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Everything posted by Shabadu_
Ta muchly ^_^ I'm going to stick to updating manually now that I know how to do it properly. Easier because I won't get caught out by Six or other Launchers updating or not to differing versions to the servers I frequent!
Have you reinstalled the files since running Six Launcher? Otherwise it'll still be on the downgraded files. I still get graphical glitches, basically no change since I don't always get them and the only thing that works for me is to close the game and start it up again. Flushing and changing video settings only ever seems to make the glitching more intense on my system.
I'm not so sure, I should probably experiment with it but I'm not actually launching the game using that shortcut. I only mentioned it in case I'm missing some important aspect. Never managed to get steam overlay working with Six Launcher and can only make it work by copying the .exe files from the beta folder as mentioned above.
This is for the Steam version of the game, I have Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead. I downloaded the files from the torrent on DayZmod.com and copied them into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@DayZ\addons I then deleted the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta That probably wasn't necessary but it's what I did at the time. Then downloaded the beta from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ unzipped that to my desktop and ran the installer. After that I moved arma2oa.exe and arma2oaserver.exe out of C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead into another folder and then copied the .exe files with the same names from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead Running the game from the newly copied C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\arma2oa.exe seems to be working for me. I've added it as a non-steam game to get the overlay and it's all good. I also added (while trying other methods) -mod=@dayz to the shortcut Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch but I'm not sure if this has anything to do with my game currently running DayZ properly.
No problem with Six Launcher/Updater at my end. Up until now I've used it since I started playing DayZ but it doesn't yet update to so I've not been using it. The only problem that exists with Six Launcher is the fact that while it gets a server list it can sometimes hang up www access for a few seconds. But that's not a big deal for me as I just use it to run the game. That being said, I'm quite happy with my current manual install. Someone mentioned copying the arma2oa.exe from beta to OA folder and now I can get the steam overlay as a non-steam game ^_^
Cool cool ^_^ Sorry for jumping to the wrong conclusion, been a long day lol
I'm confused, are we having an argument? I never denied the fact that there are people who aren't experiencing this problem ^_^ just that the problem still exists. I am very tired right now so forgive me if I've got the wrong idea lol
I updated manually (deleted all dayz mod and beta folders and re-installed using and beta 95819 because Six is doing something wrong and installing and the latest beta for me). Still got the horrible artefacts at Balota airfield, only method that works for me is to restart game, which almost always gets rid of them for the time being. All fiddling with -flush or gfx settings only ever increases the amount of glitching for me. Point is, there is still a problem.
The only problem with the high-end weaponry is the duplication bugs. Without the bugs and the hacks/scripts, they'd be far rarer and more meaningful.
--- Admins Resetting Server * when Member gets shot ---
Shabadu_ replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
There is definately an issue surrounding the admin abuse thing. My friends and I were looking to make our home on a well known server but in one day two incidents occurred. One of the admins got killed and Alt-F4'd after spending hours sniping cherno (or possibly elektro, I forget which). He told the guy who owns the server, in TS (we were there) that he was killed by a hacker and so the server owner killed the server. Said it openly across TS that's what he was doing. It turns out the admin that died most definately was not killed by a hacker but by a couple of guys that just happened to be in the patch of forest he ran through. Even if it were due to a hacker, this would not have been acceptable in my eyes. Second incident, which I'll admit is less clear-cut than the one above, is thus; my friend found a camp belonging to the admins and their friends, I joined the server and went to check it out with him and at the point I was about to hop into their old hatchback I got kicked for a high ping (the guy that kicked me, I have seen with the same ping btw) and then announced that the server was being reset due to high latency. This is the same admin that claimed to be killed by a hacker. By the time I'd managed to get back into the server a couple of people had managed to make it back to the area of the camp (my friend was dicking around on a bicycle and spotted them incoming). I tried to make off in the car but before I reached the road I was sniped. Now that second one may have been coincidental but these things happen all too often in my experience. -
Probably been mentioned before, just thought I'd say something on it though ( because naturally my opinion > all yours ;-P ). Essentially, the mod is a dead-end aside from using it as an experiment in gameplay mechanics etc. The standalone will be far superior because Rocket/team will be able to make changes to the engine (Arma2 engine is as woefully flawed as the OFP engine, even though the game is amazing anyway!). One of these changes I feel, should be in the way that infected are spawning. It doesn't really make any realistic sense to have them only spawn near players. For one thing, it's unrealistic in the general sense, but more importantly what it does is reduce them to an early-warning system. Zombies = people nearby. I'm sure we're all familiar with how to use them to work out where people are/were. They need to have a more generalised way of spawning in and should be spread out across the open areas of the map as well. Naturally they would be fairly few and far between in the open fields and forests, but they should still be around in low numbers unless Rocket is planning on giving them motivations for staying in built-up areas. They don't necessarily have to spawn in the wilderness, I'm just saying that if they were persistent to some degree, then they'd gradually spread out as they wander aimlessly around. Also, the infected shouldn't be spawning specifically in/around buildings. Primarily because it makes more sense for survivors to make use of buildings to live in or create bases from. This will lead to more natural interactions as larger buildings will be more desirable, particularly those closer to high levels of loot. I guess this would also mean changing the way loot spawns as well. I haven't quite been able to figure out a better mechanic for the spawning of the infected or the loot to be honest. I'm not trying to say that it's being done badly or anything either, I just think that it should be different for the game to actually work and create a more natural environment. If the standalone game stays exactly the same as the mod, it won't really evolve beyond a free-form team deathmatch with survival/RPG elements. None of this is by any means a criticism, I'm just pointing out the limitations of the current system and trying to see if anyone has a better way of doing it!
