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About Diemux

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Diemux


    Well I kept on living for quite a few hours, finally found some antibiotic but that didn't do much. Sick status was now a dark orange with some times the message "I'm feeling run-down" or something similar. After a long run in to town I got the message "I'm feeling tired". All the time I was hydrated and well fed. Screen color stayed completetly black and white with no change. Unfortunately I ran in someones barrel while looting a city building and was killed on sight (pfff).
  2. Diemux


    No dirty water, only purified water from a bottle. Currently not online and this character ain't super special but I'm interested in the cause and cure.
  3. Diemux


    So somehow after eating two cans of food (they were sealed) I got sick. Screen has turned to complete white/black and sick status is dark red. Made my way to a few hospitals but no charcoaltabs or antibiotic. I did puke once (automatic). Will the sickness vanish itself or do I need to do anything? Did search on Google but all info about sickness is 2 - 3+ years old.