? If so why?

    How eloquent. Figures though. Wouldn't expect anything more from the likes of you. Keep on riding that "muh alpher" dream though. It'll surely do you good. But disregarding this how is this in any way comparable to dying in the game? Sure, you lose the stuff on your character but what if someone has a stash? The whole point of that is to have a fallback point in the event of death, which supposedly should be avoided as this is supposed to be a survival game but that's a whole completely different topic, and I honestly don't see how big the loot economy changes should be to warrant a wipe. Wiping everything does away with exactly that - having something to fall back to. I can't imagine when, or rather if, base building is in the amount of rectal ragnarok in people and rightfully so. I'm almost certain this is not the case this time. Just some minor tweaks that wouldn't really impact the current state of loot.
  3. Tiger205

    Another Hive Wipe for 0.59...? If so why?

    You're going to get hit with all the "muh al..." Nevermind. You already did. Look, the way I see it it's worthless to play or rather "test", special dedication for the "muh alpha" crowd, because they'll just announce a wipe just like that and you can't do anything about it. Hell, so far each time they announced a wipe I just dropped the game, not that I actually played this that much lately, and amused myself with something actually worth my time. As far as I've seen I haven't even seen an explanation either as to why they're wiping AGAIN but I guess who cares at this point and even if they can just come up with whatever. I mean I did see sense in wiping when they introduced new "high tier" weapons, which wasn't really that justified anyway, but now they seem to be doing it just because they can and I'm not exactly happy with this as you'd propably guessed. Not to mention this is going to become vaporware not before long if they keep up this pathetic development pace. Also, as per your suggestions, keeping private hives intact would at least bring down the collateral to player numbers slightly.
  4. Tiger205

    Players dwindling

    And then what? The bad taste will stay regardless and I don't think any new people will but this considering all the reviews up till that point. And I couldn't blame them because the game has been almost the same for over a year with even ridiculous changes like actually removing content so there's that. That's even assuming that BI will finally keep up with their promises and get into ACTUAL beta, instead of something that's essentially still alpha but renamed beta just to please people, before their deadline.
  5. Tiger205

    Players dwindling

    So my suspicions were correct. My post was hidden because it doesn't fall in line with the usual praising of this thing. So much for "freedom of speech". I could just paste it over again but why bother.
  6. Tiger205

    Interesting, even surprising stats.

    Bohemia is kinda shit though however you look at them considering most of the job in ArmAs is made by modders and funnily enough modders can bring higher quality content into the game than the devs. Besides that nobody asked them to take on something unnessecary that they can't even deal with. Also do yourself a favour and stop projecting bullshit.
  7. Tiger205

    Interesting, even surprising stats.

    Do people seriously imply that DayZ in it's current state is better than ARK for example? And I don't even mean the game on itself but also comparing dev teams. DayZ has nothing to offer now that the other games don't have, it doesn't even have zombies which is just infinitely retarded, not to mention patches coming out so ridiculously rarely it's not even worth it to wait for them anymore. They always break more things than they fix and when they do add something new that number doubles at the very least. However if ARK's dev team fucks something up? They almost immediately fix it and upload that patch to steam. In fact they are so overzealous I got pissed at them at least once for constantly releasing new patches. I think the highest number of patches in a single day was 5 or 6 and it's not like it's only on and off with that. There's at least one patch a day that either adds or fixes something and then there are weekly content patches which add even more to the game. Sure, the game runs like ass and many severs have problems with lags, desyncs, whatever but at least there's CONTENT that gets updated really often to play with even though it's still only early access just like DayZ. If DayZ had ARK's pace of development if would've been released long ago and if anyone wants to pull the muh alpher/early access card they can fuck off to ARK and see how they work and how fast. Same goes for status reports and how active ARK's dev team is on steam forums. I really tried to like and play DayZ even through the shittiest patches there were but I can only go for so long playing an unfinished turd without content and with only seldom updates. It did look really well at some point but now it just looks as if Bohemia is trying to pull something dumb even though I hope they won't because they never did with ArmA. Even if 0.58 looks to be promising I'm still extremely skeptical as I just know it they will fuck up more than they fixed and I'll play the game for a day or two and dump it for another 3 to 4 months. Development pace is just abysmal at this point.
  8. Tiger205

