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Everything posted by Tiger205

  1. Tiger205

    M1911 vs. Revolver

    This could be fixed by editing both configs for both guns - that's how 20rnd and 30rnd STANAGs work for M16s/M4s in ArmA. Problem is it would look weird when you're trying to put in a 7 round clip into that revolver.
  2. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    It could be either really. I've come across several intact Skodas parked near petrol stations which looked like they were spawned by the server. Everything's in the OP. It's being updated for a reason.
  3. Tiger205

    Any chance for NPC factions?

    Sounds way too similiar to Fallout Online. Besides that I don't see anything like this working in a zombie apocalypse environment.
  4. Tiger205

    How about some T34?

    So when I played vanilla ArmA II some time ago I noticed several T34 monuments scattered around the province and while playing DayZ it struck me. Since we have a Huey ingame why not make at least one T34 salvageable? Maybe not the one in Chernogorsk because that would be kinda stupid considering the amount of people who would be gathered around it, espiecially bandits, waiting to kill someone dumb enough to try and repair it. What I mean here is not a fully equipped T34 with full ammo and so on but basicly an armored transport with REALLY small chance of finding ammo for main gun and a slightly higher chance for DT ammo. Now I realize a lot of people will propably call BS on this because it's a tank but let me point this out - there is a chance of finding an AT4 so you actually can destroy the tank, not like a Huey because I haven't seen any Stingers or Iglas/Strelas yet. Unless the Huey pilot is an idiot and is hovering on low altitude, waiting to be shot by a CZ 550 or and Enfield. I don't exactly now if it's possible as far as scripts go and would propably require an extra model for the mod (a monument without a T34 on it) but I think it's good enough food for thought. Also I wouldn't mind if things like actually working Humvees or BRDM would be added into the mod in very small numbers, as in one or two.
  5. I just want a clear answer - why some of the servers are constantly fucked so basicly people can't play on them? I mean I see a lot of empty servers in the browser and when I join in to check what's going on it just hangs on "Waiting blabla". Is this caused by the server not being restarted often enough or something completely different? I may have missed the answer to this so that's why I'm asking it here and now.
  6. Well this looks like a plausible cause but some servers are broken all the time. Do the admins completely forget about their servers or something? Especially DE and FR servers, at least for me.
  7. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Most propably it's lag and I don't really know if that could be anything else, sorry. Also some of my group's stuff has returned after several server restarts on EU7 including one tent out of two and one vehicle out of two. Sadly only the vehicle had loot we put in it before.
  8. Tiger205

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Agh dammit, my thread got merged with this because of some idiot who kept insisting on talking about PvP. Oh well. Anywho - PvP is not THE problem. THE problem is people's mentality - they simply kill just to kill, hell, they don't gain anything, they even loose ammunition. As I've stated in my first post in the original thread I got killed after helping two dudes fend off a mob of zombies. Why? Or I got killed by a retarded bandit when I had literally nothing on me beside two bean cans and a Makarov. He didn't even bother to check my body people who saw it said. THAT'S what enrages me the most - knowing that there's an idiot whose only purpose is to ruin someone else's game and knowing that when I actually had some good equipment it'll be wasted because that idiot who just killed me won't even bother checking it out. It makes no sense and it really pisses me off.
  9. Tiger205

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Yes, pointing out spelling errors when running out of good arguments. Great. I'm tired, I can't possibly make a flawless post at 2:21AM. And yet people keep derailing this thread - it's not about spawnkilling, it's about people being retarded and even killing those who just helped them, like it happened to me. I've still not received any clear answer as to why would someone do this, especially with the increased number of zombies prancing about.
  10. Tiger205

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    You're obviously too mentally challenged to even try to comprehend the problem here. This isn't even PvP - it's just some brick-leveled IQ people like yourself who just have to ruin the experience for someone else. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. But you obviously don't understand what I'm trying to say here because you're "cool" or whatever, killing newcommers making the game look bad and scaring away a lot of people. By the way - if you think you're cool because you're no a "care bear" or whatever you like to call it, you are just an imbecil.
  11. Tiger205

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Oh look... An "eloquent" poster - all those fucks and shits won't help your word get across. You don't even understand what I actually wrote in my OP, typical of your "kind". Also I see most people picked up the subject of spawncamping. I'm more interested in the whys, even though it attracts a lot of "eloquent posters", why do people want to ruin someone else's experience so badly that they will even defend the stance of the retarded bandits.
  12. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Also - regarding crashed Venoms, which do not kill anymore on entry - has anyone been able to actually loot the helicopter? I tried to find a gear action outside or try to acces gear from within the map but nothing seems to work. Is it just a placeholder or something?
  13. Tiger205

