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Posts posted by rhinocrunch

  1. You shoulda seen the town that was made on the debug line, shit had airplanes and barracks and churchs and ships and all sorts of crazy buildings, was nuts.

    Only 1 person was actually cheating, it's not cheating to receive hacked weapons if you don't spawn them in yourself. As far as the GUID ban goes you can buy hacked CD keys online for 5$ a pop. Also you can request a IP change or just unplug your modem for 15 min.

    Please children get educated. If you only knew how rampant the cheating was you'd quit the game right away. So many hacked & duped items, so many people using ESP. You just see the thunderdomes every now and then and freak out but that isn't even the tip of the iceberg. For a few bucks they can come right back after the so called "battleeye" ban wave that is heralded as so amazing.

    This thread keeps getting better and better. *popcorn*

    • Like 1

  2. Banning 1 or 2 a day won't stop them.

    And posting on dayZ forum that you banned cheaters bring cheaters :) We can see them on stream selecting the server to cheat on from the DayZ forum.

    My server is a huge target regardless. Its funny. Either way, let more cheaters appear. 0FG. Those are the 3 people I found from reading chat logs, I didnt mention the other 8 I banned from other log activity.

  3. I'm glad you guys can appreciate this' date=' I got flamed to shit on Reddit. I don't understand why all the survivors are such hardcore carebears.


    Mate its hilarious and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. :heart:

    To everyone going 'Dayz is this' 'Dayz is that', Listen up. DayZ is a fecking computergame and they are meant to be about fun.

    Chasing people in the dark with an axe looks pretty fucking fun.

    I will have to agree on that. It was some of the most fun I had in the game, and it lasted for a good two hours.

  4. Lets get a post game report, Tom.

    Rhino bans coolboynaked after reviewing logs.

    Rhino lets it go.

    Rhino gets "OMFG BRO I LOVE YOUR $!O# AND YOUTUBE CHANNEL BRO DONT BAN ME" PM from coolboynaked.

    Rhino posts logs.

    Coolboynaked incorrectly states the log info in thread then posts screenshots of himself with an enfield claiming he is innocent (lol).

    Rhino gets bored.

    Coolboynaked's fangirls come through and troll overdrive

    I said it before, and I can say it a couple more times if you like since apparently you can't read or just too much of a hyper active coffee drinker to read more than two words in a sentence.

    If you have nothing to worry about, wait until Tonic reads the log. If you get perma banned, you know why. If you don't, my mistake.

    Either way, lol at your personal attacks to me after you fanboyed me in a PM.

    Love Always,

    Your Daddy

