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Everything posted by Porto

  1. The title pretty much says it all. It'd be nice to be able to recombine a box with 2 matches left with a box with 1 match left and get a box with 3 matches, instead of having to carry 2 boxes. Basically the same as with ammo. Ever since you're able to run out of matches I've been missing this feature. Maybe set a limit of 20 matches per box? I think now it's like 5 or an undefined amount.
  2. Porto

    Being able to recombine matches

    I think you mean the standalone, I was talking about the mod :)
  3. Porto

    Journal: Character age instead of zed count

    The Europa server had a working leader board a while ago. I'm glad that it's gone, the game shouldn't be about stats or being the best, it should be about survival and what you experience as you live. For me, stats always tend to ruin any game, maybe I'm just too easily addicted to them :P Though being able to see how long you've been alive (hh:mm) might be a nice addition to the game. Especially combined with a feature that you can see someone else their journal when they're dead. But I don't think any of your stats should be publicly visible on a leader board or something.
  4. First off I want to say that I'm very happy with the new humanity system since it finally allows me to defend myself as a hero. However, it's still not perfect. Out of the three times that I used this new mechanism something weird happened: I lost humanity anyway (from 5900 to 3400) and changed from Hero to Survivor, I also lost like 5000 blood because I was hit of course. But when I logged out and logged back in I would still have my Survivor skin but my old humanity level, however, my blood would be at 12000 again. The next time I relogged I'd also have my Hero skin again (blood also still at 12000). It'd be nice if you didn't lose your skin, nor your humanity, at all (even if it is for a short period of time only) because it's very confusing. It'd also be nice if my blood wouldn't regenerate by relogging :) Here are some screenshots I took when it happened: http://imgur.com/a/d8cHG I couldn't find the bug report forum so that's why I posted this here, please move my post if I overlooked it.
  5. Would be very interesting indeed. Especially when you kill a ghillie guy and you want to know if there's a hero or bandit underneath the gilliesuit