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    deadbolt, let me quote myself: Care to elaborate on this subject?
  14. Tiger205

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I'm sure this has been covered several times by now but whatever - I want a fresh opinion especially since there are more zombies again. Question is simple - what goes through the heads of all those retarded bandits who camp Chernogorsk/Elektrozavodsk or just coasts in general, killing essentially harmless survivors because let's be honest - you won't kill someone with a Makarov when the guy has a CZ 550 and is at least 200m away. Mind you I don't have anything against "legit" bandits who kill for loot such as better weapons or equipment but most of the retarded bandits on the coasts just shoot people, they don't even bother coming to check the bodies for any stuff. That's the first thing. Second thing - I'd say people would be willing to cooperate a bit more since zombie numbers have gone up again and surviving in a group would be easier. Third thing - why bother shooting them at all if you're not going to even check what they had. It's a nonsensical waste of ammunition and if someone says "for fun" I don't see how picking off a defensless target with a Makarov and two bean cans is fun or challenging. I know that there are some "good bandits", right now I'm looking at the CPC dudes on EU7, but other than these people I just wish I could fire up that T-34 in Chernogorsk and run over every known retarded bandit in the mod. Hell, even if that was my only job, I couldn't do anything else and that T-34 would come with me to every server I would still do it. One will ask where this rant came from. It's simple - today I tried to be Goody McGoodshoes and I tried to help people. First I encountered some CPC dudes in Stary Sobor and I helped them clear out the tents there. Sadly I died there because zombies decided to respawn right on my face and kept hitting me through the tents. So coincidentally I respawned near Chernogorsk. I died twice I think to the same retarded bandit who was only camping on one of the silos and didn't even bother to change his position or at least try to come down and loot the bodies. Of course people will say I should've killed him since he didn't change his position but I dare you to kill someone with a Makarov at 200m or 300m, but that's beside the point. What enraged me the most was when I heard some gunshots and saw a lot of zombies running towards the hospital near the field hospital in Chernogorsk. I said to myself hell why the hell not and proceeded to walk in the direction of those zombies and picking them off one by one. When I was done I saw two people - a bandit and a survivor - on the side bulding thing near the hospital. I was just staring at them with my Makarov not even aiming close to them and the survivor just shot me in the head with his .45 revolver. Double U Tee Eff Why the fuck did he do that? I just helped them clear out several zombies and they just kill me despite I just helped them and had only a Makarov on myself? tl;dr Why do people keep killing each other even though they don't even bother to check bodies for loot, have only Makarovs and beans or when you help them. And is being a dick to everything the only option despite the increased numbers of zombies. /rant
  15. Tiger205

    How about some T34?

    What I meant is a model for a monument WITHOUT the T34 on it. Unless people would rather find a T34 in a swamp rather than trying to restore one from a monument. Also T34/85's max speed with the upgraded engine (and I'm assuming that's what it has in ArmA) is 55kp/h.
  16. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Thanks for further info. Also I shoul've added the bit about picking up gear from map long ago, thanks for reminding me about that. OP updated.
  17. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    So is it 50 or 75 items? Because right now we have some kind of misinformation.
  18. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    It's a destroyed Skoda which apparently cannot be entered. Also updated the OP yet again.
  19. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    OP updated with tent info.
  20. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    It SHOULD come back after a server restart or two. I can't guarantee it though.
  21. Tiger205

    DayZ Stories

    I'll make this short. So I'm in my UAZ driving to Topolka Dam to get a friend who recently died because of his driver smashing a pickup intro a tree. I get to Topolka pretty quick, pick up my friend and am heading back to our camp. When we were driving we were talking about survivors on roads and the discussion went something along these lines: - I wonder what are the odds of a survivor getting hit by car in this mod... It must really suck to die by getting hit by a car. Not a second passed and I saw three survivors not running along a street but actually crossing it so I just said - Speaking of whic! And proceeded to ram the two that were right in front of my UAZ. One got hit directly so he went flying several meters away, the other was alive with 1000 blood. Obviously rage ensued on chat about how "we didn't even stop to loot the body". Felt good man.
  22. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    It's in the OP - 3x3m rougly. Also after another restart my tents came back, along with two other tents which I moved because they weren't in a good spot so now instead of three tents I've got five tents.
  23. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Welp, EU5 ate two out of three of my tents so tents are still broken. Too bad because I lost a lot of valuable stuff such as a metric shitton of 5,56mm SD ammo. This blows. Also on a sidenote I highly doubt that the rest of my tents would reappear after another restart, right?
  24. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Shouldn't it come back like the tents after a server restart like you said in another thread?
  25. Tiger205

    Tents & Vehicles General

    OP updated once again with more vehicles.