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Everything posted by Stinoffski

  1. Stinoffski

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    I agree one of the best updates to date. I have to disagree on the pace of development though, personally I love the fact we can play evolving and different versions of the game. I am really enjoying .59 base building is good cars are good (for the most part) and ammo is rarer which is great as you haven't got as much control over the weapon you use and forces you to evolve. Really looking forward to .60 though I don't care if its just the renderer and no other content.
  2. Stinoffski

    M4 and AK101

    I found an AK101 mag on a huey just now you guys sure the gun doesnt spawn?
  3. Stinoffski

    Tent City

    I also find it hit or miss all depends. I've sometimes spent a good while looting there and not seen or heard anyone other times I have had full blown shoot outs there. I think on more populated servers people tend to stay away stuck in the mindset its going to be full of geared player and nobody ends up going there. great loot zone though good chance of a tent drop in the baked bean tin as well.