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Everything posted by speca

  1. I wouldn't mind attaching a scope and/or a silencer onto my Ak-47!!! This would be amazing, every gun (Other than snipers and some pistols) Could have tactical lights on, this would benifit un-experianced players or even experianced players with the night, this needs to happen, Rocket! Add this in!
  2. Nah mate, were all good, mature people, i am the youngest in the group at the age of 16 and a half, i was recently back stabbed (Was alive for a while) it's fine though, i was with anther group then but i came back to my old mates, we will never back stab fellow players that we work with and trust, hope fully it's the same with you guys :>.
  3. speca

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    81. Banditos favorite meal is their victems beans...
  4. speca

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    Ahaha, you sir are very funny!
  5. speca

    No Female Zombies???

    Haha, I think they should spawn in houses..? >:D
  6. speca

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    77. There are no females in Chernarus :
  7. Sounds good, i got 3 other mates of mine that might join, we are looking for a good group to link up with that are decent at the game (Ie, know most of the map, know how to avoid many battles whether it's banditos or zombies) We are Australian/New Zealanders, so if you don't mind playing with a few down under i'll hit you fellas up within a few hours!
  8. This is amazing, you sir are a genuis!
  9. Ok! So, someone whom i used to call my "Friend" is an admin on a server, we used to always play together until today, i had been alive for a month, had amazingly rare gear and he pulls the trigger on me whilst i'm AFK, he then removes me from steam, bans me from his TS and last but not least bans me from his server, surely this is not on? An admin killing and banning the person whom he killed so that the person couldn't get revenge? May i request a ban on this certain player and/or an unban on the server? It is pathetic of this idiot i used to call my "Friend". Surely this kind of behavior isn't tolerated in this community..? (His game name is "Viles" and his server is Nz2 btd) Thank-you for your time. Regards, Auzzii
  10. I can do it in about 4 hours..? :>
  11. Odd..? My mate found it in the NE airfield hanger? It was a while ago, in some random server...
  12. Only thing that could pull that off is either a VERY well placed rocket launcher shot or a jet bomb (Jets are in this game, just VERY VERY VERY rare, my mate found one, he levelled half of Cherno :>.)
  13. speca

    Bandit Group Looking for Members

    I may join you, you see i used to love setting up in Cherno with my M1017 some days and just shooting at the people running into red apartments, i died after being back stabbed but hey, my other mates and i recently all decided to respawn, went to Balota airfield, within the first 10-15 minutes we each had around 5 murders, i may not have an amazingly rare weapon (Ak47 :>) But it gets the job done, hit me up on steam, auzzi5 (Add "A> For Auzzi") I'll be glad to link groups with you if your keen.
  14. I'm laughing at you Viles, i'm proberbly further ahead in life than yu were at the age of 16, i do have a job and for the record mate, i am not some rich child, you don't know me and i don't know you, so how about you bloody grow up and act your age mate... I did, i have forgiven you many times hoping to start a new, sadly you didn't and you kept on giving me shit, i hope you enjoy the rest of your Day Z experiance.
  15. Fair enough, i will accept the ban on your server Viles, i am sorry for the trouble caused.
  16. Requesting topic to be deleted, turns out it just keeps kicking me... Don't know why...
  17. I shall look for the name of the server, everytime i join it says "You have been kicked from server".... Don't know if that's a ban or him just constantly kicking me..
  18. Yes, i can understand that what i am angry about is that he banned me from his server AND the teamspeak server.... That's why i wan't the ban..
  19. Ok! So, someone whom i used to call my "Friend" is an admin on a server, we used to always play together until today, i had been alive for a month, had amazingly rare gear and he pulls the trigger on me whilst i'm AFK, he then removes me from steam, bans me from his TS and last but not least bans me from his server, surely this is not on? An admin killing and banning the person whom he killed so that the person couldn't get revenge? :@ May i request a ban on this certain player and/or an unban on the server? It is pathetic of this idiot i used to call my "Friend". Surely this kind of behaviour isn't tolerated in this community..? (His game name is "Viles" and his server is Nz2-btd) Thank-you for your time. Regards, Auzzii
  20. speca

    Need some help!

    Cheers mate
  21. speca

    Character Wipe with 1.7.2

    :'(, please remind me if i see you on a server to shoot you with my M1017 or FN-FAL with thermal optics..? Anyway, i'm going to shoot some faggot noobs in cherno whilst i can before this is considerd, goobye. [i have been warned for this post - Ubi]
  22. speca

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Awesome job Rocket, when it's possible fix the choppers, they don't spawn on my mates server and i've heard Hulls can't be repaired..
  23. speca


    Just no. What do you think this is? "Zombies in spaaaace"!, NO NO NO NO! NONONOONONONONOONONONO! JUST NO!
  24. speca

    Side Channel

    I think you should only be able to use side chat if you're. A, have a radio (Maybe found on millitay bodies and chopper crashes/barrackses) B, Have a vehicle (My millitary off road has a HAM radio in the middle) So having this gear would let you either use the chat via keys or use your mic (Also players can only hear you if they have a radio as well)
  25. speca

    Character Wipe with 1.7.2

    One word from me... F**k off, i have been alive on this this ONE character for nearly 1 WHOLE month, i got 3 cars, pleanty of weapons and gear and NOT looking to restart because you're crying about getting off the coast...