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About LO0TC1F3R

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  1. that sounds awesome. looking forward to my return tomorrow. thanks a lot for running a server like this!
  2. I really liked it too but to be honest my buddy and I ragequit at some point. after finally having collected enough lee enfield and ak ammo from bandit patrols we managed to take out one of those bandit camps. we barely survived, made it though and were really happy but more NPCs just spawned so we never got any loot out of this episode. :( Dont get me wrong, I absolutely love the hardcore aproach of this server, its actually the only one that really deserves the hardcore label, but repeatedly getting raped by endlessly and instantly respawning AI was just too much. Are some places not meant to be infiltrated? I am for example talking about the camp on top of the mountain ridge at 007/005 on the south eastern Island. Because it would be a shame if we stopped playing just because we had a completely wrong approach to the gameplay here.
  3. LO0TC1F3R

    DayZ Screenshots!

    sorry in advance for them not being in HD and with ATOC switched off ^^
  4. LO0TC1F3R

    DayZ Screenshots!

    since it has gotten pretty quiet around here: this is where I try to post some nice and only slightly edited vanilla chernarus screenshots there and then: http://s1381.photobucket.com/user/LO0TC1F3R/library/
  5. I guess there will be an announcement here once the server goes online? I am really curious about how this turns out. I never heard about dayz in general until the 1.7. time were long gone (dont judge me, I swear I was busy), so the videos I then started watching and enjoying to see if dayz is something for me were pretty dated (at least the popular ones). so even if its not nostalgia that will bring me to visit this server I am pretty excited nether the less!
  6. So after some hours of this server I have come to the conclusion that this is just awesome. the survival challenge that dayz loses after a long time of playing gets just as much of a revive here as the myterious feeling of exploringg unknown territory and scavanging. the crafting system ist just great and the AI implementation worked out extremely well. admins (which also seem to work as the traders) seem to be very dedicated since they provide their services at almost any given time. one thing that I havent gotten yet: the vehicles the AI (even the week one up North) drives around with are always locked and cant be used. is it meant to be this way?
  7. damn its tough dude....where are matches
  8. my mate and I will try this out later today. we always wanted an experience like this. none of that "spawn in with dmr and swag stuff, 999 helis+ , cheap basebuilding and briefcases for small donations" hosted by yologaming crap. really looking forward to this!
  9. LO0TC1F3R

    Zombie Eating Out My Friend

    why is your stuff in the forum´s dayz mod section when ist standalone?
  10. "Cannot join this session. Wrong password was given"