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Everything posted by speca

  1. speca

    Hackers are retarded..

    Thanks for this post, there are only 9000 more complaining posts regarding hackers. DayZ ain't DayZ without hackers! Face the truth it's an Alpha!
  2. speca

    Kill Camera

    omg annnn lets add likee 360 quickzscopz an stuff liek ya. omggggg i wan to see whar mah kil3r is so i can get reveng! No mate, this ain't CoD, man up... Dean Hall wants to make this game as realistic as posible, this would just make it a damn arcade game!
  3. speca

    Makarov SD, is it legit?

    Ahah, i wish it was legit! The awnser for your question is no, it is a hacked item.
  4. Guys, i am a bandit but i have values. May i ask some of you who do this, why do you kill un armed players? They mean no threat to you, the have minimal gear, they may even be new to the game! Insted of killing unarmed players i help them, give them gear and teach them the ropes, i suggest you do the same, the bandits that KOS unarmed players give the rest of us bandits a bad reputation. What do my fellow bandits think, can we change the way people view us? Steal from the rich and give to the poor i say! Regards, Auzzii
  5. speca

    Killing unarmed players

    Well, this escalated quickly.
  6. This would make Green Mountain a more cursed place....
  7. speca

    Any players from HAWAII???

    You have posted this three times, same topic, same information, do you mind stopping?
  8. speca

    Snipers poll, what is your main gun?

    SVD, it's nice to use with a Ghillie suit.
  9. speca

    Piss meter

    But i came here to chew gum and kick ass, but i'm all outta gum...
  10. speca

    Hardcore Character Classes

    I am a collingwood supporter BUT YOU SIR DESERVE BEANS!
  11. speca

    Trading bus

    Let the Auction begin! Taking two can of beans, going once-
  12. speca

    Trading bus

    You sir! I Raise your tin can to one can of FULL Heinz Baked Beans!
  13. speca

    killed a player with hacked weapon :o

    Now take his beans!
  14. Two wheels, One engine, One fuel tank, One jerry can and one scrap metal. DO NOT SAY SUCH A THING!
  15. speca

    Killing unarmed players

    This is not a QQ thread, i am simply trying to convince fellow bandits to at least give the un armed players a chance...
  16. speca

    Drinking Mountain Dew at Green Mountain!

    You will unlock the secrets of Green Mountain if you take the Mountain Dew to it, a cannot say anything more as i have sworn a secrecy, i wish you luck on your travels!
  17. End game has been suggested many times but for the first time i actualy support this idea, it would add more lore and a deeper story line into the game, it will also bring players together to survive (I am a bandit). It will make the game more realistic, maybe even add in that zombies start to wander out into the forrests due to lack of food or something, making it harder to construct bases.
  18. speca

    Feign Death

    Yea, nice idea. Hate to always say this but this has been posted a few weeks back, always search for older posts before making a new one about th esame idea/topic.
  19. speca

    Add Fishing?

    I think it would be a nice feature to add in, fishing would add more realism into the game because the fish cannot be eaten by the zombies and would be a realistic aproach for food, it would also add a bigger use for the fishing boats and normal boats, the further you go out the bigger the catch. Post what you think of this idea, thanks fellas.
  20. speca

    Everyone Died 'BattleEye'

    Happens way to often, it's hard to stop with Battleye, it's not very good, sadly there isn't much we can do other than report them, did you get the hackers name?