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Everything posted by HomeStoned

  1. HomeStoned

    When is 0.60 likely to be released?

    YEAH IT'S RELEASED ON EXPERIMENTAL servers. only about 50 servers, so spam until you get in, other than that, wait till it goes stable.
  2. yeah saw it land outside, need to be a bit closer, or hold G a bit longer
  3. HomeStoned

    Please remove the Gamma option.

    totally, sometimes gamma is glitched and doesn't work.. last night time cycle 6 of us had their gamma up, and only 4 of them could see. I only turn mine up as mostly everyone else that has killed me, must have theirs turned up.. if you can't beat them, join them!
  4. HomeStoned

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    bug I believe, I had it the other day, it has no adverse effects *holding breath until I get my 0.60* (edit) really bad idea
  5. HomeStoned

    Ideas about chernarus plus map

    I really hope that the vault door under the Tisy Camo building is the start of an epic underground installation, I saw the air vents on the surface :D I live in Bath UK we had during WWI & WWII the largest underground ammo storage in Europe, I've been exploring it's epic! DayZ devs I can provide a floor plan XD
  6. HomeStoned

    Help with starting dayz

    you should find peeps still playing arma II dayz mod. if you can get a refund get arma III then the dayz mod for that.. or just buy DayZ standalone (SA), 0.59 is in Alpha stage in development, It's playable not too many game play breaking bugs. 0.60 patch is out fixes a lot of things, and has been optimised and has a new renderer and engine in place. Runs real nice for me now, but has a very limited amount of servers to try and get on to play. But as soon as it's stable all is good. my system: cpu i7 4820k (3.7 quad) ram 16gb ddr3 gpu GTX 770 4gb SSD hard drive
  7. HomeStoned

    character Face

    would be really cool if you could use a photo of your face, and have it rendered to your character face!
  8. HomeStoned

    character Face

    yeah that's what I'm talking about.. I did think it was a "thing" or wasn't quit sure my imagination was getting the better of me! it would be an awesome identity of players, and would sometimes break immersion true, but could be amusing too
  9. HomeStoned

    Where is 0.60?

    dev started on standalone Dec 2014?..... and now we are starting 2016 so it's really only 14 months?