Agreed and fully understood. That's why I say that it's not a criticism, just trying to work out better ways of doing it. Possibly they'll be able to create an optimised engine with better ways of spawning in zombies and loot. Possibly the only real way of freeing up some buildings would be to actually label some that the engine won't spawn zombies inside of. But there is a real problem with the fact that the infected's primary function right now is to give away other player's locations.
I think the zombie aggro does actually have them investigate some sounds before going all kill-crazy. I was crawling near one and realised I had one sound bar, the zombie originally had his back to me. He turned around, shuffled toward me and I quietly slipped away sideways. Zed wandered close to where I was, then turned around and went back the way he came... Was that a coincidence? Or do they now investigate low-level human sounds before aggro'ing?
I looked through the first ten pages of threads and didn't spot a similar one, sorry if this has been covered before. Essentially, I don't like the way the zombies aggro onto players... apparently if you make a noise near them, they instantly lock onto you and chase you down. This seems a little odd because it happens even if they have no line of sight. I would have thought a more realistic system would be to have them move towards sound sources such as footsteps, gunshots, animals, engines etc... whether they move fast or slow would probably depend upon the type of noise. Once they have line of sight to a human player, then I don't see why they can't "lock on" at that stage. I just don't think it's particularly realistic to have them automatically know what it is they're chasing before they see it. They're supposed to be essentially dumb animals. I'm not sure what the limitations with this engine are as far as my suggestion goes, so I appreciate if it doesn't work this way but I wanted to put this out there anyway. Also, from what I can tell this engine is the same as the OFP engine, I thought it had been rebuilt from the ground up? Awful handling of buildings and water and such like :( Not only that but it chugs on my quad-core system and yet looks no better than the original that ran quite comfortably on my old 1GHz Celeron rig!
RAPE - adding an other psychological element
Shabadu_ replied to nudelwalker's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
That is an entirely sickening idea. -
I think the idea of burying your gear makes a lot of sense. Could make suitable boxes fairly rare and burying/digging them up require a shovel. That way tents would still be useful. The only problem might be the fact that this would mean persistent boxes, filling up server inventory. A growing number of extra elements would eventually slow down a server, wouldn't they? Perhaps combating this issue by having the server delete any boxes not accessed within a certain period of time, like a week or two IRL time.
lol rude much? I don't think it would be difficult to do and judging by what has been produced so far Rocket clearly isn't inept. My main point is about the zombies "locking on" based purely on sound and whether or not the engine will allow the sort of behaviour suggested. I'm not sure that the same point has been made before and I didn't see a suitable thread ten pages of threads in (as previously explained) so...
Does no-one blow up helicopters with an RPG anymore? :( I haven't really played Arma2 aside from for DayZ (primarily because my PC hates it, seriously the engine is crap, OFP looked not much worse and runs like Usain Bolt with a hot poker up his backside) and back in the OFP days I used to enjoy swatting helicopters out of the sky with the RPG/LAW ^_^ Also, is the cockpit bullet proof on the helicopter in DayZ? You could just shoot the pilot...
e8elbe='Mr.Clean' pid='132048' dateline='1340012032'] Ive read since like page 25 and up and one post just urked me some guy posted saying "Rocket you really need to better test your updates before rolling them out" Seriously? if you people aren't complaining about how bad the game is lagging your complaining about the patch that stopped the lag yea thats really productive and before that johnny kid comes and collects my tears theres a difference between complains and constructive critisim examples Complaint 0mGZZZZZZZ you N00b Dev Rocket I could make beter game by dick slapping my computer L0L patch suxz l2 code plox Constructive critism Hey Rocket I like the new patch since most lag is gone and the zombies are much more realistic but the new spawn rates are screwed up foods super rare now just giving you a heads up so you can get to work fixing it. see the difference? *Edit* I had a glitch btw I climbed to the top of a fire station tower in cherno as soon as i got to the top I dropped dead the hour glass came up for 1 second then It said I was dead. When I was climbing it I had 5.8k blood I heard no gunshots and no blood was lost when i died and no broken bone icon or bleeding icon. lol the most amusing comment was that he needs to test the patches more thoroughly... I thought that's what WE are doing? It's an alpha isn't it? Testing is what we're doing by playing the game. So many people really fail to grasp this simple concept. Also, I've found I can ONLY make this work with six updater/launcher. Installing it all manually just gives me the battleye script 16 error. There's something that six launcher is updating that I haven't sussed out yet.