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About M3DiC

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    On the Coast

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  1. M3DiC

    Let's talk about new animations

    Sneak. A sneak animation with little to no footstep noise. Taking cover on corners or low barriers so your head doesn't poke up would also be extremely useful.
  2. Having a bit of fun, enjoy!
  3. M3DiC

    Live and Let Live

    I'm simply showing that "bandit" doesn't always mean killer.
  4. M3DiC

    Live and Let Live

  5. M3DiC

    Live and Let Live

    Worked it out. Not sure what I did wrong the first time but meh, it's working now
  6. M3DiC

    Live and Let Live

    Not every DayZ interaction has to end with death. If you have a mic and a compliant attitude you *just might* survive a shitty situation or two. On the other hand, sometimes people do all the wrong things and choose all the wrong words. Here are four examples to illustrate both points, enjoy.
  7. To date I have 2232 hours into DayZ... to put that into perspective that is equivalent to 93 days. Despite all that time played, DayZ still successfully entertains me. I even vividly remember my first kill, bittersweet as it was. I still get excited to play and I still have tense, scary and emotional experiences daily, so many that I now use shadowplay to capture all my memorable moments to re-live later. Furthermore, I have had the privilege of meeting some awesome people of whom, without DayZ, I would have never had the pleasure of knowing. In fact together we started and Admin'd two very popular DayZ servers one of which we still run and still play on together daily. I guess I'm saying I not only UNDERSTAND that I am participating in an early access game... I APPRECIATE it. And in, albeit a small way, it has changed my life. A sincere THANK YOU to the devs and producers. Excited to see what you have in store for the future! -M3DiC