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Everything posted by speca

  1. speca

    Trip Flare

  2. speca

    Simple fix to deathmatch?

    Especialy for a first time poster...
  3. speca

    My First murder

    Welcome to the Bandit world brother!
  4. speca

    Remove kill information

    I would like to see more in the detail of the death (When you go up to the body and click the investigate body i forgot what it's called). An example would be "He was an unknown man/woman (Depending on the sex of the player) he/she died of ________ (Bullet wounds, bled out due to bullets, killed by a hatchet, died of hunger/thirst) It would then go into more detail how they died.
  5. Fair enough, i prefer not to camp, i give them an open playing field to fight in, usualy i win. If i get a car maybe i will go up North again..
  6. speca

    DayZ Spawning Unconscious Please Help!

    A respawn fixed it for me.
  7. speca


    Yes, just drop your backpack before doing so, it resets it
  8. Noob? No, i killed a man who had a M4 SD, he fired a whole mag into me (Or near me at least) (I was also in one of the red barns) I returned fire with the M1911 and killed him, an M9SD wouldn't have done that simply because it's weak, you don't head shot in PvP you just hit anywhere on the damn target, you will either break his/hers bones and/or knock them out!
  9. I go near the coast now, kinda sick of NW airfield, Coast is good for hunting but you die a lot (If you're not experianced)
  10. You can be a good bandit with any gun, yesterday i was running 'round Electro, i had my mate over watching with an L85 Thermal, he was spotting out players, i would get them, at the end i racked up around 17 kills before calling it a night, i did this with an Enfield (The best damn gun) I also got some kills with the crossbow (Yet again, amazing), i hate using advanced weapons i like the core weapons. (Woot woot 100th post) Currently my friends and i have crossbows and ghillie suits, we run after players shooting at them with it and yelling at them with wookie sounds..
  11. I'm down, mind PM'ing me some details?
  12. Nope, my M1911 Still one shots, M9SD's are shit, 5 bullet kills, horrid PvP guns.
  13. speca

    Need urgent medical attention

    I'm not helping you simply because you backed out, you're a fucking pussy, you stay and die, people like you ruin the game.
  14. 1) DMR (Incase of fire fight) 2) DMR (20 rounds fast firing, hip fire that bitch) 3) M1911 (DMR will pull way to much, either stash it in a tent and find a crossbow/1887 and use them) My current loadout is M1911, Crossbow (It's a beast once you got 6 rounds, it does 4.4k damage) Mk48 and all the gagets/coyote backpack.
  15. What's the sniper..?
  16. speca

    Are Ghillies/Camo Working?

    Also, it wipes your backpack, drop it either on the ground or in a tent prior to swapping suits.
  17. speca

    An open question to Bandits.

    Mainly that for me as well, it is also just what i do, i am a member of "The Pirates Of Chernarus" Our motto is "We take from the rich and give to the poor" It's basicly what we do. Being a bandit also means better gear, for example i was rampaging on the snipers in Electro with my Enfield (Got 17 kills in total) After getting their gear i went into town, killed people with good gear, gave gear to unarmed players to get them started off.
  18. May i also post a request? Sadly same thing happened to me, lost all my gear (NVG's M16A3, Coyote Backpack, Beans, Map, 6 ish Stanag Rounds, CZ550 with 4 mags)
  19. speca


    If it takes long than 5 minutes click "ESC" If it doesn't respond it means your game has frozen in load screen.