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About boggle

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  1. It's been like this for a while: you stay hidden and throw an item far away, some infected run that way to the object but there's always one or two that B-line it to your position. Making the entire concept useless. I remember this being brought up by the devs a while ago that it would be addressed. Do we have any idea when? Or is this going to be like the melee system or car physics where it's "fixed" multiple times but never truly fixed?
  2. I think what you're asking for exists. If you hold rmb to raise weapon, and you press shift it brings you to ads but gun will lower once you release rmb. However maybe you're asking to change the default rmb action to ads instead of rasie weapon. Im surprised you can't change that in config, have you checked?
  3. boggle

    Opinions on new loot changes

    All I can say is thank God for modded servers. If it wasn't for modded servers to undo many of the abhorrent changes the devs have made over the years; this gave would have died long ago.
  4. boggle

    Opinions on new loot changes

    I think it's stupid bc it just encourages people to server hop between maps which in itself is not realistic imo I think it's just a way to force people to buy their maps.
  5. I was on 1st person sakhal and joined chernaurus official server and I have all the same loot. That seems kind of dumb. Server hopping for loot would completely negate the challenge of sakhal. I don't care bc I only play chernarus but seemed dumb.
  6. I've tried the links on official dayz discord listed on reddit and it says link is invalid or expired. I've had the issue with official dayz discord on my prior accounts (maybe they don't use it anymore?) but I was never in the discord, I've never been able to join due to this error. Anyone know the latest invite links to these discord servers? I hate that discord is so popular. But it's where you learn of changes etc on the servers.
  7. boggle

    Today's failpatch

    Yeha I watched wobo's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1432mECveUE Done with Sahkal. The map seems awesome and I'd love to explore it. But now I'm making fires more and for longer to dry clothes, and decent guns are even harder to find now. I've got less and less time for gaming lately. Dayz was great because I could hop in, get into a skirmish, explore and check stuff out, and hop off. Then resume where I left off next time. With Sahkal, I hop on for an hour and it's just making fucking fires and traveling 0.5km. Going back to chernaurus unless that's ruined too, in which case I'll hang it up. I'm getting tired of dealing with major changes to the game. Still feels like I'm playing an alpha state game and not a fully released game. I look forward to the day a competent game studio makes a game similar to this becsause I'll be all over it. I need a reason to focus on more productive things anyway. Thousands of hours and 10 years are a good run. I just find it sad to see the game devolve. If some of you enjoy it, I'm happy for you and I hope you continue enjoying it.
  8. I can understand the concern as I'm a huge privacy advocate. But I just don't see the concern. It's up to you, like everywhere else online and in real life, how much information about yourself you disclose. Whether they're streaming or not. It's internet etiquette 101. I don't see a purpose for Bohemia to implement some privacy rule against streaming. It would inevitably be complicated and since this would be the onlu game doing that, we would lose a large player base. Since it seems everyone streams now days because unfortunately most people just don't care about their privacy.
  9. boggle

    question for those enjoying the update

    All of that is going to create a more hostile experience. More KOS. Unless that's what you meant by "player interactions".
  10. boggle

    These changes ruined everything for me (xbox)

    That's really stupid. If you have an axe you should be able to break the ice to get water. And have the devs ever heard of ice fishing?
  11. boggle

    These changes ruined everything for me (xbox)

    Can you not break ice on ponds? Do purification tablets even spawn or do those not purify the volcanic ash like what's found in snow?
  12. boggle

    Low GPU Usage, poor FPS with 1.26

    I'm having terrible frames as well https://forums.dayz.com/topic/264242-love-sakhal-but-the-frames-are-awful/ . In wilderness or cities. Dips from 160-200 down to 50 and then back up. Continually. It's basically unplayable. Caveat is I'm on Linux and use Proton compatibility tool to play. But I've been doing this for 4 years and I've had less issues than when I played on windows for the 7 years prior. Ryzen 7 3700x 8-core Radeon rx 6700 xt 32GB DDR5 ram Game and OS on same SSD
  13. boggle

    Why Bohemia?

    I appreciate your wall of text and word salad. But I'm not going to engage in the back and fourth. Stating that someone is just wrong because they didn't provide evidence, and then you yourself claim the inventory space is too large an provide no evidence. If you are going to try to rub people's nose in shit, at least make sure you aren't doing the very same of which you accuse others. You clearly just like to argue looking at your post history. So I'm out.
  14. boggle

    Why Bohemia?

    Yeah that's the downside with modded servers. Trying to find the exact one or close to it, that fixes the things you want fixed, without adding traders and spawning 10,000 different varieties of weapons or spawning in fully kitted. Ugh. To each their own but man is it hard to find modded servers that have the right balance. It's worth it once you find them though. I'd start by searching for near vanilla like servers and go from there.
  15. boggle

    Why Bohemia?

    A single rag takes up nearly 10% of the hunters backpack which I believe was 40 or so slots. I could put a rag in my pocket. I could go on and on but we clearly disagree. Maybe the solution should be leave the game as it was when people chose to purchase it, as that's an accurate representation of what they were interested in, (in general, not just inventory capacity). And if they want to make things arbitrarily more difficult, go back to having "hardcore" servers and make everything stupid difficult to please the die hards. Then everyone wins. Or those of us who want the original experience will play modded dayz (dayz mod mod?) and maybe we'll have dayz 2 be inspired of a mod of this game. I'm curious what percentage of players play on official VS modded servers. Surely BI could glean direction from data of modded server traffic and the mods they have installed. At the end of the day there are at least 2 camps. Those of us who want to have fun and those who are masochists. Can't please everyone whether it's you or me. I guess that's what the modded servers are for. Maybe they want to drive players off of official so they can shut more servers down?