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About 0xy

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    The Neherlands
  • Interests
    Serious gaming, sports, photography, design.
  1. 0xy

    Vehicles on Stable branch

    Encountered this today. NE airstrip on 0.61 stable, default install.
  2. 0xy

    Survival Game Survey

    Done mate. Keep us informed on the results and stuff. Cheers.
  3. 0xy

    What is the Best Vid Capture for DayZ

    My first question would be, what kinda hardware are we talking about. All mentioned solutions have their pro's and con's. But alot will be a nogo if hardware is limiting. For me now, i7 7700K with 3400 16GB RAM and GTX1070, OBS studio on simple/indistinguishable quality/flv/x264. If you need mp4 to be able to edit the recorded video, use the File/Remux Recordings option in OBS. On my previous build, an i5 3750 with GTX970 on a 2100 16GB RAM, ShadowPlay with it's 20 minute video dump. I played DayZ on a borderless windowed mode to counter the darkness issue. No issues in lag or FPS drop. Do note with the latest ShadowPlay update to recheck your audio device setting as it changed to default for me on the last update. If your CPU/GPU can handle it - OBS Studio by far. Best codec and seperated audio tracks. Add VoiceMeeter Banana and Virtual Audio Cable into the mix and you got all the control you need. Have fun.
  4. 0xy

    DayZ Distractions

    Looking at Breaks (and Smithy) video of the engagement, I would say it's a great idea. Thanks for bringing it up.
  5. Nothing coward about it. DayZ is played the way you want to. Period. Your question was how we would do it, and we all play the DayZ experience differently.
  6. I would do such actions as to get all the gear back into the economy. :)
  7. 0xy

    Exp Update 0.61.137871

    Will run EXP after dinner tonight.
  8. 0xy

    Internal Milestone - Road to Beta

    Noice. My hat is of to the team. Have a great weekend.
  9. 0xy

    Status Report - 7 February 2017

    Wow. Nice read. Thanks.
  10. 0xy


    Like it, well done. Thanks for sharing.
  11. 0xy

    Stable Branch 0.61.137517

    Same here, client still on 0.61.137076.
  12. 0xy

    Exp Update 0.61.137487

    Nope. Encountered 3 packs today. All good.
  13. 0xy

    Bandit Take Down! - DayZ Standalone 0.61

    Nice kills and video. Love the music. Very well done. Cheers.