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Everything posted by speca

  1. speca

    Givin an As50 in US #500?

    Lol... Its a hacker who did it to you, poor you lost an akm for an AS50
  2. speca

    Unarmed Grand Theft Auto!

    Lol nice
  3. speca

    Helicopter Take Down!

    Did you get their names?
  4. speca

    Did I just encounter hackers?

    Lol, yes, post the video or no one will believe you..
  5. If the weapons are hacked uns that are not in the game? I would ditch it straight away, you will get called a hacker and even reported on the fourms I someone kills you and finds that shit on you, as for hacked, in game items, well ou can never really tell can you? So for your case, ditch the AS50 in a zombie body and click the hide body option, this will stop any other player from having it...
  6. speca

    Suggestion: DayZ Party/Group system

    No, this game is aimed to e realistic, aside from all the bugs it is realistic, adding this in would prevent the realism that Rocket strives to achieve in this mod.
  7. speca


    I believe the suggestion of a Quiver has been posted, also i think Rocket may add the Quiver in to up the crossbow even more :>
  8. speca

    [VIDEO] How to See At Night

    This kinda ruins the whole realism of the game which Rocket strives for... Nice one man... Want to kill the game anymore?
  9. speca

    US 1040

    I know, there are already posts regarding this server buti would like some reasons to where the server has gone to? I had 3 tents set up with my mate on that server filled with gear! I have tried going on their ts but it's down, could someone from the community please confirm what happend.
  10. speca

    Removal of NVGs and Thermal Scopes

    +1 once you play the campaign you will understand ;)
  11. speca

    Removal of NVGs and Thermal Scopes

    Lol no, just make them a hell lot more rarer...
  12. Maybe M107, NVG's, coyote, rangefinders, tent?, crossbow (it's f**king beast)
  13. I just don't want the mountain dew, they are cursed, every time I pick one up someone in my team dies :<
  14. Nice evidence you got there buddy! Note: Record next time if you want anyone to believe you mate.
  15. speca

    Question to fellow bandits:

    DMR is the only sniper that can use night vision, your range finders can also use night vision by clicking the N key
  16. speca

    Hacked and all my gear replaced

    Sadly you can't get your gear back..
  17. speca

    Good Loot Route for teh Newbies

    Ok, i will set up on the road with my sniper. GG
  18. speca

    Selling 5 Satchel Charges

    Ahah, thank you my friend
  19. speca

    Backstory and Character Expansion

    It would remove the need to hunt for loot would it not?
  20. speca

    Super low FPS and 1% gpu usage

  21. speca

    Selling 5 Satchel Charges

    Are they legit? Duped? Or hacked in...
  22. speca

    Super low FPS and 1% gpu usage

    Must be a server side issue then..
  23. speca

    Servers with high visibility

    Its the weather in he game... Sometimes it's clear sometimes it's not..