    Status Report - 15 Jul 2015

    Oh great. Another wipe. Just great.
  9. Tiger205

    Trading Post

    Some time has passed so upboating this I have 3xAKM drums (P) 5xAK74 mags (P) 4xeastern suppressors (W and D) 1xpistol suppressor (P) 2xKashtans (W and P) 1xSMERSH vest (D) AKM rounds AK74 rounds I want 1 Dragunov
  10. Tiger205

    Akm/ak101 not spawning

    You don't know how post soviet bloc countries work, do you? If anything AKMs should be extremely abundant but 7.62x39 should be rather rare.
  11. Tiger205

    Trading Post

    I have 3xAKM drums (P) 5xAK74 mags (P) 4xeastern suppressors (W and D) 1xpistol suppressor (P) 2xKashtans (W and P) 1xSMERSH vest (D) AKM rounds AK74 rounds I want 1 or 2 Dragunovs
  12. Oh but I did. I just commented on how everyone is a hypocrite because I'm sure there's noone who doesn't use everything to their advantage. But you had to go ahead and hide it so congrats. Job well done.
  13. Oh yeah, give the devs some bad ideas so they can kill this off faster. Great thinking.
  14. It's not about waiting but about the game finally shaping up so it can be actually played and then suddenly blam. I'm forced again to find something else to play even though I wanted to play DayZ. If I didn't want to play DayZ then I wouldn't even care. I'm sure I don't fucking care about some internet retard who doesn't even know what he's talking about.
  15. So now that the game was FINALLY starting to shape up they pull this dick move? gg Bohemia, gg. Time to forget about this "game" for another half a year.
  16. And it didn't say that in the status report hence my question. Besides that there were resets that only involved tents and the like.
  17. It doesn't explicitly say it will wipe characters either.
  18. Status report says player camps, not characters, while server messages say characters too.
  19. I've read that but supposedly duping has been fixed since whatever update before and yet people still could dupe stuff. Of course I'm sceptical.
  20. This better be true because otherwise there's no point to this wipe.
  21. Well they aren't consistent in what they say in status reports and in server messages. Besides this isn't like they fixed duping yet because people still do it so this doesn't fix anything. All I have to say is FUCKING SHIT because I've been specifically hoarding ammo and weapons for 0.56.
  22. Tiger205

    Status Report - 06 May 15

    FUCK. Or does this only mean tents and not characters?
  23. Tiger205

    Trading Post

    Okay, time to get this shit started. I have 3xAKS74U2xAKM3xAK1014xAK742xMP1332xMP133 short1xSKS1xMosin9xmorphine2xmine11xattachable pouches1xchainsaw2xP13xflashbang1xRGD52xPSO1XMagnum3xgun holster1xAmphibia4xAmphibia mags12xAK74 mag13xAKM mag1xAKM drum4xCR75 mag2xSKS clip2xLonghorn1xplate carrier300x5.45 rounds300x7.62x39 rounds300x.357 rounds200x.308 roundsassloadx9mm rounds1xMP5K buttstock1xM4 standard buttstock1xkhaki M65 jacket3xolive hicap vest1xSMERSH vest1xprotector case I want 5.56 rounds, 3 Mosin clips, ammo boxes, pristine eastern suppressors and 2 pristine can openers
  24. Tiger205

    Persistence wipe for 0.56

    Well yeah if they REALLY need to wipe everything then at least let us keep things we have on ourselves. Alpher, alpher but it's not like the shit we have on ourselves will break something unless they mess with item names in their configs. Although I'm still more in favour of not losing all my hoarded shit.
  25. Tiger205

    Trading Post

    So because BI is being a dick about fixing mil tent inventory I'm now looking for more mil tents or civilian tents for that matter. I've got several AK74s, AKS74U, AK101, assloads of AK74 and AKM mags and other assortment of random things like hicap vests, gun holsters and pouches for the plate carrier and one plate carrier. I have a lot more so ask because I don't even really know what I have stashed away.