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Everything posted by speca

  1. speca

    Bandit Looking to Reform His ways

    I may join you, getting sick of KoS'ing as well. I'll send you a pm.
  2. Yes, but by the time the out break had happend i would imagine they would all be gone.
  3. speca

    A new drink:)

    Why would Dr. Pepper be in an Ex-Communist country? Last i recall the two countries didn't get on to well back when communism was around, so i don't see why they would have Dr. Pepper.
  4. speca

    CD Key in use?

    How "bout" you piss off you useless minge.
  5. speca

    CD Key in use?

    Yea, as everyone has clearly pointed out Arma 2 has been targeted massively for CD keys (As they are in high demand for a cheap price), what hackers do is they install a code in a software (This can range from a hack, script, update and even Lingor Island with a dodgy link). What it does is it simply takes your CD key (Steals it) and replaces it with an invlalid/banned CD-Key, you have next to no chance in retrieving your unique CD key (Could try re-installing but i doubt it will work). Sorry to tell you bud, you've been tricked like the other thousands of people with the same problem, these hackers are getting smarter by the day, the only thing we can do is stay smart and not fall into their dirty tricks. Hope this helped.
  6. speca

    Fully Loaded On Day 1

    I got fully geared up in 30 minutes by going to Dobrry in Electro.
  7. Yea, I would say wait until stand alone, DayZ is currently harsh and unforgiving to new players with hackers, players killing new spawns and more.
  8. speca

    Murder Montage :D 64 Murders

    He took the words out of my mouth.
  9. speca

    DMR or SVD Camo?

    DMR is so much better, has zeroing and has 20 bullets, 10 more than the SVD. Ammo is also A LOT more common thus it is a superior weapon.
  10. speca

    Teleporting Hack

    Any evidence?
  11. I guess, it's in the actual map so why not?
  12. speca

    Cya all, and bb DayZ

    Have fun, see you in two weeks when you come back from your QQ'ing.
  13. speca

    The Lives of Others

    lol, what a clown.
  14. Looking for a good Australian host whom charges a fair price, 40 slots and no lag and an easy to use system. Thanks in advance.
  15. speca

    Good Australian Hosts?

    Also if it could be made a private hive it would be awesome (Still thinking of which to make it.)
  16. speca

    Hacker Put Me In The Ocean.

    Re-logging, getting a forum moderator to kill you/tp you, play on a private hive (makes new character) err.. make a new character in profiles? It's all i can come up with, hope it helps.
  17. speca

    Changing spawns...

    If you wanted to play the game non PvP you could go North from that "no point" spawn at Kamenka is actualy amazing, could get to NW airfield in roughly 20 minutes. "Newb"
  18. That or a bullet in the head with any gun.
  19. speca

    The Ominous Boat

    If you want a serious awnser, scripter spawned it there.
  20. That's not good loot... GPS and range finder, maybe. Can find all this and more at your local camping sniper faggot on Dobrry hill at electro! Come by today!
  21. speca

    Fake Guns

    omg and maybe some Nerf guns!?