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Luc Tonnerre

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Everything posted by Luc Tonnerre

  1. I declare... 0.60 push to release now! see, not happening
  2. Luc Tonnerre

    What notice will we get for 0.60?

    I am officially giving green light for the push.
  3. Luc Tonnerre

    What notice will we get for 0.60?

    u all silly™
  4. Luc Tonnerre

    Oh mighty devs, please have mercy

    i'm bursting... literally
  5. Luc Tonnerre

    Oh mighty devs, please have mercy

    omg you're all so awsum,,, except for the guy who voted NO... prepare for a KOS to your face! DayZpls
  6. Luc Tonnerre

    What notice will we get for 0.60?

    What notice? A bright ray of light will shine upon you and you will get the feeling that in the end all will be well. It's a good thing
  7. Luc Tonnerre

    How do you greet people in dayz

    I greet everyone with a fwendly bullet to the face... for camouflage
  8. Luc Tonnerre

    My Gear-Goal in DayZ - What is yours !?

    - Pink dress - Backpack full of bananas
  9. Luc Tonnerre

    #DayZ Logic

    World has gone full apocalyptic, destroyed stuff and rusty infra structure everywhere. But in the military areas, where the crap hit the fan in a 'last-stand' manner, there still are perfectly pitched tents in the middle of exploded tanks and general mayhem. dayzpls :D
  10. Luc Tonnerre

    Is DayZ a disappointment?

    My mom said 'No, it's not!'
  11. No, I've told them devs that they have to do it my way. And that's what they do!
  12. uuhmmmmmm... I am not sure how to put this buuuuuuuuuut, wasn't this "zombies giving away players" one of the reasons for creating the Standalone? I mean, we could just play Arma 3 with Zombies because now it doesn't matter if the zeds spawn or start moving when players are nearby - they give away players in both cases. weird choice really. Are there any infos about this? Because If this doesn't change I won't play this game for sure. I really hope this is just some kind of game-mechanic test or something along that line.
  13. Luc Tonnerre

    Zombies start moving when players are nearby?!?!

    dem devs will fix dis soon
  14. Hello fellow survivors! I was wondering if there are any plans to have different "aggro levels" for zombies at some point in the future? Right now the basic iteration of zombie behavior is like 'If they see/hear you they go full aggro' But what if there are some obstacles between you and a zed and you were just a wee bit to loud? It would be nice to semi-aggro a zombie so it gets only curious and starts lurching towards the source of the noise. Other zombies could follow that one zed to see what this lurching is all about. If I remember correctly it is a bit like in the mod where zombies lurch towards players who got out of an aggrod zeds view. Are there any plans for this? If not, can I have a Yay or Nay for my obviously awesome idea (and some money pls)?
  15. Luc Tonnerre

    [aggro levels] How to annoy a zombie (just a little bit)

    Ye, now that you all mention it I recall some dev posts about stealth mechanics and zombie behavior. But I still like to think of it as my own idea :p (and I still want the moneys)
  16. Luc Tonnerre

    Completely random spawns

    Guys wait, I have the best idea ever! Why not letting players spawn in mid-air? Give them a freaking parachute and let them spawn at 2km altitude. Profit. I mean, it's better than "waking" up at the beach. Also, there are already heli crashes all over the map so it would make sense (narratively) if the players were the former passengers of one of them helis? I say "passengers" because the (military) crew wouldn't leave the heli without their gear, I guess. So they all have to die (narratively) and only some (un)lucky civilians survive and are able to parachute out of them helis. (i know you all love my idea because it's awesome. don't be ashamed to hit that "like" button) MAKE IT SO!
  17. Luc Tonnerre

    Completely random spawns

    Why are we never spawning fully geared since we have to pay the full price for the game? That's what I want to know! I find this offensive! (not)
  18. Luc Tonnerre

    When will the next update be?

    whoaa, shots fired!
  19. Luc Tonnerre

    Completely random spawns

    Everybody should spawn in/on a small raft which allows to navigate to a certain extend and will start to capsize (render unusable) as soon as the bottom touches the ground (like 10m away from the shore). That way it would make sense in terms of plausibility (At least better than just "waking up") and would allow players to choose where it would be save to go ashore. After the player left the capsized raft it will kind of fall apart (and despawn). Imagine one of Bear Grylls life-saving "death rafts" which always seems to fall apart while he is still miles away from any coast :D
  20. Luc Tonnerre

    Zombies start moving when players are nearby?!?!

    hehe, oui oui salut, ça va? ça va bien, et toi? :p
  21. Luc Tonnerre

    Zombies start moving when players are nearby?!?!

    wh00t??? wet underpants and zeds can smell now? r u sirius? o_0
  22. Luc Tonnerre

    Zombies start moving when players are nearby?!?!

    I think you misunderstood something
  23. Luc Tonnerre

    Zombies start moving when players are nearby?!?!

    Well, I like the idea of having zombies following a single zed who slowly lurches towards a player (maybe because it got semi-aggroed) I like semi-aggro
  24. I got stream-sniped the other day and I wasn't even streaming. Those basterds!