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Everything posted by speca

  1. Damn, ok... Thanks for the reply Dante.
  2. It's not really that, it's the fact my clans server was being killed by laggy Russians with a ping of around 500! I play from Australia and i get around 350, the white list would allow me to play with my mates, not blocking out little kids.
  3. speca

    The Final Suggestion List

    Five minutes later i died from a brain failure on how stupid this reply was (please also learn how to use grammar and good spelling....)
  4. By god... You're not saying to wear it!!
  5. I just thought it would be a nice realistic idea (If it's even possible to be done with the scripting and all) I would think that being able to shoot out of a van or bus would be a nice feature, it could add an advantage to the people in the car in a situation like being shot at by a group of bandits and instead of hopping out or risking driving away, they could drive as well as shoot making it an even playing field.
  6. I would be friendly but have had some bad experiences with players, i have been back stabbed to many times so now i just player hunt with my clan mates, then again, if someone needs help i sometimes have the forgiveness to give them a hand.
  7. speca

    The Great A-10 Graveyard

    Man, that would have scared the shit out of some low experienced players and experienced players... A-10's flying over your head and crashing..
  8. speca

    I just cant FIND IT!!!!

    Steam is simply a programme for gaming, he gave you a good awnser mate, respect him for it. Also, your grammar and spelling is horrid and because of that i have come to the conclusion that this game does not need another little trigger happy kid, so no, i shall not tell you where to buy it, have a nice day.
  9. Lol...... /insert seems-legit.jpg
  10. I can't seem to locate the "UK13 Hosted by the 51st" server anymore? Damn shame, had sooo much gear/vehicles on it, just wanting to know if it's just me or is it officialy down?
  11. speca

    Thermal scope hax?

    It does? I thought it was Night Vision..?
  12. speca

    Thermal scope hax?

    Thermal? No, impossible to get without spawning one in. The only enhanced scpe is the Night Vision scope, this is on the FN Fal and the L85.
  13. Being a bandit is simply easier than being a survivor whom helps others, for example, you can kill someone whom has gone all the way to NW airfield whilst you spawned in say, Electro, this will give you their gear. This is a minimal effort for you whilst a maximin effort for them. Welcome to being a bandit friend, i hope you enjoy it like i do.
  14. speca

    Few Suggestions

    Love the chopper/millitary idea, and also, Bear Grills can fill his water bottle up with rain :> So why can't we!
  15. speca

    Pro seeking group

    Sounds good to me, hit me up on steam, (auzzi5) i will be on in a few hours (Add "A> For Auzzii") See you soon man, also if it's possible get to NW airfield
  16. speca

    Pro seeking group

    I am pretty good if i were to say myself, just some questions i wan't to ask you. 1, Whats your longest character alive time? 2, Where do you go once you spawn in (New Chacter) 3, What role do you play? 4, What's your current gear Last but no least. 5, How many murders/bandt kills do you have..?
  17. Love it, could also maybe once the player dies to have an option to turn into an infected? Like in "The Walking Dead"? Once you die you become a zombie, i think that would be pretty cool, it maybe takes 5 minutes? So the person that killed you (If you died via player) he/she has a chance to loot you.
  18. speca

    LFG Aussie AEST :)

    I am pretty damn experianced, hit me up on steam, i got a few mates i play with already, you're welcome to join us (auzzi5 should come up with "A> For Auzzii") I'll be in in 40 minutes.
  19. Well in a way, yes, i do have a form of Illiteracy, i have Dyslexia thank-you very much, so how about you go piss off, go to your mother and QQ? It's a game mate, bandits are simply an aspect of it, if you don't like us, don't play.
  20. My GREATEST momment would have to be when i was looting the Balota airfield/medic base, my friend whom was with me said "Errr, mate? We got a red car speeding down the road..?" he was rather confussed, i saw a window of opertunity, we were inside the Medic Base, he came by, i let hell lose with my M249 SAW, my friend shot a few rounds with his M16, there was 4 survivors inside of the vehicle, the driver pretty much shat himself, he crashed into a tree opisite the Medic Camp, the driver was dead, the 3 survivors all hopped out only to face the same fate, the car exploded! Killing the 3 clowns that thought they stood a chance, they had some average gear, the old AKM, M16 the usual, that's my Bandito highlight so far.
  21. speca

    Early warning alarm system

    It would make bases safer and add more realism into the mod, i like this idea. +1
  22. I've just thought of this, i have never seen a female zombie in Day Z...?
  23. speca

    Spray Cans

    My mates and i were just talking about how awesome this would be for exaple you could have a building and have "<- Survivors" or "HELP!" Something like that, it could also make some noobies s**t them self maybe with a red paint saying "Do not enter or die". I would love to see this added
  24. speca

    Trade me a range finder

    What do you have that's worth giving? They are very rare... (I currently have an M249 so i don't want no shitty gear)