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Everything posted by rhinocrunch

  1. rhinocrunch

    DayZ Standalone Challenge.

    It cant be as bad as when I get thunderdomed in the middle of an episode, haha
  2. rhinocrunch

    DayZ Standalone Challenge.

    Remember. You all wanted this. I hope chat is enabled, I have a feeling there is going to be some hilarious characters in the testing. I won't even have to play, just record and upload the chat.
  3. rhinocrunch

    DayZ Standalone Challenge.

  4. Origin, these are extremely impressive. I am totally interested for my Standalone Gameplay Footage, can you please PM me!
  5. rhinocrunch

    Reason behind your username?

    Well, here is the story of how I got my name....
  6. rhinocrunch

    DayZ Fanmade Trailer

    This is 1 of 2 videos trailers I did for Dayz. I will release the second one in a few days. Enjoy :D
  7. rhinocrunch

    DayZ Fanmade Trailer

    Actually, I shouldn't say "always". Early on (the first 40 hours of gameplay?), the zombies were definitely the main antagonist. Then the elements of survival. Adapting to the zombies and losing the fear for them then presented a new challenge: the other survivors. I totally agree though, surviving against zombies and the elements should be your primary concern. From what it sounds like, Rocket is adding a lot to the surviving aspect to the game which is good. Because when I have 99 problems, killing a survivor ain't one.
  8. rhinocrunch

    DayZ Fanmade Trailer

    To me, Dayzs main antagonist has always been the survivors, not the infected; however, the second version of this will appeal to the latter. Stay tuned :D I mean.... Who here has actually died to zombies in the last couple months? Now, who here has died to other survivors?
  9. rhinocrunch

    DayZ Fanmade Trailer

    Thanks Rage. I renamed it to avoid confusion (fanmade) and removed Standalone since people may think its standalone footage.
  10. rhinocrunch

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    Coincidence I post a video about releasing them...next day they are released....just sayin..... KIDDING!!! This is great stuff
  11. Yes, actually I do. With my name on it!!! Yeah, leave him alone!!!
  12. Features: Max Vehicles Starting Winchester 1866 Heavily Admin'ed (Hacker Free) Private Hive Free! We have decided to make our community public since standalone is coming! If you would like to join our servers, simply post the following information here or here: http://rhinocrunch.c...us?limitstart=0 I will check this thread regularly, see you in game :) Server Ip port 3187or just search for "rhinoCRUNCH [Official]" IGN: GUID: Why should we whitelist you to our server?
  13. Updated and yes, we raised a grand man!!! Its going until the end of Jan though if you still want to donate! http://rhinocrunch.chipin.com/childs-play Also, this is heart melting but some kid on my fanpage said he has Croens disease and the hospital he is at has an Xbox (that was donated by Childs Play) fuaarkkkkk
  14. Thank you Fraggle and Burrito! There are some crazyyyyyyyyyyy hacks out there. Some guy came on teh server and pushed something to all clients that let them hack, (teleport, guns etc) and then he evened had the oppam gundam style dance, it was incredible. The whitelist is a life saver!
  15. rhinocrunch

    Calling all Bandits!

    Bandit Brothers, This is the Revolution. I ask all of you, my Bandit Breathren, if you have any heart or care for humanity (In real life, of course) please donate 1 dollar to Childs Play Charity on behalf of Bandits everywhere. Show the DayZ community of herobears that just because we like destroying in game doesn't mean we do out of game. All donations go directly to Childs Play Charity and the chip in page simply tracks how many people donate and how much we have raised! Thanks for your time! Rhino Donate Here: http://rhinocrunch.c...com/childs-play
  16. rhinocrunch

    Calling all Bandits!

    10% raised! Thank you all for your support, please keep the donations coming in!!
  17. rhinocrunch

    Calling all Bandits!

    If you follow the link, it goes straight to Childs Play @shazbot. That is assuming you are an adult with a paypal account, of course. 6% there guys, thank you! Thank you all for those who are donating!
  18. rhinocrunch

    Calling all Bandits!

    3% raised guys! Thank you to those who are helping give children games this christmas! 97% to go! Please consider helping children less fortunate than yourself!
  19. rhinocrunch

    Legend Diaries - Rhinocrunch

    For a long time, people have been saying I should just cut all the crap between A and B in my videos. Others have been complaining that I make them too short. So, I did something that should appease both sides. (should). I present, Legend Diaries. Much love, thank you, Goodnight. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlC-voLHtEA&list=UUNFbcu5tU8eFPhjORNPq9pQ&index=1&feature=plcp
  20. rhinocrunch

    Legend Diaries - Rhinocrunch

    Episode III (I get a sniper and make a new friend)
  21. rhinocrunch

    Legend Diaries - Rhinocrunch

    Episode 2 for those of you interested :P
  22. rhinocrunch

    Legend Diaries - Rhinocrunch

    @winterswolf A believe you are referring to my catch phrase which.... unfortunately, will never go my young friend. But you are always welcome to! :D Thousands of you come and go a month, and I have as many ferraris as I do fuqs given homegirl. Do you even lift? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuMBmK5uksg
  23. rhinocrunch

    Hunger Games

    A shitload of subscribers came up with this idea. I made it happen on my private server. I hope you enjoy. Also have a night version and outtake version coming within the week.
  24. rhinocrunch

    Hunger Games

    Server is closed to the public man, I am sorry. Memberships to my community can be bought via the website! We have a server event every Saturday, I have custom maps for our second arma 2 server (Like grand theft arma which I will be releasing to the public soon) teamspeak, members area of forums and more! Both servers are dedicated and cost me a pretty penny a month to rent, so I apologize if it seems snakey to have pay to play membership.