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Everything posted by donkennedy01

  1. donkennedy01

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    Have you tried re booting your router?
  2. donkennedy01

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    Have noticed the zoom in/out when bound to my mouse don't work properly either,
  3. donkennedy01

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    Have found the servers to be somewhat dodgy, some are crashing every few mins, whilst others last about 30 mins, vehicles are ok (i use the term loosely) on some whilst on others its undriveable. The VOIP to me sounded fine, but I did only encounter 1 player who tried to shoot me at Krastnostav, he sounded ok to me. I have already said this and ill say it again, DayZ looks fantastic, well done Devs.
  4. donkennedy01

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    Yep the west is totally different, new roads all ovedr the place, I have absolutly no idea where I am lol That looks like it could be fun........................ Random ramps in the middle of nowhere. :)
  5. donkennedy01

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    on imgur click copy on the direct link
  6. donkennedy01

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    Also noticed that when driving a car through a bush the camera moves to inside the car when not moving forward in a vehicle the sound is loud Last 2 pics show black texture on infected
  7. donkennedy01

    Exp Update 0.62.139507

    So visually the game looks stunning. Audio sounds good initially but gets quite annoying after a while. Servers are crashing every couple of minutes, which makes testing somewhat difficult Some infected are like the black face bug but the whole texture is black. Was driving a vehicle and it was awfull, very glitchy. Like 1 step forward 2 back, this seems server dependant. FPS seems good, I have everything turned up max @ 2560 x 1440 res and never saw it dip below 50 FPS (ASUS Z170 Pro, 6600K, 16gb 3000mhz DDR4 EVGA GTX 980TI FTW). Infected seem to make you bleed after just 1 hit. Not noticed the grey face bug as yet. Thats all I got for now
  8. donkennedy01

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

  9. donkennedy01

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    im gonna say the whole lot 12.1gb
  10. donkennedy01

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    I know bud, im just as eager to play as the next person :)
  11. donkennedy01

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Lets just leave Baty alone to crack on with the job in hand, the news will come when it's ready
  12. donkennedy01

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    Lol, patience guys
  13. donkennedy01

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    This is a better idea imo
  14. donkennedy01

    Dayz Suggestions Part #3 [With pictures]

    Wow some of these ideas are great, the bloodbag one is a defo must. Was carrying some of my own blood in a bag and also took some blood off my friend when he was sick with the intention of giving someone bad blood. Only to find a new backpack and after shifting gear forgot which was which. Great ideas bud
  15. donkennedy01

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    indeed, if we all had the same opinion it would be a hell of a boring place :)
  16. donkennedy01

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    I get that bud, but i still disagree :)
  17. donkennedy01

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    I totally disagree but hey ho everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Just don't see why you would want status effects on your character to worsen when you are not even playing. There will be enough going on in game without having to worry about what happens to your guy when you log off.
  18. donkennedy01

    Realistic Log-Off System.

    So are you saying that when u log off, your character stays in the server sleeping, till u log back in again? Seems like a great idea.............................................Not Why would you log off in a building knowing that there is a high chance of someone looting said building and finding your sleeping body on the deck. Would end up being like Rust with sleeping bodies everywhere, and not everyone can spend all day everyday playing games. But i only have 14 post's, what do I know
  19. donkennedy01

    How old are you?

    37 this year but today feel about 77
  20. donkennedy01

    Status of 0.62 on Experimental Branch

    (here comes another dooshbag with only 13 posts) I converted to PC gaming for this game. It was the first game I played on my pc, which at the time was a Asus P5WDH Deluxe a Core 2 E6750 and a EVGA GTX 285. I have racked up over 1200 hours. There have been some frustrating times but also some really fun and hilarious moments. The game sucks at present and the player base is far below what it was. BUT, I love this game, have defo had my moneys worth and am eagerly waiting the next update. As annoying as it is, good things come to those who wait. Cheers devs for the info and some of you "regulars" need a chill pill, just because someone has very little posts does not mean they dont follow the progress of the game, many times I have went to comment or file a bug to see its already been done. See you in Cherno :)
  21. donkennedy01

    Exp Update 0.61.136593

    Wolves are stupid ATM, had 6 chase me the other night, Had a Red 9 and was just north of Krastnostav when I heard the pack, so I run and weave about 200m to the Hunting stand just down from the black/brown wood house. went from 5000 blood to 500 when I bandaged. So the 6 wolves are running round the hunting stand so I decide to take them out from relative safety. Bam, first shot to the head, just looks at me and laughs, 2nd and 3rd shots also to the head. WTAF. it takes 4/5 9mm to the head to put the wolf down. Not very realistic. 1 9mm round to the head should have easily taken the wolf out. especially it that close range. Approx 5m away. Maybe not even that far.
  22. donkennedy01

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    Wow the hostility here is something else, We are all here for the same reason, lets just relax
  23. donkennedy01

    Exp Update 0.61.136240

  24. donkennedy01

    When this game is finished, I dare modders to do...

    Ok so lets say you are minding your own business, in a forest, cooking some Deer Steak or growing some Green Peppers, and you get attacked. You are playing PVE but realise that its either you or him you can either get killed and just get a 1 day ban, or kill said player resulting in a 4 day ban (thats if there is only one of them) Why should you get penalised for just defending yourself. I see what you are trying to suggest and I kind of agree, in a way. For this to work you would need to differentiate between murder and self defense.
  25. donkennedy01

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    will give that a bash cheers